Feeling Sleepy??
We sleep every day but still, there are things that we don’t know about sleep. Let’s know some fun and relatable facts about sleeping.
1. One-third of a human’s life is spent sleeping-
Yes, it is true. But it is totally natural and recommended for a human to sleep for 7-9 hours a day. This sleep helps improve our body’s immunity system, the healing power and reduces the risk of heart attacks.
2. We humans are the only mammals who delay our sleep intentionally-
A giraffe needs only 2 hours of sleep in a day but the brown bat needs 20 hours a day.
3. Remember what you dreamt about last night?
This is also natural that you forget 50% of your dream within 5 minutes of waking up. Sleep scientists say that every human has 4-6 dreams every night and if you think you are not having these dreams, then the chances are that you have just forgotten your dreams.
4. How about some sleep jargons?
· Dysania is the state when you don’t feel to get out of bed in the morning.
· Somniphobia is said to be the fear of sleeping.
· Hypnic Jerks is the state when you feel like falling down in sleep and you wake yourself up with a jerk.
Many individuals have the problem of insomnia. But we were not aware that not only humans but animals and insects are also affected by insomnia. We usually think that if we sleep a little less than the recommended 7-9 hours’ sleep, we can compensate for it the other day by sleeping 1-2 hours more. But the studies suggest that it is not practically possible to compensate for sleep on the other day.