Deborah S. Howell
Trauma-Informed Support for Frontline Professionals to Rebuild and Restore Health I Self-Mastery & Empowerment I Bridging Science & Spirituality I Heart Intelligence Coach, Mentor, Facilitator, Author, Speaker, Veteran
I believe we can agree that the value of trust is priceless, and that trust goes hand-in-hand with a felt sense of safety. This felt sense of safety in our healthcare environment impacts health, safety, and financial outcomes, and most importantly, the patient experience. Creating a safer environment for our patients and workforce requires that we invest in building a culture of trust and that begins by valuing our most precious healthcare resource, human capital.
I have heard many times from patients and families who have stated, “I didn’t know” or “I didn’t realize,” after a health-related decision had been made and something unexpected or undesirable occurred. More recently, the most concerning statement that I’ve heard a few times since Covid is, “I feel safe with you.” Consider that statement for a moment, “I feel safe with you.” ?What does that really mean? We are naturally wired for survival so how does that feeling play out in a person’s body, a healthcare environment, in any work environment when there is fear, uncertainty, or a perceived threat of some sort? How does that statement support healing and recovery, and various aspects of safety?
WHY should you CARE?
Research Shows That There is A Direct Link to Self-Care in Healthcare:
“There is a growing agreement that the health and safety of patients is inextricably linked to the health and safety of those who care for them.”
(Loeppke et al, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Aug. 2017)
There are mental, emotional, and physical costs associated with professional caregiving. Prior to Covid, we had issues with stress and burnout amongst our health care professionals. Post Covid, there are increased concerns about the health and safety of our patients and healthcare workforce. How can we address the rising mental and emotional health challenges of our professionals and create a caring, competent, and sustainable workforce to effectively manage the ever-growing complexity of patient care?
To effect sustainable behavioral change, we start by opening our perspective to create awareness and then be willing to face the truth and do better. An organization’s culture is often a direct reflection of its leadership’s values, beliefs, and actions. Such leaders are models whose presence affects the environment and communicates both verbally and non-verbally to staff and other individuals who observe and interact in the same space. Healthcare leaders are critical to creating a positive work culture, influencing the dynamics of daily operations and interactions, and facilitating a safe and supportive environment where all people feel genuinely cared for and valued.
Promoting and sustaining a healthy, positive, and safe environment requires everyone’s commitment and participation. The combined efforts of leadership and staff form the care team and together create the workflow, influence the experience, and facilitate safety.
Working on the mental and emotional intangible aspects associated with professional caregiving is vital to one’s sanity and the sustainability of quality care performance and safety for all practicing health professionals and leadership within the organization which ultimately impacts healthcare delivery and the entire healthcare environment.
Covid has left us with an unforgettable set of experiences yet offers us a prime-time opportunity to do differently and do so much better. We have an opportunity to explore and engage in positive and enlightening experiences that are supportive of post traumatic growth after the chaos, grief, loss, and devastation that so many health care professionals faced during the pandemic. Granted, technological advances have allowed us to have greater efficiencies with many aspects of healthcare deliverables, however, nothing compares or substitutes for the inherent value of human care and healing potential through human touch and presence along the continuum of care.
As an enduring empath and veteran physical therapist, I am no stranger to self-care and emotional health struggles. Within the first decade of my clinical practice, my health and livelihood started to take a downward spiral, deep into depletion and dismay without me seeing it coming. The road to reclaiming my health and livelihood required me to be open to a new perspective and make several changes that would allow me to enjoy and sustain my ability to practice. There is much to fill in for this period, as I had to learn a new way forward, open to new beliefs and knowledge, and acquire a new skillset, one that would serve me and the patients I would care for. I now live and serve feeling inspired, and having experienced thirty years in a profession, I can absolutely express my joy and gratitude for the opportunity to have served in ways that have been deeply fulfilling and have benefited thousands of patients I have worked with over these decades. This path has led me to becoming a strong advocate for the health, safety, and wellbeing of our healthcare and frontline professionals and patients, and the leadership in organizations that support them.
Are you ready to experience a new level of being and serving in the world, to uplift and elevate your influence and impact that leads to business growth and development, and desirable outcomes? We explore an inside out perspective of caring for yourself as you care for others. Discover how the inner workings of your team’s individual and collective physiology impact your environment, patient experience, and overall outcomes. Learn practices and strategies that help to effectively manage stress, improve communication, and enhance organizational morale and performance.
Dr. Deborah Howell is the Founder and CEO of Victory in Action, a veteran owned business specializing in Heart Conscious Leadership and Empowerment, and Emotional Resilience training. “Dr. Deb” Howell is a Veteran Physical Therapist of 30 years who teaches and practices from an Integrative and Trauma-Informed approach to mental and emotional health, and well-being. She is a Chronic Care Professional Health Coach, Life Coach and Wellness Consultant, a HeartMath? Trauma-Sensitive Practitioner, Inner Journey Facilitator, International Speaker, Best-Selling Author, & Navy Veteran.
Visionary Healthcare Leaders in organizations ready for transformational success both personally and professionally can Direct Message me on LinkedIn to schedule your complimentary consult.
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