Federal HR Glossary
A competence to perform an observable behavior or a behavior that results in an observable product.
A personnel action that results in the addition of an employee to the rolls (staff) of an agency.
Active Duty
Full time duty in the U.S. Armed Forces. In the Reserves, this would include active duty for training, but not weekly or monthly assemblies or drills.
Adjusted Basic Pay
The rate of basic pay and any basic pay supplement, after applying any applicable pay cap. A basic pay supplement is defined as a regular, fixed supplemental payment (paid in conjunction with base pay) for non- overtime hours of work that is creditable as basic pay for retirement purposes, excluding any type of premium payment or differential that is triggered for working certain hours of the day or week or for being subjected to certain working conditions.
Administratively Uncontrollable Overtime (AUO)
Pay to an employee as a percentage of his or her annual rate of basic pay for hours of duty consisting of substantial amounts of irregular or occasional overtime work with the employee generally being responsible for recognizing, without supervision, circumstances which require him or her to remain on duty.
Adverse Action
A personnel action considered unfavorable to an employee, e.g., removal, suspension, furlough, or reduction in grade or pay.
Any department or independent establishment of the federal government, including a government- owned or controlled corporation, that has the authority to hire employees in the competitive, excepted, and senior executive service.
Agency-Created Authorities
Legal authority codes using the numbers “6” through “9” as the first character to identify authorities unique to that agency.
Agency Equivalent Forms
Variations on the SF-144A or printouts from computer programs that calculate SCDs.
A person who receives an annuity.
The annual sum payable to a former employee who has retired.
A person who has asked to be considered for a job with an agency. A person who applies for a vacant position.
Application Forms
Forms and resumes that show an applicant's qualifications for employment in a federal position.
A person being hired for a position in an agency.
Appointing Officer
An individual in whom the power of appointment is vested by law or to whom it has been legally delegated. A person having the authority, by law, or by duly delegated authority, to appoint, employ, or promote individuals to positions in an agency.
Any personnel action that brings an individual onto the rolls (staff) of an agency.
Appointment Documents
The materials that a new employee will need to complete as part of the entry on duty process.
Armed Forces
The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.
Assessment or Assessment Tool
A device or method used to measure the degree to which an applicant possesses the compentencies/KSAs necessary for successful job performance. Examples of assessment tools include occupational questionnaire, rating schedules, written tests, work samples, and structured interviews.
The process of certifying the action taken on a returned Certificate of Eligibles by the human resources office to confirm compliance with legal and regulatory selection procedures.
Authentication Codes
Unique codes for electronic authentication defined only for those employees whose positions authorize and require them to initiate, sign, or clear personnel actions.
Availability Pay
A special form of premium pay fixed at 25 percent of basic pay (including any locality payment or special rate supplement) that applies to criminal investigators who are required to work, or be available to work, substantial amounts of unscheduled overtime duty based on the needs of the employing agency.
Bargaining Unit Status (BUS) Code
Numbers which are used in identifying specific agency Components and their labor organizations.
Breaks in Civilian Service
Separations of one, two, or three calendar days between two periods of creditable civilian service are small breaks in service and are treated as continuations of the first period of service.
Cancels or rescinds an earlier personnel action that:
- Was improper
- Was proper but contained references to an improper personnel action
- Contained remarks that are inappropriate or erroneous and that should not have been recorded
An applicant who meets the minimum qualification requirements and passes an assessment for a position, and is there eligible for consideration. See also "eligible."
Category Rating
A process of evaluating qualified eligibles by quality categories rather than by assigning individual numeric scores. The agency assesses candidates against job-related criteria and then places them into one or two or more distinct quality categories. This is one of two examining methods available. The other is the "rule of three."
Central Personnel Data File (CPDF)
An automated information system containing individual records for most federal civilian employees.
Certificate of Eligibles (or Certificate)
A list of the highest-ranked eligibles in descending score or quality category order, including veterans' preference entitlement, submitted to a hiring manager for appointment consideration in accordance with the competitive selection laws and regulations.
The process by which the OPM, or an agency office with delegated examining authority, submits certificates to appointing officers.
Change to Lower Grade
Also called Demotion and Reduction in Grade, this personnel action moves an employee, while serving continuously in the same agency, to (1) a position at a lower grade when both the old and new positions are under the General Schedule or under the same type graded wage schedule, or (2) to a position with a lower rate of basic pay when both the old and the new positions are under the same type ungraded wage schedule or in a different pay-method category.
