Feeling overwhelmed? Me too.

Feeling overwhelmed? Me too.

Building projects is challenging.

You are pulled to multiple different things all at once, and you feel your input is required every step of the way to deliver the vision you have for your projects. And many times being in a new space (in this case, NFTs, web3 & the crypto-verse!) it gives you an insane overwhelming feeling that is difficult to describe; its more like a thousand beats running through your chest with no end and a barrage of new tasks / works to do complete!

So I've decided to just list down a few tips / tricks that I've learned (constantly learning as well!) on how to get through it!

The highway doesn't have a speed limit; but it doesn't mean you have to. Slow..down. Most of us move at a much faster space than what is necessary and this isn't exactly beneficial. Start practicing to take your time when your driving, eating, talking - just the normal tasks we do everyday. Try to remind yourself constantly to slow down - maybe a reminder on your calendar on your phone - get this to support yourself. Or reach out to your loved ones - this can be extremely helpful.

Do things one at a time. I know this is extremely difficult; especially for builders - we feel that we need to do everything at once; I gawk when I see my calendar on multiple meetings, discussions, brainstorms and although in the early days it may have validated my position in Livescape and the value that I bring to the company, I've now realised that multitasking is inhumanely possible. If we are able to complete these tasks, it's not to the full potential of what we can actually achieve focusing on the task at hand. How I've been able to ensure I am more focused is by setting 'time blocks' that allows myself to fully immerse into the work I am doing, and I use lunch, a walk, workout or a catch-up as a 'break' in between those time blocks.

So far? good.

The experience is what matters most - not what it represents. The focus on the experience allows us to really absorb the feelings that come associated with it. Imagine accomplishing something that you really wanted to achieve, and the adventure fun and freedom that comes with it - and the self respect. We always have to remind ourselves what is truly fulfilling instead of what can only be temporary - social media likes, a new car, shopping, etc. Don't get me wrong, who doesn't like a new car? But if you are obsessed with getting a new car because you saw someone on instagram have it that will change the reasons you wanted to get there in the first place, and you won't be able to experience the much deeper fulfilment that comes from giving your soul the love, care and attention it needs. Distinguish what is necessary and what is desirable, and if doesn't contribute to deepening your quality of life experience; simply say no. Use it as way to carve out more time for yourself that you can devote to get more rewards. More isn't necessarily better. Focus on things that can enhance the quality and not the quantity of your experiences and you are on the right track, buddy.

You do not need to have it all. Your needs, fundamental needs are limited. Desires, on the other hand is like a black hole - it is endless and can consume you. If you try to fulfil every desire you have and fulfil the impulses for immediate gratification you will ultimately end up where you started; this simply leads to you wanting more. But if you prioritise, it will enable you to let go of the others that don't fulfil your needs. When you prioritise, it means you remove the desirable intentions and allow you to focus on the things that matter to you.

Mindfulness - being present in our lives and not thinking about the past or the future is an extremely rewarding habit to get. It removes the need to think 10 steps ahead or regret the decisions you've made before; it allows you to fully immerse what you are doing right now in that moment and most importantly be happy in that moment and enjoy the pleasures that come with it. There have been moments when I'm on It's The Ship and I turn of my radio to speak to a shipmate, watch a performance or even just to have some food and soak it all in. It's magical.

What's more important? Relationships or possessions? You already know the answer. Quality relationships is the most important - invest your time and energy in working on the skills that require you to cultivate relationships. I have an amazing bond with my childhood friends, friends from school, my colleagues at work and I do my best to relay the same qualities to business associates, investors and potential partners. This ultimately will bring a much higher level of fulfilment in your life, and also ensure that you do spend your time creating the right relationships as well.

When was the last time you closed your eyes to smell a cup of coffee? Most times builders forget to savor the moment - we are instead taking what we have in front of us as expected and we move on to conquer the next challenge. If we take time to pause, fill your awareness with what is in front of you believe me that your mind and body will thank you for it. That 5 seconds of being present will allow you to REALLY smell that coffee.

Have Gratitude as your attitude.

I cannot stress this part enough! Deeply appreciating what we have instead of what we lack / desire ensures that we are counting the blessings we have right now. I am extremely grateful to be able to come into the Livescape office and build our projects with like minded people every single day. I can go home to a family that loves me for who I am, and I have close friends that look out for me. And I am always happy to connect with new like-minded people from around the world that wants to build with us!


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