
Thanks for your support. I have been collecting moving blankets of all sorts 2 hand out 2 the homeless Please consider doing the same in ur area Its cold outside! Remember ur friends & neighbors may be going thru something we dont understand Use this time 4 compassion 

...Its that simple

Why we make relationships so difficult I will never understand. Maybe if we operated from less Ego and more Understanding, it may be possible to look forward to the future once again or maybe it will enable you to go further than u thought.

Especially when you become vulnerable enough to say Nope I'm NOT GOOD

I Need Help & your listened to.

It's called #BasicNeedsTheory

When you have what you essentially need 1st, you can begin to live in a calmer state of mind knowing you have #food #oxygen #water #shelter

The literal basics...Maybe some of us need 2 be reminded that each of us makes a difference Regardless of whether you are a good person or not

If YOU are in this Universe, when u are around, People will either be drawn or repelled from you

It's just energy so if ur funky, take a look in that mirror, shakey Shakey ur funky out, figure out what you need to do to get yourself put back together

Even when you feel like all of the puzzle pieces are either missing, in disarray, or gone, YOU can begin to put your puzzle back together Piece By Piece ?

#ptsd is an everyday battle for some

Start with 1 room and make 1 corner a better space, then take a walk, draw, swim, run, ski, call a friend, take a bath.....

Do what it takes to calm your anxiety down 1st

So ur brain can slow the neuro receptors down bc exciting the neuro system may cause pain later when ur system has to now down regulate and reconsider new pathways.

Peace Peeps #WtrGpsy feedmycity.net

#writtenby Mindy Dougherty


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