Civilian Position
A civilian office or position (including a temporary or part-time or intermittent position), appointive or elective, in the legislative, executive, or judicial branch of the federal government (including each corporation owned or controlled by the federal government and including nonappropriated fund instrumentalities under the jurisdiction of the Armed Forces) or in the government of the District of Columbia.
Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS)
A defined benefit, contributory retirement system.
A measurable pattern of knowledge skills, abilities, behaviors and other characteristics that are needed for successful performance.
Competitive Service
All civilian positions in the federal government that are not specifically excepted from the civil service laws by or pursuant to statute, by the President or by OPM under Rule VI, and that are not in the Senior Executive Service (SES) or Senior Level position (SL).
Control Procedures
Procedures that ensure the authenticity of data and electronic signatures on a form and provide reasonable assurance that deliberate or inadvertent manipulation, modification, or loss of data on an electronically stored form will be detected.
The changing of an employee from one appointment to another appointment (under either the same or a different authority) in the same agency with no break in service or with a break of 3 days or less. The change may be in one or more of the following: the type of appointment under which the employee is serving, the authority for the appointment, the position on which the employee is serving, or the not-to-exceed date of a temporary appointment (e.g., from Excepted Appt NTE in a GS-3 position in organization A to an Excepted Appt NTE in a GS-4 position in organization B.)
Corporation for National Service
Verifies VISTA volunteer service.
Creditable Civilian Service
All civilian service that is potentially creditable for Civil Service Retirement Service (CSRS) purposes is also creditable for leave accrual.
Creditable Military Service
The total number of years and months of military service that is creditable for annual leave accrual purposes.
Creditable Service
Service as a civilian employee (i.e., service under a federal appointment performing federal functions under federal supervision), active duty in the uniformed services, and other service made creditable by specific legislation.
One who performs cleaning or other ordinary routine maintenance duties in or about a small government building or a building under Federal control, park, monument, or other Federal reservation; or acts as a foreman of laborers engaged in cleaning or janitorial duties in a large government building under Federal control; or fires a heating plant in a Federal building as a part of his/her duties in connection with the cleaning and ordinary maintenance of the building. Custodian positions may be classified in various series, e.g., Housekeeping Aid, WG-3566. Custodian positions are restricted by law to preference eligibles.
Current Employing Agency
The agency that the employee is employed at on the date of the decision is considered the current employing agency.
A decision as referred to in The Guide to Processing Personnel Actions is:
- A court order
- A decision, order, or settlement agreement reached under the rules and regulations of the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB), the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA), OPM, or an agency
- An arbitral award, or a decision of an agency head which adopts the recommendations of an agency fact finder
- A settlement agreement between an individual and an agency under circumstances other than those above
When an applicant turns down a vacancy position. This can be for several reasons, including but not limited to location of the position, grade or salary of the position.
Delegation of Appointing Authority
Under Title 5 U.S.C § 302, the head of an agency may delegate appointing authority to subordinates. Such delegations are generally made to the agency’s director of personnel, who then redelegates the authority to other members of the personnel staff, as necessary.
Department of Defense (DD) 214 Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty
Service in the Armed Forces is documented on the DD 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty issued by the Department of Defense. The DD 214 shows the dates of service or total amount of active duty, as well as the type of discharge or separation.
Derived Preference
Veterans' preference eligibility granted to certain individuals on the basis of the service of a veteran who is not able to use the preference for themselves.
DEU Examiners/Staff
Agency representative(s) or staff member(s) operating under the agency's delegated examining authority. Those individuals must be trained and certified by OPM in order to conduct delegated examining functions as staed in the agency's delegation examining agreement.
Direct-Hire Authority
Authority that permits hiring under certain circumstances without regard to the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 3309 through 3318 and 5 CFR parts 211 and 377 subpart A.
Dual Certification
The concurrent referral of an applicant to more than one position such as, multiple grades, specialties, and/or geographic locations from eligibility established under a particular job opportunity announcement or application procedure.
Duty Station
The city/town, county, and state in which the employee works. For most employees, this will be the location of the employee's work site.
Duty Station Locator System
A system intended to facilitate the federal civilian personnel community's ability to locate duty station names and codes for use in processing personnel actions and reporting workforce information to the Central Personnel Data File (CPDF).
An indicator of proficiency that relates to course work completed by the candidate that is related to the competencies/KSAs needed to perform in the job.
Education Above the High School Level (or Post High-School Education)
Successfully completed progressive study at an accredited business or technical school, junior college, college, or university where the institution normally requires a high school diploma or equivalent for admission.
