Feeling isolated, alone in a crowd ?
Nigel Dupree
Project Director at S.M.A.R.T. Foundation - also known as: Legin Nyleve, LeginNyleve and @l3gin on other Social Media
This is one "rite of passage" that should be a known known for every girl as well as being, not just informed, consensual and/or a planned attempt to get 'it' out of the way, just pop-their-cherry after a few drinks with someone who just want's to get their leg-over or worse older family member, relative or friend.
Of course, it has always gone-on from the days of bigger families when the Mother died in childbirth of worse the oldest daughter took her place looking after the younger one's etc, etc.
Nevertheless, sex, mental health and disability have also been taboo subjects and a source of disgrace for ever, not just in, so called modern times as, girls have borne the secrets of special relationships, awkward guilty fiddling's they have experienced in childhood.
As a child, our bits and bodily functions are fascinating along with all the different names then once self-aware there is the guilt of playing with yourself also taboo and subject to a lot of name calling in the playground especially when any sign of affection between friends.
Somehow, playing Families, Mummies and Daddies, Doctors and Nurses, 'Dare, True, Kiss or Promise' Noddy & Big Ears, Andy Pandy and Mary Lou whatever, all turned in something dodgy accepting Captain Pugwash innuendo, in an enlightened sex obsessed age, was becoming understood by younger children.
But, when did "social intercourse" become "sexual intercourse" and teenagers, sort of, expected to offer sexual favours as part of the circle of, so called, friends. Pre-teens wearing different coloured wrist bands to denote what they would do ?
And that was before open access to the internet and unlimited porn replaced any knowledge of having a genuine relationship, let alone what courtship or foreplay was or is just the mechanics of sex with little or no sign of what "love making" is all about just wham-bam-thankyou-mam see you next time feeling horny.
Are parents just no longer relationship role models or children any more than cohabiting in the family home communicating across a room or between rooms not by sight but, solely by text ?