That feeling of “there is something here”…
Manshi Low
I help technical leaders navigate market changes & complexity to strong sales and team growth | Market Reality Check & Sales Alignment | MIT Engineer translating sales goals to sales confidence ??
Let’s talk about that niggling vague feeling. The one you can’t seem to shake off. Or shake away. Or dismiss for too long.
“I’ve always wanted to write.”
“I’m an introvert. I connect well with words.”
“I’ve always wanted to be outdoors.”
“I’ve always dreamed of having my own business.”
“I’d loooooooove to cook like that.”
“I wish I could just pack up my bags and go travel.”
“I’ve been wanting to do this for years.”
Some of us would have already done it the moment that the urge came up. For the many of us (myself included), we just kept pondering away, keeping whatever-it-is at bay, or just ignore it a bit longer.
What if you took a longer peek?
If you have always wanted to <write or insert your thing>:
What if you stayed with that niggling feeling a second longer?
If you have been wanting to do <this> for years:
This niggling vague feeling has most probably been with you for a while. You may have remembered that fateful event that created it — being delightfully transported to a new world you never thought would exist for you at the age of 38 (thank you J.K. Rowling). Or you may not. Or you may have dabbled in it when you were younger. Jumping feet in — without a care in the world. And then “sobered up” when you got older. Or you may have googled something somewhat related somewhat similar to that vague feeling just last week. And that feeling is STILL here!
Some people call this niggling vague feeling:
For those who ventured in and explored their desires, they usually feel this sense of lightness, this sense of ease. At times, it can even become a part of their purpose, careers or businesses.
I believe we are all born artists. Our brush strokes, the medium we prefer, our artistic vision are all unique different. That specific desire to create or to connect is always on, always in us. You may desire to write. She may desire to be close to animals. They may desire to build businesses. That desire is as unique as your owning the uniqueness of your fingerprints. It is simply a given.
If you have a day job, (kids) and this niggling vague feeling, I invite you to stay with the feeling a bit longer today.
P.S. Believe it or not, knowing what pulls you in is one of the simplest ways to know if you are on your “right” track to your career pivot.
P.P.S. Comment below “YES” or “NO” if this niggling vague feeling seems familiar to you. Your nudges guide me in breaking down the mystique of career clarity!