Feeling Her Pain
This was one Saturday morning where I had to be up and out almost an hour earlier, and only because I had an appointment to show two commercial buildings beginning at 6:30 a.m., which was definitely a first in many years, where I had to meet a buyer at a property, and especially since it was still dark outside.
The showing went better than I was expecting, and as chance would have it, the buyer liked 11 – 15 Second St. NE the best, and likely because it could be sectioned-off more easily to where there could be two storefront businesses, and after the buyer drove off, I began imagining what could be done with it to make those two fronts completely separate, and after thinking about it for a while, I began to envision those changes. As with all the buyers I've shown those commercial properties to, I insisted today's prospect, march up to one particular office in our City Hall, just to be aware there's a city 'playbook' that MUST be followed. I still can't believe the story I heard about the trouble one of the building owners got into with our fair city for painting the side of her building black. I'm getting to the point where I really don't want to hear any more of such stories because it gets me unnecessarily stirred. My God in Heaven! When are they going to realize we don't live in some Mecca in the far northern reaches of Iowa? Should they need to be shown the way, I'd be happy to point them in an easterly direction.
A very unfortunate incident happened down the street from my office, which created quite the stir in our block when a person lost control of her car and hit one of those curbside 'sculptures', and the impact was so great, her vehicle ended up pushing that huge piece of limestone it was attached to, almost right into the front door of a commercial building, along with damaging the stonework on the front of it, to where the owners couldn't get their front door open. My heart went out to the senior driver who was terribly distressed, so I gave her a little hug while saying, “Just be thankful you didn't get hurt, because vehicles can be fixed or replaced, but damaged human bodies are entirely another story.” Even now, I'm feeling her pain. I'm afraid the damage to that building is going to be more costly than one could imagine. Tonight's photo is one I took of that huge chunk of limestone in front of that business's entry.
My early afternoon showing of the lakeshore property I have listed in Clear Lake went very well, and for the strangest of reasons, I was randomly getting these good vibes to where I could actually 'see' that couple living in the home. Yes, I also made sure to mention how great the views were, along with the added privacy the home's location offers. I went on to say how much it reminded me of a oceanfront property one of my relatives owned a number of years ago which I fell in absolute love with at the time. Truth be told, I could've stayed all summer if I didn't have my job waiting from be back home. For me, there's nothing more relaxing than being situated in a quiet area near a large body of water, because there's something that takes place which is very much on the spiritual side. Yes, I believe our world would be in far better shape if more people would start communing with Nature.
Because I'd already scheduled an open house for 236 – 21st St. SE this afternoon, my associate Brandon Neve was good enough to host it until I was able to get back from Clear Lake and relieve him. He only had one prospect during the time he was there, and I didn't have any, so it looks like we'll have to be doing a price reduction on it before long. Yes, there've been a number of across-the-board price reductions these past several weeks, so it definitely looks like our market prices are getting soft.
I had my first showing of 650 - 13th St. NE later this afternoon which went well, so hopefully we'll be getting that home sold more sooner than later, because we've had five showings on it in the last three days, and one scheduled for tomorrow. Like I said, it's very hard to find a 3 bedroom ranch home under $100K in this market, that's located in one of our popular districts.
I don't know about any of you, but the drivers that were out today, seemed to be in great need to be somewhere fast, and only because it appeared no matter where I was driving, there were 'tailgaters' behind me, and keep in mind, I'm not a pokey driver. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a rash of accidents today.
I'm now having this passing thought that this general election next week has got people stirred-up and filled with either anger or anxieties over it all. Oh well, that's all we can to is pray deeply before we go and vote, and then wait and see what the rest of our country's got in mind.
Don't forget to turn your clocks back and hour before hitting the hay, along with preparing yourselves for being a little out of sync for a week or so. The coming home in the dark has never been to my liking, but that's the price we have to pay for living higher on our globe.
Tonight's One-liner is: Iron rusts from disuse; water loses its purity from stagnation...even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind.
original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2024/11/02/feeling-her-pain/