Brigitte Crombez
Avatar Master, Coach, Bewustzijn verhogen, Mensen in hun bronkracht zetten Master Avatar, coach, augmenter conscience, aider des gens à decouvrir qu'il sont un être source
Years?ago, during a training to become a griefcounsellar, the trainer spoke about?our?feel-antenna. Something that gives you direct information. Probably?sometimes called the 6the sense. With direct information I mean this : someone sais yes, but you feel that it is not a full true?yes...the other really feels a no, but does not dare to express it, or is pleasing or is trying to be seen as someone what wants to be cooperative.
This feel-antenna also give information about what is not said but is present. And gives an impression about the intention of the other. About where does the other come from. By this I mean: does the other react, witch means he or she is triggered and speaks from the past, from an emotion. Or is the other exploring? Or does the other speak from a neutral viewpoint??
All of this is very helpful information in your job, relationship, with your kids. There is human interaction everywhere.
Feel-antennas?that are closed of ( often by unsafety and trauma) are a source of a lot of misunderstandings.
?At a certain moment during that training, I asked one of the trainers, how am I doing with my feel-antenna? It became very silent...A sign that I heard as : ?not good.
?In the meanwhile I have been working in my consciousness with the Avatar tools and my feel-antenna is doing much better. But at the same time, I still create misunderstandings?because I do not explore enough or I communicate not clear enough or I do not respond properly to a need of the other. I still get lessons to learn.
?How is your antenna doing? How do you develop it further? Or how do you clear the blocks away?