Effective Date
The date a personnel action is made effective. Personnel actions to terminate grade and pay retention and Opt Out Phased Employment/Retirement actions are effective at the end of the day (midnight). All other personnel actions are effective at the beginning of the day (12:01 a.m.). Instructions for setting the effective date are included in Table 3-A of The Guide to Processing Personnel Actions.
Electronic Personnel Forms
An officially prescribed set of data residing in an electronic medium that can be:
- Used to produce a mirror-like image (or as near to mirror-like as the creation software will allow) of an officially prescribed form
- Purely prescribed fields for collecting the data that can be integrated, managed, processed, and/or transmitted through an organization’s information processing systems
Elevator Operator
Positions which are properly classified to the Elevator Operator Series, 5438. Positions with the primary duty of running freight or passenger elevators. The work includes opening and closing elevator gates and doors, working elevator controls, loading and unloading the elevator, giving information and directions to passengers such as on the location of offices, and reporting problems in running the elevator. Elevator Operator positions are restricted by law to preference eligibles.
An applicant who satisfies the minimum qualification requirements and passes an assessment for the position, and therefore is eligible for consideration. See also "candidate."
Employee Medical Folder (EMF)
A folder containing employment-related medical information, such as health unit files and occupational medical records.
Employee Performance File (EPF)
Performance appraisals and related records maintained using a system such as:
- A separate envelope in an employee's OPF
- A separate folder (in whatever office the organization designates)
- A supervisor’s work folder
- Microfiche
- An automated personnel record system
- Any combination of such records maintenance systems
Ended Honorably
Uniformed service that ended honorably includes an honorable discharge, or a discharge under honorable conditions (general), or transfer to the inactive reserves under honorable conditions.
Enterprise Human Resources Integration (EHRI)
A centralized automated information system that provides statistics on executive branch employment to the Congress, OPM, and other agencies.
Entry on Duty
The process by which a person completes the necessary paperwork and is sworn in as a federal employee.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
The organization responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person's race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information.
Erroneous Certification
A certificate involving the inadvertant misranking or noncertification of an eligible in connection with a competitive Certificate of Eligibles.
Erroneous Selection
Occurs when a selection made from a certificate is out of order and results in a legal violation (i.e., an illegal selection or appointment). A violation of law cannot be allowed to stand, and corrective action taken must resolve the violation. See also "illegal selection."
Excepted Service
Unclassified service, unclassified civil service, or positions outside of the competitive service and the SES. Excepted service positions have been excepted from the requirements of the competitive service by statute, Executive order, or OPM regulation.
Executive Order (EO)
A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
An indicator of proficiency that relates to the school, home, community, voluntary or work experiences of the applicant that are related to the competencies/KSAs needed to perform in the job.
The continuation of a time-limited appointment (one with an NTE date) up to the maximum time allowed by the authority under which it was effected.
Factor Evaluation System (FES)
The most common type of PD format includes factor level descriptions and corresponding point values for each.?This type of PD is organized into three main sections. 1. Introductions, 2. Major Duties, and 3. Nine Separate Factors.
Failure to Respond (FR)
When an applicant does not respond to a communication from an agency by a specific date they were provided, and by which they were informed they would be removed from consideration if they did not respond.
Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) Program
A program that provides group term life insurance to federal employees.
Federal Employees’ Health Benefits (FEHB) Program
The largest employer-sponsored group health insurance program in the world, covering almost 9 million people including employees, annuitants, and their family members, as well as some former spouses and former employees. The FEHB Program offers fee-for-service plans, Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), and plans offering a Point of Service (POS) product to civilian government employees and annuitants of the United States government.
Federal Employees’ Retirement System (FERS)
A retirement plan that provides benefits from three different sources: a Basic Benefit Plan, Social Security, and the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP).
Federal Workforce Flexibility Act of 2004
Permits a newly appointed or reappointed employee to receive credit for prior non-federal service or active duty uniformed service that otherwise would not be creditable.
Qualified preference eligibles with a compensable service-connected disability of 30-percent or more (CPS) and those with a compensable service-connected disability of at least 10-percent but less than 30-percent (CP) move from the category in which they would otherwise would be placed (based on the assessment) to the top of the highest quality category. - Exception for scientific or professional positions at the GS-9 level or higher. Veterans with a compensable service-connected disability of 10 percent or more (i.e., CPS and CP) move from the category in which they otherwise would be placed (based on the assessment) into the preference eligible section of the highest category (follow the established ordering, i.e. alphabetical, etc)
Foreign Education
Education acquired outside of any State of the U.S., the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, a Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, or any territory or possession of the U.S.
