Feeling Stressed?  Get Outside.

Feeling Stressed? Get Outside.

Are you an outside person???

I’m not normally.? Except for when I’m feeling overwhelmed and stressed.??

I especially like being outside right before the sun rises and right before it sets.? There is a very peaceful and calming quality in nature during those two times of the day that really help me feel at ease.? Come to find out, there’s a reason for that!? Today I’m sharing why it’s important to spend time in nature, especially when you are feeling overwhelmed and anxious, and simple outdoor techniques you can do to reduce your stress and feel more grounded within minutes.????

The Importance of Nature

According to Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, in order to be in harmony with your mind, body and spirit, you must learn to live in balance with nature.? Ayurveda believes that we are all interconnected - just as we are a part of nature, nature is a part of us.? For example, have you ever noticed in summer that you might get overheated or feel more impatient and angry?? Or in spring that you might feel more lethargic and heavy with a cloudy mind?? Or maybe you experience dry skin and more anxiety in the winter?? This is because the elements in nature directly impact those same elements that make up our mind-body constitution.? Our well-being and the environment around us are intimately linked.? When we spend time in nature, it’s like we are returning home to our true nature as well.??

Multiple studies have been conducted that show time in nature is an antidote for stress.? It can lower your blood pressure and stress hormone levels, slow down your nervous system, increase your self-esteem, reduce your stress-level, reduce feelings of isolation and improve your mood.? And, it makes us step away from our computer screens and smartphones, which we all know contribute to our increase in stress and overwhelm thanks to all the dinging and notifications.??

But what I love most is that spending time outside also reminds us that we are more than just our physical and mental body - we are part of something bigger than just ourselves.? When we remember this, our worries and fears tend to diminish and we start to feel a greater sense of community and stronger feelings of belonging.??

The Power of Dusk and Dawn

There is something very powerful about dawn and dusk.? Ayurveda believes that’s because those are the two times of day when the energies of nature are most balanced.

According to Ayurveda, our mental and emotional nature are governed by the qualities found in sattva, rajas, and tamas.? Sattva is considered the true and balanced state of mind while rajas and tamas contain qualities that can cause our minds to be out of balance.??

Sattva is considered the true nature of the mind. The qualities include harmony, balance, peace, ease, grace, truth, light and order.? A Sattvic mind is clear and peaceful.? It is the nature state - our true self.??

Rajas nature has qualities of movement, activity, stimulation, enthusiasm and chaos.? Rajas is most predominant when you are alert and have a curious mind.? Rajas qualities get us moving in the morning and keep us active throughout the day.? Too much rajas can show up as desire, wanting, craving, overthinking, overdoing, and can eventually lead to feeling depleted and overwhelmed.??

Tamas nature has qualities of inertia, darkness, dullness, heaviness and lethargy.? Tamas helps us feel more stable and has qualities of steadiness and endurance.? Tamas helps us wind down at night and rest and restore during sleep.? Too much tamas can show up as cloudy thinking, stubbornness, lacking willpower and generally feeling stuck, which can lead to sadness and depression.??

When these principles are applied to a 24 hour period, rajas energy supports the daytime while tamas energy supports the night.? And the two times of day where these two energies overlap, the qualities of the day become balanced.? You might notice water in a lake becomes smooth at these times, there is the perfect amount of light and the general energy in the air feels steady and calm.??

When I am feeling very overwhelmed and anxious, I feel the most grounded when I get outside and focus my attention to the present moment during dusk and dawn.? I almost immediately feel an increase of peace and order while increasing my happiness and overall well-being.??

Tips for Reducing Stress While in Nature

So now that you know getting in nature is important to your overall health and well-being, what exactly are you supposed to do while you are out there?

The answer?? It depends!?

If you like to hike, swim, mountain climb or ride your bike, these are all great activities to do in nature.? Or maybe you are a ski bum and love to ice skate in the winter.? But if you are anything like me and don’t really “like outside”, here are a three really quick and easy ways to improve your overall well-being while getting in nature.?

  1. Take three deep breaths.? Stand on your back porch or front deck and take three slow, long and deep breaths.? Notice the quality of the air as it enters and exits your lungs.? Feel the air on your face as you notice the weight in your feet.?
  2. Use your 5 senses to focus your awareness. ? Stand on your back porch or front deck and look for three things to focus your attention on.? What do you see?? What do you hear?? What do you smell?? My favorite is to find a single tree bud or leaf and really focus on the texture, size and color.??
  3. Take off your shoes and step on the grass.? Energy flows where your awareness goes.? Get your bare feet on the grass and shift your weight from side to side. Notice the temperature of the ground, the texture of the grass and the weight of your body as you connect to the earth. Spend a few minutes wiggling your toes and digging in a bit more.??

So there you have it!? You now know why it’s important to get in nature to help balance your energy, feel more grounded and improve your overall health and well-being.? These practices are not about getting rid of your overwhelm or stress but more about learning how to reduce your suffering so you can go about your day with more clarity, ease and grace.??

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