Feeding Your Brain
Workplace Collaboration

Feeding Your Brain

Many magazines that have found their way into my family mailbox have "brains" showcased. I'm so happy for this attention, however what does it look when you brain is giving you a rush? When you are exhibiting tactical empathy. What does it feel like? What does it sound like?

In the workplace it looks very similar to the couple above. Structured but relaxed body language where each if giving the other permission to collaborate on a working document.

If I could have had a photographer at my home yesterday, this would have been me and the General Contractor who is adding an addition to our home. I've had these plans in process for over 2 years. I've worked with him before but this project has been delayed because of our schedules.

The multiple meetings in 2 years always involved my husband, but yesterday was a final task that I specifically was in charge of executing. He had approximately 60 seconds to explain. I had equal amount of time to mirror, absorb, label, reflect and arrive at the "that's right!" moment.

Ongoing collaboration pictured above or new collaboration looks differently. Any book on body language can help show the difference. Both ongoing and new collaboration's "feel" good. That feeling is coming straight from a decision you made which activated your brain chemistry.

The sound of this "rush" is the spoken our thought of "That's Right!"

While on the phone with my analytical prospects, clients or colleges I hear absolute silence.... because "That's Right" is processing but only verbalized slowly. This is my favorite example because most sales people "walk" all over that moment verbally.

If this is the first time I've called your attention to how important it is for you to recognize these moments in time, now is the time to start working that muscle between your ears at deeper level. Don't brush past these opportunity's. Do this by starting with the people you see in the grocery store, charging or gas station, park where you walk your dog.

As an example. in sales, workday roll play practice, prospecting and building business refines the pathways in my brain that connect me to the dopamine that give me that "rush". These new acquaintances build my brain "muscle" for the ongoing business relationships I have.

As I am describing this to you may see yourself achieving the same satisfaction with your interactions.

We can always go deeper. Why?

Because it's not just about making the sale. The muscle called our brain continues to build as we age, not deplete. If you work it correctly.

How does pay off?

You have the mental pathways and daily training in detail, as well as the product knowledge and numerous experiences with other clients- to be able to use all this experience and knowledge to create very useful scenarios, a value to both you and your client. 

Specifically using mirroring to connect what your are hearing, understanding, seeing and feeling from your interaction demonstrates that you are being empathetic. Tactically Empathetic. Your are directing your mind is such a way that exercises your brain. And gives both you and your client a "rush".

Let's prepare ourselves, your emphatic attentiveness to possible reflexivity in the word, “No!” will always be part you solving a problem. Repeated "YES's" come from clients who have tuned you out. You are probably are telling and not selling. Selling is asking the right questions to find the collaboration point. Don't lose your patience over a little itty bitty “No!” no matter how forcibly pronounced.        

You wouldn’t lose your patience over teaching a young person to drive their very first automobile. In fact, very few would choose to teach a young person to drive in a Ferrari.             

Growing up in Iowa, many of us at the tender ages below 10, found ourselves on some type of vehicle helping with the farm work. Certainly no parent in our situation would ever put a pre-teen on a vehicle, which could hurt him or her. We start on something simple as our brains are not fully developed to handle the entirety of more complex operations. We are guided, guarded and given lots of coaching.        

It can be difficult to be the adult learners who finds ourselves in a child’s position of learning. It's actually awkward. Give yourself 3 cycles of 21 days to practice Professional questioning, tone of voice, grace and conscious listening. This will help you with your expectations and mentally exercise your brain in such a way as to build new pathways.

The payoff will help you, the sale practitioner, really understand where to gain your prospect or client's full attention and help them pay deep, focused attention to the task you have been enlisted to help them with their transaction.           

Focusing on solving problems as process points is like teaching someone to drive.  Accessing the relative age and neuroplasticity of your Client will present you with the ability to focus on your Client as a unique individual. Your Client is someone has a previous experience and who wants a safe and happy trip toward the enjoyment of their product or service. 

Have you noticed, clients will shut down and walk away from strong beneficial opportunities is they personally feel treated unfairly.   They will feel treated fairly, even with difficulty news or situations if you give them the "rush" they want. Get one yourself by working your tactical empathy muscle!      

So focus on solutions not problems. 

Feed the positive solution building situations and starve the anger, fear and frustration that frustrate your Client. They want to exchange their hard earned money to engage you to solve a big problem. You get better with age and should view your income earning ability as increasing with every breath you take.


Maximizing Sales Through Self-Transformation ?2020

By Sandra LaFlamme


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