The Feeling of Vujà De
The Timothy Group
The Timothy Group advances Christian organizations by implementing fundraising and capacity building strategies.
Déjà vu is a French term for the intuitive feeling you have when you see or experience something familiar—like you’ve already seen or experienced it before. Organizational guru, Karl Weick describes Vujà De as the opposite feeling, “I’ve never been here before, I have no idea where I am, and I have no idea who can help me.” Feeling like you don’t know what you’re doing is one of the most frustrating feelings in the world. Joshua must have felt this as he prepared to enter the Promised Land. His mentor, Moses, was gone and the Lord chose him to lead Israel into the Promised Land. Perhaps God is calling you to a new ministry or to lead your current ministry into uncharted territory. Learn these three lessons from Joshua.
I’ve Never Been Here Before
You may be a rookie with no prior experience to draw on for your new assignment, or you may be a veteran with years of battle scars. Either way you must view your opportunity with fresh eyes. Some people boast of their fundraising experiences saying, “I have twenty years in development.” While this may be true, consider your new opportunity a chance to walk by faith, not to replay the greatest hits of the past. Determine to learn and grow personally and professionally through each new challenge.
I Have No Idea Where I Am
In the dark ages before GPS, we used to print off donor trip itineraries. These pre-phone maps would show your destination, but not where you were. Now, the little blue dot pinpoints your location. The same is true when it comes to your fundraising strategies. We know what the final goal is, but we are not sure where we are or what next steps to take. Consider conducting a development audit to assess your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges to get an accurate understanding of where you are currently.
I Have No Idea Who Can Help Me
Joshua didn’t have Karl Weick’s problem of not knowing who could help. The Lord had promised to help him, “No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Josh. 1:5). The Lord also promises to be with you as you start your new ministry. Solomon taught, “Plans are established by seeking advice; so if you wage war, obtain guidance” (Prov. 20:18). As you begin your new assignment, seek the counsel of a trusted friend, another ministry colleague, or a fundraising professional. You’ll be glad you did.
Think About This: Are you trusting in my fundraising experience to bring you success, or are you trusting in God? Who will receive glory if you succeed?
Response: Father, I’m facing something I’ve never faced before. I praise you for being in complete control. Please help me trust you and not my own understanding.