Foreign National
A person who is not a naturalized citizen of the country in which they are living.
Foreign Relations Authorization Act
Grants credit for certain government service performed abroad and refers specifically to service that was performed:
- After December 31, 1998, and before May 24, 1998
- Under a temporary appointment pursuant to sections 309 and 311 of the Foreign Service Act of 1980
- At a U.S. diplomatic mission, consular post (other than a consular agency), or other foreign service post abroad
- y an individual who satisfied all eligibility requirements under regulations of the Department of State (as in effect on September 30, 2002) for a family member limited non-career appointment at the time the service was performed
Frozen Service
The total number of years and months of civilian and military service that is creditable in a Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) component of an employee covered by the CSRS Offset or the Federal Employees’ Retirement System (FERS).
Full-Time Work Schedule
A full-time work schedule requires most employees to work 40 hours during the work week.
The placement of an employee in a temporary nonpay status and nonduty status (or absence from duty) because of lack of work or funds, or for other nondisciplinary reasons.
General Schedule (GS)
The predominant pay scale within the United States civil service. The GS includes the majority of white-collar personnel (professional, technical, administrative, and clerical) positions. Covered by chapter 51 of title 5. Includes a range of difficulty levels and responsibility for covered positions from grades GS 1-15.
General Services Administration (GSA)
Provides centralized procurement for the federal government, offering billions of dollars worth of products, services, and facilities that federal agencies need to serve the public.
The right of an employee to retain for 2 years, for pay and benefits purposes, the grade of the position from which he or she was reduced.
Grade Controlling Duties
Assigned major duties that control the qualifications of the job. These activities make up the primary reason for establishing the position itself.?
Group Coverage (or Generic) Qualification Standards
Standards prescribed for groups of occupational series that have a common pattern of education, experience, and/or other requirements.
Positions which are properly classified to the Guard Series, GS-0085. Positions with the primary duties of which are the performance or supervision of protective services work in guarding Federally owned or leased buildings and property; protecting Government equipment and material; and controlling access to Federal installations by employees; visitors, residents, and patients. The purpose of security guard work is to protect and prevent loss of materials or processes which are important for national defense, for public health or safety, or as national treasures. Guard positions are restricted by law to preference eligibles.
High School Graduation or Equivalent
This means the applicant has received a high school diploma, General Education Development (GED) equivalency certificate, or proficiency certificate from a State or territorial-level Board or Department of Education.
Hiring Manager
The individual(s) making recruitment and selection decisions regarding one or more job vacancies.
Illegal appointment
Occurs when an illegally selected individual enters on duty. Illegal appointments must be regularized (corrected). Every effort must be taken to pu the employee on a legal appointment. If no such corrective action is possible, a variation must be requested from OPM in order to retain the employee.
Illegal Selection
Occurs when a selection made from a Certificate of Eligibles is out of order and results in a violation of selection rules (i.e., a violation of law). A violation of law cannot be allowed to stand, and corrective action taken must resolve the violation.
Improper Service or Improper Assignment
Improper service or improper assignment refers to:
- Service or an assignment performed in a position or positions to which a decision says the employee should not have been assigned
- Non-federal service performed during a period of improper separation from federal service
Indicators of Proficiency
A source of evidence that a candidate possesses job related competencies/KSAs (e.g., agency certification program, education, experience, professional activity, and professional certification).
Individual Occupational Requirements (IOR)
Requirements e.g., experience or education, for particular occupational series or positions within a series and are used in conjunction with a group coverage (generic) standard.
Injury Compensation
The compensation and medical care provided to civilian federal employees for disability due to personal injuries sustained while in performance of duty and due to diseases relating to this employment.
Interagency Career Transition Assistance Program (ICTAP)
A process by which employees who have been involuntarily separated may receive selection priority for jobs in agencies other the one in the which they were previously employed.
Interdisciplinary Position
A position involving duties and responsibilites closely related to more than one professional occupation. As a result, you could classify the position into two or more professional occupational series. The nature of the work is such that persons with education and experience in two or more professions may be considered equally well qualified to do the work.
Interim Appointment, Promotion, Within-Grade Increase, or Other Interim Action
An Interim Appointment, Promotion, Within-grade Increase, or Other Interim Action provides relief for an employee who prevails in an initial action before the MSPB and provides the employee with income during the continuation of the appeal process following the initial MSPB decision.
Interim Relief
Stays of personnel actions (including retroactive stays) ordered by MSPB in which an individual files an individual right of action (IRA) appeal under the Whistleblower Protection Act, claiming reprisal for having engaged in protected activity, are not considered interim relief.
