Feeding the Blackhole?

Next up on my thoughts regarding the current job market and finding a job. This might be the closest to a “how to” articles I have written. Really, I don’t want anyone to simply follow this. I want job seekers to challenge what they are doing more, especially if they don’t feel it is working.

Why Job Boards don't Always Work?

What we have right now is a huge supply of high level talent on the job market and low demand from employers. The continued tech layoffs are not helping. There is even evidence many jobs being posted are ghost jobs which companies have no intention of filling. That is a conversation in and of itself. LinkedIn job postings get 200-1,000 applicants. LinkedIn indicates few of those applications are even reviewed. This is probably due to ATS or algorithm review. On the flip side, there are always a huge number of jobs which never get posted on job boards.?

Basically, submitting resumes to job boards is throwing a resume into a black hole: large number of applicants, algorithms, well intentioned recruiters. Submitting a blind application is not going to get your resume to hiring management. If you do get your resume in front of a hiring manager, the challenge you are words on a page. I am not trying to knock recruiters or hiring managers. I have hired. Resumes don’t always fit the people you bring in for an interview. There is only so much you can project in a 1-2 page document.

I ran this idea by a friend. His wife applied to 5 jobs, got 5 interviews and 2 job offers. She is talented, in a niche market, and a known quantity in the market. He admits she is a classic outlier. Many of us hear stories like this and wonder “Why not us?” Well, you are a known quantity as well. We need to get you fishing for jobs where you are a known quantity and widen the net.

Network into a Job


Over the last 15 years, and more so today, finding a job is about networking. Finding individuals who know you, what you bring to the table and have interacted with you. This person might have a role or recommend you to someone who does. This allows you to become more than a resume. I have passed some weak resumes to hiring managers. They were people who I know would be a good fit. Usually, the hiring manager agreed they would be a great fit after meeting them. Their resume would not have gotten them the first conversation.


You need to find people who have interacted with you, can advocate for you and recommend you others.? ?

1.????? Make a List:?Go through your rolodex. Find the business cards stuffed in the corner of your desk drawer. Look through LinkedIn, email contacts and your phone. Find every salesperson, vendor, supplier, consultant, former boss and former colleague. It is amazing how many people you know when you are not concerned with the quality of the connection. These are people you are known quantity to. It is possible to make an impression even with limited contact. ?We can get hung up on how well we knew people or the last time we spoke. This is not as important as our brains make it out to be.

2.????? Research the contacts:? What does your contact do? What does the company do? Are there current openings you are interested in? On some level ignore the Remote/ Hybrid/ On site thing. Has the company been in the news? You are?looking for conversation pieces and current?needs. You are not looking for a job. I am not talking about deep research, either.

3.????? Informational Conversations:?Reach out to?everyone?on your list, regardless of industry, whether they have a job opening or size of company. Don’t let any person bias’s stop you from reach out. Example: You have been following that friend, from high school, on Facebook or LinkedIn. Reach out, no one cares if you have not spoken in 20 years. On some level, you are a known quantity to these people. They might be able to make the introduction which gives you an opportunity.?

1.????? Catch up with them

2.????? Learn about their company. Is there a challenge you want to learn more about?

3.????? Say you are between roles and trying to learn about the market. Ask if they have any advice. People love to share their opinions and feel like they are helping.

4.????? Trick: Never put a network contact in a position to say "No." They always need an out because people don't want to say "No." This is why we don't ask for a job. We ask questions they can answer or be easily side step. This leads me to my last two points.?

5.????? Job at their company: They will probably ask if you have looked at their company's job openings and say they are willing to refer you. Awesome. If they don't ask, but their company has a job you are interested in, then you ask "What do you know about this job, its department, etc." They might say they don't know anything. They might also be willing to make an introduction. See how I framed the question.

6.????? Last request: Always, always, ask if there is someone else you should speak to. This is not a yes or no question. They will either have a name(s) or say they will think about it.??

4.????? Follow Up:?Depending on if the conversation was positive or negative, follow up every couple of weeks with an update on your progress. This keeps you on the top of their mind. Something new might come across their desk after you speak. Let them know when you land your new role. This is huge as it shows you valued their contribution to your job search.

5.????? Batting Average: Response rates vary. Sometimes a great lead on a role crumbles. If your success rate on getting conversations feels like a batting average, you are doing just fine. In the end, you only need a single job offer. As desperate as you might be, make sure you take a good opportunity. You will discover roles you should walk away from.?

If you have questions on this strategy, send me a note.

Bernard Rayford

CEO - RayUp ENT Gamer/YouTuber/Twitch #TerrenceHoward is a genius IRT ?? ?? . .. …

9 个月

…thank you for what you do & sharing it…thank you for the opportunity & love…sending more right back??…keep it going!… Did you know?…I am here 23 June 2024 #terrencehoward is trending changing the world at this very moment what a wonderful thing to see & be apart of… https://youtu.be/E8r3jyKBx2g?si=gxcmG9SlK12TPpEO #TerrenceHoward is a genius ?????

Murali dhar

Seasoned Bench Sales Recruiter

1 年


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