Feeling stale and jaded - update your brand.
Manfred Clive Cohen - Designer
Graphic designer at Australian Pacific Touring Pty. Ltd.
Relationships can become stale, jaded, and taken for granted. It takes work, commitment, and love to keep them healthy. The relationship you have with your business can be similar. How often have you heard the words, “married to your business” uttered? Even if you are married to your business, over the years one’s business can become stale, jaded, and taken for granted.
At Blue Square Creative, we face this challenge – we need to keep up with the ever-changing environment of business. Not taking things for granted, looking for ways to improve, and enhance. If you have visited our website over the years, I am sure you noticed it was in need of a refresh and brand improvement. It had become stale and jaded. We had taken our eye off an important area of our business. It didn’t affect our quality of work, but it didn’t do that work justice. So, we have not only refreshed the website, and we welcome Philip Hammond to the team.
Bringing Philip on board has given our copywriting component a great boast. He brings over 25 years of sales, and creative writing experience, adding immense value to our services.
His input to our website is very evident.
Friends, after many months of hard work, changing minds, changing colours, changing words, and robust discussion, we feel satisfied. Not only have we changed the look, and feel, we have introduced new product.
One such product is Dimense Printing. This product is just stunning. It prints and embosses in one process. Not only in any colour, but any design that you can come up with. Size is no problem either.
Importantly this product is green, and safe. No toxic smells or fumes, just a wonderful addition to any décor.
Go to our website www.bluesquarecreative.com.au and view the videos… you won’t be disappointed.
With these changes, and improvements, we really look forward to teaming up with you in 2021, making it a great year for all.
Mannie Cohen - 0425 733 563 | [email protected] Philip Hammond - 0416 087 400 | [email protected]
Ps: We will be introducing an E-Magazine in the near future. Costs nothing – register with your email address.