Feelings Can't Be Put Into a Box
There’s a lot of talk about how people can’t be put into a box. It goes without saying that no two people are exactly the same, there is no person that is going to match a personality type or category 100%. Hence, no box.?
What doesn’t get talked about is how often people try to put their feelings into a box. This is a tricky - the fact that it even happens only shows up when you can’t explain how you feel or when you can’t decide how to feel
Have you experienced the sensation of not knowing how to put your feelings into words??
Have you ever felt the need to solidify what your feelings even are and slide them into one category or another?
Not being able to put feelings into words is much more common than you might think. Quite frankly, it’ll never fully go away. Feelings and emotions are energies that go beyond the physical and go beyond the limitations of language. That’s perfectly okay. It’s also completely beautiful.?
The need to decide how you feel comes up in complex emotional situations. Sometimes things happen that have multiple aspects and layers, so you might feel different vibes of different emotions about the various pieces of the same situation. Or person. This exact thing is what makes it clear that there is often a drive to put feelings into a box - people who experience these multi-layer, complex emotional situations often judge themselves or feel dissatisfied until they can put a label on their feelings.?
If any of the above has happened to you, it’s okay. The human experience is an adventure, not a walk in the park.?
If you find yourself in an emotional situation that you’re not sure how to handle, the best way to go about it is to step back to simplicities. What you’re feeling is an energy, or multiple energies. These things all existed before languages were invented. How you feel is more basic than words themselves.?
After stepping back, simply express for the sake of expressing. What that could look like has as many variations as there are people in the world. Whether it’s vocal or not, whether that means singing, yelling, dancing, writing, painting, running, being still, anything, just get it out. That will allow you to actually process what’s going on.?
Know that what you’re feeling is perfectly valid. Address yourself and your feelings with love.?
Be who you are and feel what you feel. You are bigger and grander than any box and any label, always remember that.?