Feeling Appreciated At Work Involves More Than A Raise (Although that is always welcome!)
Debra Clay
Communications Specialist, writer, editor, & public speaker. Yes, I'm inspired by creativity & motivated to produce quality communications.
I was delighted to receive an e-mail message from my supervisor referencing a staff member's praise of my work performance. This praise circulated to a manager, as well as three supervisors before I received a copy of the message. In the message, a staff member who is tasked with issuing and processing important work credentials praised me for the volume of the work I handled for him, my promptness and my professionalism. He also noted that he hoped I would receive recognition for this, and that he wanted to thank me "beyond the daily routine." Receiving this praise for my work is, of course, gratifying. It is also wonderful to know (as the managers and supervisors commented) that I am appreciated for my efforts.
Too often as businesses and organizations rush to fulfill orders, attain milestones, bring another sale or contract into the achievements quota, stopping briefly to thank the people actually doing the work is neglected. I am grateful I am working for an organization that believes strongly in saying "thank you, and job well done."