The Feelings of Success: 1st Define the Feelings
Nathan Bush, MBA
Founder | Facilitator | Speaker | Disciple of Leadership Truth. Growth. Impact. Kingdom.
Do you really care? Do you care about the success of your clients, customers, co-works, employees, or family? Have you made "care" one of your business initiatives?
This week I learned there are two different definitions for the word "care." The noun "care" and the verb "care." The verb means: feel concerned or interested in; attach importance to something. The noun: the provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something.
Today many businesses act as if they don't "care (The verb)." However many of the most successful businesses long term could point to "care (the noun)" in example after example as to why they are successful. I might even argue that noun "care" could replace the word success.
The verb "care' is a powerful feeling. How many times have you heard someone say I don't care?
When people do not care they feel lost, lonely, confused, anxious, and stressed.
How do you create a feeling of "care" in your organization? According to Dr. Susan Grenwald in her book Designing and Creating a Culture of Care,
- Step 1 is defining and organizing the language of care.
- Step 2 is including "care" in performance reviews.
- Step 3 intentionally planing "care" in meetings.
- Step 4 Including the care language in internal and external marketing communications.
- Step 5 Define for everyone what "care" is not.
"Care" is an intention, initiative, and a way of being. This is so important in business.
This care can be understood by understanding your mood. What is your mood lately? What kind of mood have you been in? Your mood is so important to pay attention too. You can regulate your mood by regulating your emotions. Stress causes our moods to fluctuate. Stress can be the one thing that causes you to have hardships in your relationship. If you want things to improve start with first thing in the morning paying attention to how you feel.
Set your intention for your feelings. You should feel as if you have a great marriage. Hold the feelings in your mind as though you have a great marriage and feel that way first. Visualize what that great marriage looks like, feels like, exactly what makes you whole.
Visualize like spots players do, dream of winning the championship. How they would visualize every play, every pass, every breath. Visualize this with intense feelings. Hold those feelings as long as you can throughout your day.