Feeling Stuck
Yesterday I was feeling, I don’t know, really stuck, things are actually going quite well in life and I am having some amazing and powerful conversations with leaders, visionaries presidents, and directors of companies. Yet here I was not really sure what was missing. Everything’s going great why in the world am I stuck!?
And then a question came to mind “What’s one thing I’m doing wrong, that I can fix?”?
That’s a powerful question, but what’s the bloody answer. I’m a huge proponent of doing things with intention. That even eating a meal with the intention of taking the time to enjoy every bite, and enjoy the conversation with the person I am with makes the meal that much better. I’m not saying I do that every time but it is my intention.?
So, I took on this question, what is one thing I’m doing wrong, that I can fix with that intention? I decided to fast (not eat) until I had the answer. Now there are benefits to intermittent fasting but that’s up to a health expert to go into. No, I choose fasting this time and I frequently do it because it is the easiest way I know to tell God, my inner self that this matters, and I really want an answer.??And it seems like then I give that caveman part of my brain that message it shuts up so it can eat sooner and an answer comes to me. And this was no exception.?
At the beginning of my career as a life and business strategist over 35 years ago, a mentor and my own coach said to me that the best way to get someone to realize something is to ask questions. Part of what I do is solve and overcome inner battles with joy, warmth, and compassion, so how do I ask those questions to help understand their own inner battles? That is what I came to realize was missing for me.?
????????????One thing I was doing wrong was that I forgot one really important thing. Working with highly successful people, people that if I told you who they are you would say they don’t need a coach look what they have done.?
????????????I’m going to digress for one moment. Recently I was asked who would I work with and transform their life if I could work with anyone. It took me a fraction of a second to answer because it’s someone I’ve been thinking about for years. Robin Williams. A man I feel like I grew up with from Mork and Mindy in the late 70s to his stand-ups, and movies. Robin was everywhere and touched every part of me as I’m sure he did with you.??
????????????It’s easy to look at Robin, John Belushi, or there was a famous singer that shaved her head not in what felt like as a symbol but out of feeling lost. It is so easy to look at them from the outside and say wow, I wish I had their money, their success. They have it all!?
So what did I come up with…well as I was laying in bed I like to look at Instagram, the people I follow always have inspiring and wonderful things to show and say. With the question in mind “What’s one thing I’m doing wrong, that I can fix?”?
I went to the next slide and there was a quote:
Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.
Now it was actually Brad Meltzer that originally said that. But for me, as I speak with these amazing, powerful, successful, and wonderful people what was stopping me was that it is all too easy to forget that “Everyone I meet is fighting their own battle”. It may not look like it from the outside but we all that some sort of battle that we have within us.?
When we don’t “move headlong into the breach” as the quote goes we lose and those around us lose and there is no sorrow greater than losing someone because they feel they have nothing else to do but to take their own life. And that doesn’t have to be death, they may be doing it by drugs, or alcohol or even being a workaholic.?
Now when we take the time and energy to confront the battle we win! And whatever we are doing life is better, there is more joy and more happiness. We feel inner peace and fulfillment.?
Some think this might take away their edge, they might lose their success and power. When you win your battle like Queen Elizabeth, Oprah, Walt Disney, Andrew Carnegie, Steve Jobs, and I suspect Elon Musk you become even more powerful.?