The Fellowship of Rugby
Three people meeting for a good old chat. Two class rugby players and their Manager. Where would three rugby players hold such a chat. A brewery of course. West Berkshire Brewery to be exact. In the middle of no where. Perfect. We talked Rugby, we talked life, we talked Rugby. We hadn't seen each other for quite a while. But Rugby transcends down time as if it never existed. It works anywhere in the World
Three hours past like a beam of light passing through. We had no chance to put the World to right. No mention of Brexit, Migrants or the weather. But more important no one on their phone. It was just good old banter. Some great stories, some great memories. We shared it on facebook, we had replies from nine countries. Same stories but different interpretations from different views. I don't know of any other sport that can do this. Totally unique and frankly awesome.