Feed Additives Market Update: Sellers Drive Prices Up Amidst Supply-Demand Dynamics Ⅰ
New opportunities and new information are discovered every day in the feed additive industry!
Effamall.com 28 Mar, 2024
Recent developments on Mobaobuy.com
Last week, Mobaobuy.com welcomed 79 new corporate members, with 75 being feed mills that have recently deployed Maobao’s digital cloud factory system and are operating seamlessly.
The latest optimization and iteration of the PSI (purchase, sales, and inventory) system by Mobao’s R&D team allows feed manufacturers to seamlessly integrate various data from multiple systems, such as data generated from the central control system and financial and accounting system. This digital and paperless system covers functions like supplier management and evaluation, purchase plans and orders, arrival and weighing of raw materials, raw materials inbound and outbound operations, production scheduling and task assigning based on sales orders, feed additives batching and blending scale, feed ingredients batching and blending scale, feed packing and inspecting, feed products inbound and outbound operations, feed products pickup and weighing, and customer management.
The feed additive market once again experienced volatility over the past week, primarily due to the tightening availability and rising prices of soybean meal, along with a resurgence in pig prices.
Despite a surge in inquiries by 167.1%, actual transaction volume on Mobaobuy.com increased by 57.6%, with an average conversion rate of 40.0%. These figures were influenced by manufacturers' persistent price hikes and control over orders.
Rarely have we witnessed such a modest conversion rate and notable fluctuations since the inception of market data on the platform.
The 30.6% growth in views on Mobaobuy.com over the past week further highlighted the market’s momentum.
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