Feeling confused or lost? I have been!

Feeling confused or lost? I have been!

Feeling confused? Even lost? You’re not alone...

…and it’s okay, it’s normal!

The entire world is going through massive transformation and challenging awakening. It’s almost impossible for any of us to plan very far ahead. And many of us are feeling confused or downright lost as the old falls away and the New Earth emerges.

Including myself at times!!

Guidance came through from Spirit last week during my session with my coach. It was a profound moment. It was made clear to us that the single most important thing any of us can do right now, both for ourselves and for our world, is to focus on being in the higher vibrational states – joy, peace, love, gratitude, generosity.

So how do we do that? Especially if we’re feeling confused or lost?!

Through awareness.

The single most important thing for shifting into and maintaining high vibrational emotional frequencies is awareness.

How do you notice when something is impacting on you and dragging you down? With moment by moment self-awareness.

How do you know what energy you’re crucially putting out into the world? Again, through moment by moment awareness and mindfulness.

How do you shift from an emotional state that isn’t serving you into one that will? Through awareness practices that bring you joy and peace.

Last Sunday I was able to practice my all-time favourite ‘Blossom Gazing’ as the breeze brought our almond confetti wafting down. My heart was filled with joy and stillness. This, at a time when I’ve been feeling unclear about the way forward. Shifting into peace and joy nourishes me deeply in these challenging times. It helps me let go of trying to figure everything out!

Thanks to that guidance from Spirit during my coaching session it feels very timely indeed that I’ve decided to offer my Mini-retreats, Peace in Your Heart, Peace in Our World, for the rest of the year. In these 90-minute Mini-retreats we cultivate awareness and presence together. We generate peace and joy together.

Peace in Your Heart, Peace in Our World

Online Mini-retreat Series

Last Sunday of the month

9-10.30am Pacific | 5-6.30pm UK time | 6-7.30pm Central Europe

During these Mini-retreats you will:

~ experience deep relaxation and peace within yourself, as well as cultivate awareness so that you can notice what emotional state you’re in and shift out of it if you choose to

~ explore the connection between inner peace and outer peace, so that you can improve communication in your relationships, with your family, friends and colleagues

~ be inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh’s sacred activism to not only BE the peace you want to see and feel in the world, but also to take concrete action to contribute to peace in your family, community and the world at large

~ be part of a kind, loving and supportive community at a time when the world is going through extraordinary chaos, transformation and painful awakening

~ above all, this is a space to bring all of you, to give yourself permission to feel confused and lost when you are and know that is absolutely okay and normal.


The beauty of these Mini-retreats is that they are bite-sized opportunities, a small commitment both in time and investment, at only £22 | €25 | $27 per mini-retreat.

The series runs through the rest of the year, on the last Sunday of each month (except there is no Mini-retreat in June, but two in July, on Sunday 2 July and Sunday 30 July).

Each Mini-retreat typically includes:

~ a period of Deep Relaxation

~ an inspiring reading from Thich Nhat Hanh

~ time for everyone to share

~ one other mindfulness meditation practice

Here are some of the comments from the Mini-retreats we’ve had so far:

‘Thank you so much Catherine, it was a peaceful, lovely space .’

‘It was incredibly peaceful and beautiful. Thank you.’

You can opt to PAY IN FULL or PAY MONTHLY

I feel so blessed that I can offer you these Mini-retreats in these challenging times, that we can practice and share together, laugh and cry together, be inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh’s eye-opening sacred activism together.

Plus, as a thank you for registering, I will personally send you three beautiful meditation audios, including my students’ all-time favourite, the Deep Relaxation practice.

REGISTER HERE NOW for Peace in Your Heart, Peace in Our World Mini-retreat series.

I very much look forward to seeing you on Sunday 26 March.

With peace and blessings,


P.S. Blossom Gazing is just one of the practices I’ve developed. As a qualified awareness and mindfulness teacher, I’ve developed practices for every season of the year, from Blossom Gazing in the spring, to Breeze Bathing in the summer… and more. I can’t wait to share these with you! REGISTER HERE NOW.


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