Feedback from MAVCON20
MAVCON20, the fifth in our annual series of measurement and verification conferences, completed its first year as an on-line event on 26 November, having been split into six two-hour sessions at weekly intervals. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and here is everything from participants who gave us permission to quote them:
- All good!
- The content was excellent - great to get views from practitioners in the USA as well as the UK. The break out sessions were also a great way to network and share insights on M&V challenges in the videoconference format. It really brings a sense of an M&V professional community to the UK.
- Good varied content, and really enjoyed the opportunity and challenge to be a speaker. Feedback: useful for some breakout sessions that I was making screenshots of their slides during the pre-amble. Some people mentioned this and struggled to get around it if they weren't making screenshots. [note: the problem that this delegate identified was breakout sessions for which the assignment had been presented on screen in the main session but was not visible in the group setting. Speakers are now being told to provide a crib sheet in advance for people to have at hand during breakout sessions]
- This was my first attendance. The mix in the breakout rooms did not particularly work well for me as I have had very little experience in MVP [Note: this is difficult. Next time, breakout groups will not be chosen at random but deliberately, so we may be able to address different needs]
- The webex seemed to work well but it is easy to be distracted. The breakouts helped me focus as I knew I had to know what was goin on. for the discussions. Some really good and knowledgeable presenters and interesting breakout sessions.
- It might be interesting to have less number of sessions so there is no need to block the calendar for that many weeks. [A couple of people suggested this, but the overwhelming majority found the two-hour sessions about right; see the next comment for example]
- Really good - the short repeated sessions format was a big improvement. It improved my ability to focus and retain shared information. Also, the presenters were fantastic! Great job!
- I really liked the format and content of the conference. Very interesting and in my opinion a very good way to attract more people to these events.
- I thought the online was very good, negated the need for travel and provides flexibility to watch should you not be available
- Good to have on line and still retain interaction with breakout rooms - difficult that it went across so many weeks. Would have preferred fewer longer sessions [Note: but see the next comment which echoes a majority view]
- Really well done. Liked the 2 hours slots but glad its changing to 3pm start. Liked the breakout rooms, helped understanding. Great for the Environment as no travelling
- I enjoyed the variety of the content each week, and the session format worked really well in the current circumstances. The first session with Bill Koran was a particular highlight!
- It was my first time joining MAVCON and I really enjoyed it. The format worked very well, particularly with the 'breakout' sessions.
- It worked pretty well overall - but obviously not the same as being there in person for the day - and the networking opps. The timing was tough for me with office and home set up at times - personally prefer mornings - but realise we had to cater for our attendees across the pond! Overall well done for coordinating this all very well. [note: we ran 4-6 p.m. UK time; next year it will be 3-5 p.m.]
The six sessions are available to view as recordings with embedded verification codes which you can use as proof to claim a CPD certificate.
Details of other training and conferences related to energy management are on the VESMA.COM web site.