Intermittent Service
Previously known as when actually employed or WAE service, intermittent service is service without a prearranged regularly scheduled tour of duty.
Individual Occupational Requirements (IOR)
Requirements e.g., experience or education, for particular occupational series
or positions within a series and are used in conjunction with a group coverage
(generic) standard
Job Analysis
A systematic method for gathering, documenting, and analyzing information about the content, context, and requirements of the job. It demonstrates that there is a clear relationship between the tasks performed on the job and the competencies/KSAs required to perform the tasks. Job analysis information is used to develop employee selection procedures, identify training needs, define perfomance standards, and other uses.
Job Family
A broad grouping of trades, craft, and labor occupations related in one or more ways such as similiarity of functions performed, transfer-ability of knowledge and skills from one occupation to another, or similiarity of materials or equipment worked on.
Job Family Standard (JFS)
A group of related white collar occupations or series.
Job Opportunity Announcement (JOA)
A document that informs the public regarding a job vacancy. A job opportunity announcement (JOA) describes the requirements of the job, and instructs applicants regarding how to apply for the vacancy. JOAs must be posted on USAJOBS as a means of satisfying the public notice requirement.
A standard met when the competencies/KSAs in the rating procedure are shown through an analysis of the job to be necessary for job performance.
A statement on an affidavit of when, where, and before whom the affidavit was sworn.
A body of information applied directly to the performance of a function.
An acronym for "Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities." An applicant's qualifications for a position are often determined with reference to the KSAs that are relevant to successful performance in that position. See also "competency." The terms competencies and KSAs are sometimes used interchangeably and serve the same function in the job analysis process.
Labor Agreement Information Retrieval System (LAIRS)
A searchable database containing current information on labor-management relations and employee relations in the federal government.
Leave of absence with pay allowed for personal, emergency, and other purposes.
Leave Without Pay (LWOP)
A temporary nonpay status and absence from duty that, in most cases, is granted at the employee's request.
Legal Authority
Sometimes referred to in the Guide as simply the authority, is the law, EO, regulation, agency directive, or instruction under which a personnel action is taken.
Legal Authority Codes
Each legal authority is identified by a unique alphabetical or numerical code listed in a table in Chapter 9 of The Guide to Processing Personnel Actions.
LER - Labor and Employee Relations
Life Insurance
The group life, death, and accidental dismemberment insurance available to federal employees.
List Form of Notice
For certain situations in which the same personnel actions affect a large number of employees (e.g., accessions, separations due to mass transfer, etc.), instead of having to prepare a separate Notification of Personnel Action for every employee, an agency may have the option of recording the personnel action on a single list form of notice.
Locality Payment
A locality-based comparability payment under 5 U.S.C. 5304 or equivalent payment under another authority.
Lost Consideration
A serious type of erroneous certification where there is a violation of law; title 5 (rule of three or category rating certification rules) and/or the Veterans' Preference Act of 1944, as amended.
Mass Transfer
The movement of an employee with his or her position to a different agency when (1) a transfer of function or an organization change takes place and (2) there is no change in the employee's position, grade, or pay. (Note: for purposes of this definition, a change in the amount of any locality payment to which the employee is entitled is not a change in pay.)
A process in category rating by which an agency can combine the highest quality category with next lower category from which they can review additional eligibles to make more selections. This can be done when there are fewer than 3 eligibles in the highest quality category.
Positions which are properly classified to the Messenger Series, GS-0302. This series includes all classes of positions the primary duties of which are to supervise or perform general messenger work, such as receiving, delivering, and collecting incoming and outgoing mail or other documents or items including correspondence, memoranda, publications, records, files, packages, and other similar material. Positions in this series may also involve the performance of light manual or mechanical work, or general office tasks of a simple and routine nature, or the operation of a motor vehicle. Messenger positions are restricted by law to preference eligibles.
Military Retiree
For leave accrual purposes, a military retiree is any current or former member of the uniformed services who is entitled, under statute, to retired, retirement, or retainer pay.
Uniformed services retirees include persons on their service’s Temporary Disability Retirement List (TDRL), and Navy and Marine Corps personnel who have been transferred to the Fleet Reserve Association (FRA).
Minimum Qualifications
Qualifications that an applicant must possess, at a minimum, to be eligible to participate in an assessment for hire or promotion under the competitive system, e.g., education, experience, and/or other requirements (e.g., licensure). Applicants who do not meet the minimum requirements for the position receive no further consideration.
