Feeding Aspirations
Have you ever met someone who you wanted to help fulfill their aspirations and goals? I'm thankful that I have the opportunity everyday, but this was an extra-special treat! 12 year old Tommy, the son of clients Rali and Sammy, has had a passion to be a police SWAT Lieutenant since he was 5 years old. When touring their home, Tommy's room stood out having police paraphernalia all over his walls. It was all he talked about. Knowing that it was his birthday yesterday, I felt compelled to contribute to his aspirations as I've seen the same passion in my daughter's eyes.
So, I called upon my buddy Ian Rasmussen and he suggested I reach out to Sargeant Paul Pipher of Peel Police whom I've had the privilage of meeting on a few occasions. Thanks to Paul, Sgt. Kaushal and the crew at 21 division, we had arranged for a cruiser to pick up Tommy and his sister at their home and take them to the station for a short tour. It's been Tommy's dream to go for a ride in a cruiser.
Here is a short video of Tommy's reaction. Good times!!!