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Hi (Municipal Government of XXX),

NAME here. In response to (property TAXES for example) due Dec 1, 2020 for the following properties:

Insert addresses HERE

Acknowledging the balances for the properties aforementioned to be 5208.04 (total combined), with the expectation to have both paid in full before the end of December, 2020.

(We are just awaiting on some fund movements to transpire.)

(Fill to your situation)

As a personal note, I do hope the late fees may be overlooked for these outstanding payments. Understanding they are late, and in a normal environment I can appreciate a penalty for late payments, with moderation. It is sad to have had the early payment discounts removed last year or the year before, but that decision was made and in spite of my absolute disagreeance with the decision as it represents focus on negative habits and behaviours as opposed to appreciation and support or reinforcement for positive habits and behaviours, I did not engage in voicing or concerning myself a great deal with that decision. However, the decision to add penalties for outstanding balances during this absolutely unprecedented time, when mortgage lenders, auto lenders, the CRA, Federal & Provincial governments, crown & provincial utilities providers as well as a host of other financial concessions being made globally, I strongly appose the penalty application for outstanding balances, especially fees that have only been outstanding in this current fiscal year. I fully appreciate the budget and fiscal constraints impacting all areas of our regional, provincial, national and global economies but I do not in any sense find this an appropriate action. That said, please provide anticipated amounts to pay in full provided payments are received by a consecutive list of dates and as indicated above it is our intentions at the moment to have the outstanding balances before the end of December, 2020.

Kind regards,


