Feeling Like Bambi on LinkedIn: Embracing the LinkedIn Aura ????

Feeling Like Bambi on LinkedIn: Embracing the LinkedIn Aura ????

Have you experienced the unmistakable feeling of stepping onto LinkedIn, the professional haven of the online world, and suddenly feeling like Bambi on ice?

I have a confession to make, something I probably should keep to myself, but if you're reading this, well, clearly, I didn't. I finally took the plunge into the LinkedIn pool, just two weeks ago. I wish I started earlier, a lot earlier, crap. Oh well, now I’m trying to embrace it all, one gadget, one skill, and one post at a time. Overwhelmed, you bet. ??

There's an aura around LinkedIn, the LinkedIn aura, and it seems to say 'Welcome, good luck, and be professional.' The professional part feels a bit tricky. I'm committed to being respectful, curious, open, supportive, and engaging, and I'm driven to create something of value; an intimate, sensual, and delightful coffee moment anyone? ? Yet, what if I write with a tone of 'ta-da' and 'tra-lala,' sprinkled with a dash of 'why not'? Will that defy the rules of professionalism?

Big questions like that can keep me up at night…and my LinkedIn journey started on shaky ground.

The most notable one occurred during a moment of inspiration. Under my profile, a feature spoke to me, LinkedIn's creative mode. It was as if it said, 'Give me a shot, I'm special in so many ways,' so I just couldn't resist. With enthusiasm, I clicked that magical button ready to dive into the professional world I'd neglected for too long, fully aware that I'd be echoing into the vast expanse of the World Wide Web at this early stage of my LinkedIn adventure. Obscurity is just fine. I know I'm a newcomer. As I’m also self-aware, and I can be downright resilient, “no likes, have no say” on me—fingers crossed. ??

As I crafted a few posts, I felt like I was onto something that would flood my page with content straight from the depths of my heart. Yes, I'm going all in, as I’m on a mission to spread feel-good do-good states; one breath, one sip, one thought at a time. Coffee anyone. Had to do it as it rhymed so "kind of nicely".

With the help of my new creative mode friend, I even managed to snag a couple of followers. Sweet. You might not be thoroughly impressed, well, me either, but out of respect for them I thought I would bring it up.

Then, as a LinkedIn novice, I began watching YouTube videos for beginners. So much to learn.Yeaks. I heard this young cool woman say, 'LinkedIn's Creative mode is great, but you need around 5,000 connections to make it work.' I don't even have 500, and as I write this, it's less than 200.

Okay, I'm well aware that I probably shouldn't admit that, but I just did. So, let's move on, or I might become paralyzed from the start, too afraid to reveal my vulnerable side, which I consider a superpower. Yes indeed. ??

Anyway, my alarm went off. Will my computer explode, will people tell me I've violated the rules and ask me to leave, or even worse, will the earth stop spinning? In reality, I’m not one for theatrics, so those words are more for the dramatic touch of this story, but, what I did feel was a nudge in my gut to swiftly deactivate the tempting mode that ruined my flow state, to let me know - I wasn't quite ready to bask in the spotlight. ????

Part of me wanted to pull a blanket over my head and bid goodnight for a year or two. But another part whispered, which is the good thing about being a human, to see different alternatives, 'It's all good. Breathe. You're on a mission. Be vulnerable, clumsy, gutsy, creative – who cares? These are just words you're writing paving the path for you to achieve something special one day. Now, be patient and go on, and… post this, Marie. ??


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