Feed Both Wolves...

Two Male Bisons head locked over mating rights with the quote "If equally matched, we can offer battle; if slightly inferior in numbers, we can avoid the enemy; if quite unequal in every way, we can flee from him." ~ Sun Tzu: The Art Of War (3.9 - Attack By Stratagem) 

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…?????? ?????? ?????? ????????."

(???????????????????????? - ?????????? ?????? ???? ?????? ???????????????? ????????)

Good Morning Warriors. Today will be a very tough day for all of us, no matter where you are on this planet Earth. With a still relatively unknown virus spreading across the globe, world economies are in a massive state of flux. And also, there is now a sudden oil price war, in addition to all the other problems the world is facing ….i.e. threat of automation, global recession, global weirding, animal extinction, nuclear war, my buddy Al who still owes me money, etc.

Hopefully, you have all made a plan for disaster preparedness….and if not, I strongly encourage you do to so today, in some way, whatever way possible. Tomorrow may be a better day, but its always best to be prepared just in case.

That said, there will be a mix of emotions as we all wait for these events to be played out. Every piece of news that comes out good or bad has the potential to elevate us into joy/relief or sink us into dark depression. And ultimately, it can be very overwhelming, making us feel bipolar, as if riding a mental roller-coaster.

Well, if it is of any help, there is another take on the Two Wolves Quote above that provides a different perspective which I hope you find useful in these interesting times we live in today. It goes…

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…???? ?????? ???????? ???????? ??????????, ???????? ???????? ??????."

Meaning: don't fool yourself into blind optimism, nor talk yourself into deep despair. And don't starve either wolf out, or else the hungrier one will always be ready attack the other for the food he craves when the stronger wolf becomes weak. If you acknowledge and embrace both wolves within you, then you will find balance.

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Ok, I realize I may seem a bit all over the place with this post, talking about two wolves, with a picture of two bison males (fighting over mating rights with the female - haha), alluding the Sun Tzu quote more to the battle raging within us all, but I hope you get the essence of what I am trying to say.

Keep strong today Warriors! And remember, if you need quick inspiration or perspective, this IG page archive is always here to serve you.

???????? if you are Warrior who understands “?????? ???????????? ?????????? ?????? ?????? ?????????????? ????????. ???????? ?????????? ?????????????? ???? ???????????????? ???????? ?????? ?????????? ????????????." ~ ??????????

?????????? this to the ones you love and let each one know "?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? ????????."

???????????? for Daily Inspiration/Wisdom/Strategies from Sun Tzu's "The Art of War".

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