The best words you will ever hear,

After months of working in the shadows

Is someone say you have changed.

Walk with me as I show you the power of those few words.

The year is 2025.

It is a warm sunny day.

The skies are clear and the breeze is cool.

You look at the day and decide to go out to talk a walk.

You have no specific location,

You just want to enjoy the weather and walk with the feeling of bliss in your body.

You can't help but laugh a bit as you remember exactly an year ago how life was.

The feeling of being lost and undecided.

The feeling of not knowing what is right for you.

The feeling of being overwhelmed and confused.

As you walk down the road letting your body just walk,

A left turn here and a right turn there,

Maybe even two more left turn before you make another right,

All this time you are lost in your head,

Reminiscing and smiling to yourself.

At some point those memories turned into motivation to strive for more.

And then you hear something.

A sound, no, a voice maybe.

The voice begins to become clear and then you come back to reality.

"How far have I walked?" you ask yourself.

That is how long you were enjoying yourself without a care in the world.

Suddenly, you hear the voice again.

This time is right behind you.

So you take a step forward and cautiously look back.

It's her.

It's someone you knew from months ago.

She's looking at you quizzically almost like she super happy and full of questions.

And the conversation begins.

She is lost beyond words.

Her memory of you is different.

Right now you have a different aura.

You carry yourself differently.

All this leads to her saying you have changed.

She's trying to figure out, 'who is this person in front of me with a face I know but completely different. '

She doesn't know about the days and nights of failed attempts.

She doesn't know about how much personal development you had to go through.

Even worse she doesn't know that you are just beginning.

This journey,

Your journey,

Has just began.

She goes on and on about how you've changed and how things have been.

As she now joins you in your walk, you're think she wasn't bad looking.

She's good.

So you stop her right at her tracks and ask to go out for a coffee,

A real chance for you to see whether this is a relationship worth continuing.

But you don't say that, you say you want to catch up.

So she takes your number and she suddenly remembers she had other things to do.

Now your back.

Your back to yourself, your thoughts and your walk.

You take a look up to the sky and can't help but smile.

You take a deep breath and look around.

And all you can think about is how beautiful the day is and how grateful you are.

You are grateful for how far you've come and the far your about to go.

Since you were already brought back to the present,

You decide to go check on your new friends.

A social circle of people who keep each other motivated and always competing.

You actually have an adoration for this crew.

Boys and girls who won't stop until they have what the are aiming for.

So you spend a couple of hours with them.

Laughing, joking, making plans and memories.

As the end of the afternoon slowly approaches you take a leave and go back home.

Home to your place.

Your house.

Your dojo, Your Zen.

You lock the door and right on cue, your phone starts to ring.

"oh yeah, I left my phone."

You were supposed to go for a short walk and come back.

You get to your phone and it's a new number

And being the crafty person you are,

You know that that exact line being called private but public.

So it is either a close business call or someone who might know you.

So you pick up and on the other side it's the girl's voice.

She goes on to talk and tell you how it was nice to meet you and she looks forward to going out for coffee.

So you set up the date and tell her what time to come and be dressed a certain way.

The call ends and you look at your messages and respond to them as you walk to the kitchen.

You go ahead to preparing your late evening lunch.

And the only thought in your head is, today has been a good day.

This is a story about you and me

A story about how an year can make such a huge difference because we were dedicated and relentless.

And now we get to live our ideal days and work on projects and gigs that interest us.

As I conclude this, all that I pray for you dear reader is for you to also get to experience the same.

A day where you are blissful and happy.

Focused and dedicated, yes but also blissful and happy.

I've been your host,

Yours Storytelling,

Waithaka Kamau

Good morning, Good afternoon, Good Evening, and Goodnight.

P.S. Dear ladies, this can happen to you too. Change the girl into a guy or whatever pleases your pallet.


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