For some people, life is hell. They can’t stand themselves, and they don’t feel good enough. Every day is full of disappointment and frustration. They don’t know what to do but suffer.
- Why Do You Feel Not Good Enough?- Discover it.
- Is The Feeling Based On Something Real?- Or is it just your bad assumptions?
- Did You Suffer Enough?- Because you are punishing yourself for crimes you didn’t commit.
- Accept Yourself- You can’t change until you accept yourself.
- Are You Ready For Change?- If you are, give your best and don’t give up.
- You Are Not Worthless- You are precious, but you didn’t realize it.
- See Your Value- You are unique. There will not be anyone similar to you. You are a marvel of the universe. Be proud of it.
- Unconditionally Love And Respect Yourself- This is crucial.
- Feel Good In Your Skin- Take full ownership of your life.
- Don’t Be Afraid To Be Yourself- Try to be the best version of yourself. It’s your duty.
DM me for coaching if you are feeling not good in your skin.