Multiple Certification
The concurrent referral of an applicant to more than one grade, speciality, and/or geographic location. Also known as "dual certification."
Nature of Action (NOA)
The term used to explain a personnel action that is occurring.
Nature of Action Code (NOAC)
A code for a nature of action contained in the tables found in Chapters 9 through 32 of The Guide to Processing Personnel Actions. The code indicates the type/series that the personnel action falls under and the particular kind of action.
Newly Required Action
A personnel action that is required as a result of a decision or a cancellation.
Nonappropriated Fund Employment (NAF)
Title 5 U.S.C. § 6312(a)(2), as amended by section 7202 of the Portability of Benefits for Nonappropriated Fund Employees Act of 1990, authorizes credit for leave accrual purposes for NAF service of employees who move:
- On or after January 1, 1987, from Department of Defense NAF employment to Department of Defense civil service employment
- From Coast Guard NAF employment to Coast Guard civil service employment without a break in service of more than three calendar days.
Normal Line of Promotion (or Progression)
The pattern of upward movement from one grade to another for a position or group of positions in an organization.
Oath of Office
An oath in the SF-61 executed when the appointee enters on duty. The oath is given by a notary, federal official, or agency employee who has, or has been delegated, the responsibility to administer oaths.
An agency's request ot remove an eligible from consideration on a particular certification.
Occupational Group
A group of associated or related occupations. (Accounting and Budget Group, General Administrative, Clerical, and Office Services Group)
U.S. justices and judges and individuals who are required by law to be appointed by the President, a U.S. court, the head of an executive agency, or the secretary of a military department.
Official Notice
Agency forms, documents on agency letterhead, or other electronic or paper issuances showing the name and title of an agency official authorized to inform employees of personnel actions.
Official Personnel Folder (OPF)
A file containing records and documents related to civilian employment under title 5, U.S. Code.
The Office of Personnel Management
OPM-Reserved and Agency-Created Legal Authority Codes
Legal authority codes beginning with a letter or with the numbers “1” through “5” are reserved for use by OPM to identify authorities on actions that are reported to EHRI.
Pass Over Request
An objection filed against a preference eligible that if sustained, would result in the selection of a non-preference eligible.
Pay Adjustment
Any increase or decrease in an employee's rate of basic pay when there is no change in the duties or responsibilities of the employee's position. For example, a pay adjustment would include a change in the step at which the employee is paid. A change in the pay system under which the employee is paid is also considered a pay adjustment.
Pay Plan
The pay system or pay schedule under which the employee's rate of basic pay is determined, e.g., General Schedule (GS), Executive Schedule (EX), and Leader under the Federal Wage System (WL).
Pay Rate Determinant (PRD)
A designation of any special factors that help determine an employee's rate of basic pay or adjusted basic pay.
Pay Retention Entitlement
The right of an employee to retain, under certain circumstances, a rate of basic pay higher than the maximum rate of the grade for the position occupied.
Peace Corps’ Volunteer Staff & Payroll Services
Verifies satisfactory volunteer Peace Corps service.
Period of War
As defined in Title 38 U.S.C. § 101(11), a period of war includes:
- World War II
- The Korean conflict
- The Vietnam era
- The Persian Gulf War
- The period beginning on the date of any future declaration of war by Congress and ending on the date prescribed by Presidential proclamation or concurrent resolution of Congress
Personal Information
Date of birth, Social Security numbers, agency payroll numbers, and employee numbers are considered personal information.
Personnel Action
The official record of employment for, and authorization of, pay to an employee.
Personnel Office Identifier (POI)
A number that identifies the federal civilian personnel office authorized to appoint and separate the employee, and, to the extent such functions have been delegated, to prepare personnel actions, maintain official personnel records, and administer.
Phased Employment
The less-than-full-time employment of a phased retiree.
Phased Retirement Status
A phased retiree is concurrently employed in phased employment and eligible to receive a phased retirement annuity.
Putting employees into jobs. This may be done by appointment of someone new to government; by promotion, change to lower grade, reassignment, or transfer within an agency or from other agencies of a current employee; and by reinstatement of a former employee.
The work, consisting of the duties and responsibilities assigned by competent authority for performance by an employee.
Position Change
A move by an employee from one position to another position during his or her continuous service within the same agency. When the move establishes the employee’s eligibility for grade retention (under 5 U.S.C. 5362), the nature of action for the move is also called Position Change. It is also called a Position Change when an employee who is already entitled to grade retention moves to another position at or below his or her retained grade. Moves when the employee is not entitled to grade retention are called promotions, changes to lower grade, or reassignments.
