Feeling stuck?
Mary Robinson Reynolds, M.S.
I help teachers, parents, and administrators turn around problematic behaviors in 30 seconds or less, more times than not. I teach Energetics of Behavior to accelerate learning in every single student!
Want to make a real difference?
Take on this 30-day challenge and watch your influence grow.?
There are about 30 days left in this school year! ?
Are you ready to make a lasting difference in the world but not sure where to start?
Well, I've got a Thursday TurnAround assignment that will ignite a spark within you and help you become the difference maker you were meant to be.
We all know that it takes thirty days to develop a new habit, so why not start with something simple?
How about acknowledging three people a day for the next thirty days? It may sound easy, but trust me, it can be a game-changer.
I know, I know, you may be thinking, "But Mary, why should I do this?"
Well, let me tell you a little story.
I once had a counselor who challenged me to touch three people a day for thirty days. It was tough at first, but it completely transformed my life. Whether it was a tap on the back or a touch on the arm, the simple act of physical connection made a world of difference.
But hey, if you're not comfortable with physical touch, that's okay too. You can acknowledge people in other ways. A simple smile, a kind word, or an energetic acknowledgment can also have a powerful impact.
Click here to watch.
So, for this week's TurnAround assignment, I challenge you to verbally acknowledge three people a day. I guarantee you'll start to see a transformation take place in your life and your circle of influence.
We're entering the Season of Celebrations, so let's celebrate each other's accomplishments, goals, and dreams. It's about creating a community where it's safe for all of us to live, produce, grow, and celebrate.
So, are you ready to ignite a spark within yourself and become the difference maker you were meant to be? I know you are! Let's do this!
This week's TurnAround is this:? let's challenge ourselves to reach out and acknowledge 3 people daily.? Be willing to be amazed at what happens!
Trust me when I say it's life-changing!