Feedback, Power, and The Bear
Lisa Sansom
Researcher, coach, speaker, corporate trainer, consultant (English & Francais)
The Bear — S1E3 — The Brigade
SPOILER ALERT: this post contains spoilers for The Bear, S1E3 and other episodes.
This is part of a series — for the first one, go here.
A back alley. Two people. An honest and raw conversation. This was the scene that made me truly lean into The Bear. My doctoral research focuses on positive feedback in the workplace, and when I think about future potential for training leaders on how to effectively deliver and receive feedback, this is the scene that I would show. This is the scene that inspired my series of blog posts, taking inspiration from different elements from The Bear and how they illustrate organizational and leadership development principles that today’s leaders can take into their real-life workplaces — though maybe with fewer foul words.
In this episode of The Bear, the importance of effective leadership while navigating an important change is highlights, in both positive and detrimental ways. Carmy, as the Chef, trying to assert his leadership in The Original Beef restaurant, wishes to delegate to Sydney, and while Sydney is reluctant, she also wants to help and support Carmy’s vision. She is torn, the transition of power and implementation of the vision does not go well, and yet we see a stellar example of honest feedback that leads to relationship repair, allowing both of them to work well together, even improving their dynamic for the future.
The Vision
Carmy, having worked in high-end restaurants previously, would like to implement a new structure called a French Brigade. I’m not a restauranteur, so here’s what I gleaned from this episode: a French Brigade is a standard operating structure with clear roles for the different kitchen employees and high standards for cleanliness and precision. According to The Bear canon, Carmy has worked under this structure previously and has great respect for the outcomes that it produced. For these reasons, he decides it’s necessary to implement at The Original Beef. Carmy calls Sydney into his back office for a conversation, and tells her that he wants to implement this, and puts her in charge of doing so. He makes her the Sous Chef and she needs to explain the system and allocate the roles to the rest of the kitchen team. She balks. She tells him that she thinks this is a bad idea but Carmy is not interested in listening to this. He’s attached to his vision and wants to bring in this “best practice”.
This is not an uncommon occurrence. A leader comes into a work environment and has their preferred ways of working. They bring in “best practices” from previous work experiences or whatever some top-notch consultant report has said, and they want to implement this new vision because, that new leader feels, it will fix everything. There are several problems with this conceit. First of all, the leader is new and may not have the pulse of the organization, including its history and nuances. The leader may also not have the loyalty of the employees, and so they may not be ready to entirely trust the leader and get on board with this new vision. We see this in The Bear as some employees are wearing the new blue aprons that Carmy brought in, but others are steadfastly refusing. Finally, a “best practice” may feel like a cookie cutter approach — a one-size-fits-all that actually doesn’t fit. In the case of the French Brigade, each restaurant is different in the food it serves, the clients it serves, the skills of the team working there, and so on. When Sydney expresses concerns about the effectiveness of the Brigade approach, she is considering where they work and the culture that exists — she is not challenging that the Brigade may work well elsewhere. She is worried about fit, as well as her own ability, as another new leader, to convince the established employees to adopt this new way of working. She also may suspect that she doesn’t have their trust to be Carmy’s spokesperson.
Overall, this situation is set up, if not to fail, then to be enormously difficult.
The Attempted Implementation
Sydney wants to support Carmy, and she’s keenly aware of the kitchen hierarchy — it’s her job to do what Carmy needs. The kitchen team assembles in the back room, and she starts to explain what the French Brigade means, and who will do what. Some employees are clearly into this — they take on their new roles willingly, confer with her about what they will be doing, and the viewers can see their enthusiasm and interest is mounting. However, other employees are dubious or outright resistant. They dismiss the entire structure and eventually sabotage how the kitchen operates.
To add further stress, Carmy decides to leave this meeting partway through, leaving Sydney on her own at the front of the room, doling out roles tentatively, feeling unsupported and uncomfortable. As Carmy leaves, it seems apparent on the faces of some of the staff that if he can’t even stay for this important meeting, why would they take it seriously. There is a strong sense of disengagement and absence of leadership.
Later in the episode, a number of other events conspire to zap Sydney’s leadership energy and confidence. She cuts herself quite seriously on a misplaced open box cutter. Her bin of chopped onions is hidden, as part of a hazing prank. The heat is turned up under her pot, ruining the stock. Other conversations turn antagonistic and Sydney struggles to maintain her composure. It feels like everything is hitting her all at once. She feels stressed and alone. Carmy has taken a risk on her and allocated important leadership duties to her, yet she feels that she cannot perform, and her boss has run out on her. No wonder she reaches a breaking point.
The Feedback and Repair Conversation
This set up brings us elegantly to my favourite scene in this entire series to this point: the back-alley conversation between Sydney and Carmy. Sydney escapes to the alley behind the restaurant, hoping for a bit of quiet to regain her composure. Carmy joins her, seeking a respite from the bookkeeping, asking, “How’s our Brigade?” Sydney tells him honestly, “It’s a mess.” And it is. But not for all the practical reasons that Carmy might expect. While Carmy feels that this is a failure of implementation on Sydney’s part, saying “Chef, I expect more of you and hold you to a higher standard”, Sydney explains, “I think this place could be so different from all the other places we’ve been at, but we need to run things different. When I said that I didn’t think the brigade was a good idea, you didn’t listen… You just didn’t really listen and if this is going to work the way that we both want it to work, I think we should probably try to listen to each other”.
To Carmy’s credit, as a leader, he could have resisted, he could have pushed back, he could have insisted that it’s his way (and his vision) or the highway, but he doesn’t — he simply says, “Yeah, you’re right.”
Sydney continues: “I think I can stand out here and make a difference — we can share ideas — make this place better — I don’t want to waste my time working on a line or running brunch… and then, you kind of left — you did — you straight up left — and that’s not really cool dumping all this stuff on me.” She is speaking truth, respectfully, to power, and there are many things that she does well in this moment. She is still supporting Carmy’s vision of making the restaurant better. She is being honest and focusing on Carmy’s behaviours, not attributing any malicious intent to him. She is also wanting to move forward, still working with Carmy as a team, using words like “we” and sharing her vision of how they will work together, sharing ideas and really listening to each other, in the future.
Leadership Lessons
There are many practical takeaways from this powerful episode and well-crafted scene.
· When implementing a “best practice”, it’s important for leaders to consider how applicable this new vision is for the existing workplace. Taking many different perspectives into account can help garner buy-in and smooth the way forward.
· When delegating leadership, it’s important to ensure that the person feels capable and supported. It’s ok to feel uncomfortable — learning something new and taking on a new leadership role will be uncomfortable for a while — but it’s not ok to feel alone. Leaders need to spend more time actively engaging with and building new leaders. This is not a time to be absent or hands-off. Delegation does not mean disappearance.
· Feedback matters. It’s important for employees, leaders, and colleagues to be able to have honest conversations with each other, about behaviours, and discuss what worked well and what didn’t. It’s also important to listen attentively to that feedback and take ownership for one’s own contributions. This is much easier to do when there is a shared vision and a shared sentiment of mutual support.
At the end of the back-alley feedback scene, Carmy and Sydney bond over a mutual joke and hatred of brunch. A bit of judicious humour can be a unifying and bonding experience. It’s important to know how to have difficult feedback conversations, how to be accountable, and how to repair the relationship to move forward. If anyone knows of other great scenes that demonstrate this in a workplace scenario, without all the swearing, please send them my way!