Position Classification
The analysis and identification of a position and placing it under the position classification plan established by OPM under chapter 51 of title 5, U.S. Code.
Position Description (PD)
A statement of the major duties, responsibilities, and supervisory relationships of a position. In its simplest form, a PD indicates the work to be performed by the position.
Position (or Job) Title
The name of a position, such as “Secretary,” or “Civil Engineer,” or “Personnel Staffing Specialist.”
Preference Eligible
Veterans who have been separated from the armed forces under honorable conditions and who served on active duty during a war or in a campaign or expedition, for which a campaign badge has been authorized, or during particular defined periods. It also includes disabled veterans and, under certain circumstances, the mothers, spouses or unmarried widows or widowers of certain veterans. A veteran, spouse, widow/widower, or parent, who meets the definition provided in 5 U.S.C. 2108 and 2108a. Preference eligibles are entitled to have 5 or 10 points added to their earned score on a civil service examination under rule of three procedures or receive preference in selection under category rating procedures (see 5 U.S.C. 3309 and 3319). Preference does not apply, however, to in-service placement actions such as promotions.
Premium Pay
Additional pay for overtime, night, holiday, or Sunday work and standby duty or administratively uncontrollable work.
Priority Consideration
Special placement priority that is given to a candidate who was previously denied consideration due to erroneous/illegal selection.
Privacy Act of 1974
Establishes a code of fair information practices that governs the collection, maintenance, use, and dissemination of information about individuals that is maintained in systems of records by federal agencies.
A nature of action used to document personnel actions that change an employee (1) to a position at a higher grade level within the same job classification system and pay schedule or (2) to position with a higher rate of basic pay in a different job classification system and pay schedule.
Public Law 109-364, Section 1101, dated October 16, 2006
This law states: except under the limited conditions specified in Title 5 U.S.C. § 6303(a)(A)-(C) or (e), the uniformed service of an employee appointed on or after October 17, 2006 while on terminal leave pending retirement from the uniformed service is not creditable for purposes of determining the SCD-Leave.
Purple Heart
A military decoration awarded to service members of the Armed Forces of the United States who have been wounded or killed as a result of armed conflict while serving under compenent authority in any capacity with one of the U.S. Armed Services.
Quality Category or Category
Grouping of individuals with similar levels of job-related compentencies/KSAs developed under category rating procedures.
Quality Ranking Factor
A competency/KSA that is expected to significantly enhance performance in a position. Unlike a selective factor, a quality ranking factor is not used as a "screen out" factor.
Rate of Basic Pay
The rate of pay fixed by law or administrative action for the position held by an employee before any deductions (such as taxes) and exclusive of additional pay of any kind (such as overtime pay). For GS employees, a rate of basic pay is a GS base rate, a law enforcement officer special base rate (GL), or a retained rate – excluding any locality payment or special rate supplement. A rate of basic pay is expressed consistent with applicable pay basis (e.g., annual rate for GS employees or hourly rate for wage system employees).
The movement of an employee and his or her position when (1) a transfer of function or an organization change occurs, and (2) the employee stays in the same agency, and (3) there is no change in the employee's position, grade or pay (including locality pay).
The change of an employee from one position to another without promotion or change to lower grade. Reassignment includes: (1) movement to a position in a new occupational series, or to another position in the same series; (2) assignment to a position that has been redescribed due to the introduction of a new or revised classification or job grading standard; (3) assignment to a position that has been redescribed as a result of position review; and (4) movement to a different position at the same grade but with a change in salary that is the result of different local prevailing wage rates or a different locality payment.
Reduction in Force (RIF)
Separation of an employee from his or her competitive level, required by the agency because of lack of work or funds, abolition of position or agency, or cuts in personnel authorizations.
Reemployed Annuitant
A person retired under the Civil Service or Federal Employees Retirement System whose annuity continues after he or she is reemployed by the Federal Government.
Reemployment Rights
The entitlement of an employee to return to nontemporary employment after assignment to other civilian employment. This other employment may be with the Foreign Service, public international organizations, or other agencies in the executive branch or overseas.
Noncompetitive reemployment in the competitive service as a career or career-conditional employee of a person formerly employed in the competitive service who had a competitive status or was serving probation when separated.
Related Education
Education above the high school level that has equipped the applicant with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to successfully perform the duties of the position being filled. Education may relate to the duties of a specific position or to the occupation, but must be appropriate for the position being filled.
