Feeling Good About Life... Some Simple Secrets!
Another Great Day In Africa - Chapter 3
E-Book by Trevor Nel – 1996 - 2020 copyright protected
So where do we begin? Let’s start with what I believe to be the single most profound statement on success I have come across in my research. This is credited to Zig Ziglar - also regarded as one of America’s finest motivational speakers. He said “You Can Get Everything In Life You Want, If You Help Enough Other People Get What They Want.”
For those of you who were looking for just one thing today to change your life, you may now close this book. This is it! You can become the greatest salesperson in your company... you can have the best business in your industry... you can earn the biggest commission payouts in your area... you can get whatever you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want!
But what is it that most people want?
The smart entrepreneurs amongst you are already thinking... “My Goodness, if I can just figure out what all these people want, and give it to them at an excellent price... I can make an absolute fortune!!!”
Oh... if you only realized that you are so close to the secret of success, it’s right at your fingertips!
You will remember that at the beginning of this book I said that I couldn’t hope to know what each individual wants from today... but I can tell you from over 15 years of research, what most people want in life!
Now that’s a claim that should make some of you sit up and think.
I know what you want... hah!
Well, let’s put it to the test. Get a piece of paper and a pen or pencil... are you ready?
Now I want you to write down in 3 simple words, the 3 single wishes you would wish for yourself in this life.
Write it like this - ‘Trevor (use your name), I wish you _____________, ______________, and ___________________ in your life!’
Take your time. Make it feel like a magic genie will grant you these 3 wishes and only these 3 wishes. So you’d better make it good!
So, what do most people want?
Here they are, the top 3: health... wealth... and ...happiness.
Go back to your list. When I do this presentation at my seminars I ask these questions:
“How many of you had all 3 of your wishes falling into these 3 areas? Put your hands up folks, I want this to sink in... keep them up... of those with your hands down, how many had at least one wish covered by these 3 areas?'
'For those of you wondering why you’re different, don’t fret, there are 5 other key desires expressed by most people (and as highlighted to me by Zig Ziglar). You see... people also want security... friends... good family relationships... peace of mind... and all of us want hope in the future.'
'So if your wishes are not covered by that list, get the person next to you to pinch you... and if you are awake come and see me afterwards... I can use you in my research.'
Let’s think about it ... “I can get whatever I want in life, if I help enough other people get what they want” ....and what do all these good people want? They want Health... Wealth... Happiness... Security... Friends... Good Family Relationships... Peace Of Mind... and Hope In The Future.”
So... how can YOU use this information?
Whatever you want to be... a Teacher... a Politician... a Doctor... a Housewife... a Preacher... a Business Entrepreneur... a Sales-Person... a Nurse... remember that you can get whatever you want in life by serving the needs of other people. Just make them feel good and you’ve almost got the secret to happiness in the palm of your hand!
So let’s analyse this word - 'good'.
Well, most of us want to feel good about ourselves, would you agree? Who doesn’t want to feel good about themselves...?
Most of us want to feel good about our families. We want to feel good about our work. And we want to feel good about our future. In fact, all of us in general just want to feel good about life! Isn’t that right?
So why are we surrounded by so many people in this world who feel good for nothing? A big fat alphabetical O! Or, if you prefer a numerical 0.
Let me tell you why I think it is that people at some time or other feel good for nothing. It’s because they can’t spell! It’s so simple!
You have to take the big fat alphabetical O that you’re currently feeling and add just three letters to begin feeling good - and they are... G... O... D!
Ohhhh... I see the penny is beginning to drop!
But wait a minute, doesn’t this guy know that you shouldn’t discuss religion or politics in other people’s company, it’s just too controversial, isn't it?
Codswallop, I say. When it comes to talking about God, too many people choose to sit on the fence rather than to get people thinking and asking some crucial questions.
In this uncertain world there are only two certainties that we all know about... and they are... Death and Taxes! God has everything to do with the one, and politicians everything to do with the other.
And... when you come to analyse it - as we will, God is desperately trying to give you your share of his abundant riches that He’s placed on this earth for you. And... the politicians are desperately trying to take it all away!
So, get off the fence! There are so many non-thinking people on it, it’s going to come crashing done anyway... and you may just end up falling on the side of the fence that you don’t like - keeping company with the wrong kind of people.
Now, to begin feeling GOOD about life you’d better start thinking about asking some GOOD questions!
Before I go any further I must just tell you about another superb analysis of the word 'good' that I believe should be carved in stone in your memory banks forever.
This pearl of wisdom comes from an Australian Billionaire, who was functionally illiterate at the age of 26 and bankrupt 3 times before he found the secret to life.
Peter J. Daniels is this outstanding man’s name, and he said... 'good' stands for get... out... of... debt! Don’t you forget it!
So... we want to feel good about life, and... we know that we’ve got to get off the fence and ask some good questions. Now what I want you to do, with your paper and pen, is to imagine that you are going to be given an audience with the wisest man who ever lived, and... that you have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to ask him just 3 questions of less than 10 words each.
What 3 questions will you ask him? Go ahead and write them down...
1. _________________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________________
Let me give you an example of some of the good questions we should be asking :-
Who am I?
Why am I here?
What is life all about?
Where did I come from?
Where am I going?
What will happen to me on the day that I die?
Does God really exist?
Will you agree with me that if you can get the answers to these questions sorted out in your mind, that you may just begin to start feeling good about your life?
Well, let me share with you how I began to handle these questions.
Here’s a profound observation... the amazing thing about GOOD questions is... they force you to think about a GOOD answer!
Ask a stupid question and you get a ... stupid answer! That’s right!
Anyway... in one of my spells of deep thought recently (my wife calls it 'dozing') I got to thinking about what I was doing with my life and whether there is a God out there somewhere.
I came to realize that the one thing that really stood out in my life was my level of optimism. People all around me were inspired by my optimism in the worst of situations, and all the feedback and success I received confirmed for me that optimism is an essential key to success in this world.
Little did I know how this 'optimism' was going to lead me to discover God and my reason for being!
First produced in 1996. Review Update by Trevor Nel – January 2020
(cont.) Chapter 4 - The Power Of Optimism
This chapter from the e-Book: Another GREAT Day In Africa
Click here for the Introduction Home Page & Contents
Trevor Nel
FOURWAYS Community Chamber of Commerce
SMS/WhatsApp: 084 332-4421