Feeling spooked by restaurant bankruptcies? Control your labor costs
You know what's spookier than ghosts and ghouls? The headlines lately.
With rising operational costs, changing consumer habits, and economic uncertainty, restaurant bankruptcies are on the rise, and a lot of business owners are scared they might be next.??
But instead of living in fear, you can take control. Here are some tricks (and a few treats) to help you avoid becoming a horror story.?
Don't let overtime eat your profits: Track worker hours in real-time and automate shift scheduling so you can avoid paying out costly overtime.
Missed clock-outs = missed money: Integrate your time clock and payroll to ensure you're only paying for hours worked.
100% full-time is 100% a bad idea: Mix in seasonal and part-time workers to avoid overstaffing.
Don't let the headlines give you nightmares. With the right tools and strategies, you can keep your business thriving—no exorcism needed. Get more tips in our latest blog post on Workstream by our Operator-in-Residence and franchise veteran, Jeff Weinstein .
Indeed, the challenges facing the restaurant industry are significant. It's crucial to adopt proactive strategies for resilience. What specific measures have you found most effective in controlling labor costs while maintaining service quality?
It's a challenging time for the restaurant industry, but resilience is key. Adaptation strategies and controlled costs can truly make a difference. What has been your biggest challenge in implementing these strategies?