Relocation Incentives
Payments made to current employees who must relocate to accept a position in a different geographic area when an agency determines that the position is likely to difficult to fill in the absence of an incentive.
Remarks put on the SF-50 in order to explain a personnel action to the employee, the payroll office, future employers, OPM, and other federal agencies.
Remarks Codes
For ease of reference, remarks are identified in the Guide to Processing Personnel Actions by remarks codes. The first character of a remarks code indicates the purpose for which the remark is used. The other characters of a remarks code have no significance.
A separation from federal service initiated by the agency, Office of Personnel Management, or Merit Systems Protection Board, under 5 CFR parts 359, 432, 731, or 752; section1201 of title 5, U.S. Code; or comparable agency statutes or regulations.
Replacement Action
A personnel action that replaces or takes the place of a canceled SF-50 when:
- Another action is being substituted for the original action (such as a 15-day suspension substituted for a 30-day suspension)
- The original action was canceled because it contained erroneous information and/or inappropriate remarks, but was otherwise a valid action
- The original action was canceled because it in some way reflected the effects of another personnel action that was also canceled (such as a change to career tenure that reflects the wrong grade because a previous change to lower grade was canceled)
Research Positions
Positions in professional series that primarily involve scientific inquiry or investigation, or research-type exploratory development of a creative or scientific nature, where the knowledge required to perform the work successfully is acquired typically and primarily through graduate study. The positions are such that the academic preparation will equip the applicant to perform fully the work after a short orientation period.
A member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps or Coast Guard reserves.
A separation action initiated by the employee to leave federal civil service.
Retained Rate
A rate of pay above the maximum rate of the employee's grade which an employee is allowed to keep in special situations rather than having his or her rate of basic pay reduced.
Retention Incentives
Payments made to employees when an agency determines that the unusually high or unique qualifications of the employee or a special need of the agency for the employee’s services makes it essential to retain the employee and that the employee would be likely to leave the federal service in the absence of a retention incentive.
Separation from the service when employee is eligible to obtain an immediate annuity.
Retroactive Action
A personnel action that is prepared or processed after the pay period in which it is to be effective.
Retroactive actions may be either replacement actions or newly required actions.
Return to Duty
Placement of an employee back in pay and duty status after absence for Furlough, Suspension, or Leave Without Pay.
Rule of Three
When selecting from a certificate of eligibles, an appointing officer must, with sole reference to merit and fitness, make a selection for the first vacancy from the highest three eligibiles available for appointment on the certificate. This is one of two examining methods available. The other is category rating.
Seasonal Employee
An employee who works on an annual recurring basis for periods of less than 12 months (2080 hours) each year.
A person selected for appointment to a position.
Selective Factor or Selective Placement Factor
A competency/KSA or special qualification without which a candidate could not perform the duties of a position in a satisfactory manner. Selective factors are applied in addition to minimum qualifications. Applicants who do not meet a selective factor are ineligible for further consideration.
Senior Career Employee
An individual appointed to a position classified above GS–15 and paid under section 5376 who is not serving under a time-limited appointment; or in a position that is excepted from the competitive service because of its confidential or policy-making character.
Senior Executive Service (SES)
The SES was established to ensure that the executive management of the government of the United States is responsive to the needs, policies, and goals of the Nation and otherwise is of the highest quality. These leaders possess well-honed executive skills and share a broad perspective on government and a public service commitment that is grounded in the Constitution.
Members of the SES serve in the key positions just below the top Presidential appointees. SES members are the major link between these appointees and the rest of the federal workforce.
Actions that remove employees from the rolls of their agencies such as deaths, resignations, terminations, removals, and retirements.
Classes of positions similar in specialized line of work but differing in difficulty or responsibility of work, or qualifications requirements and, therefore, differing in grade and pay range. Subdivision or occupational group or job family consisting of position similar as to specialized line of work and qualification requirements. Designated by a title and number. (Accounting Series, 0510; Secretary Series, 0318)
Series or Occupational Series
Positions similar as to specialized work and qualification requirements. Series are designated by a title and number such as the Accounting Series, GS-510; the Secretary Series, GS-318; and the Microbiology Series, GS-403.
Service Computation Date (SCD)
A date, either actual or constructed, that is used to determine benefits and is generally based on how long the person has been in the federal service.
Service Computation Date (SCD) Leave
A date used to determine the rate at which an employee accrues annual leave (four, six, or eight hours per pay period), depending on the amount of service creditable for leave accrual purposes.
Service-Connected Disability
A disability resulting from an injury or illness that was incurred or aggravated during active military service, as determined by Department of Veteran Affairs and/or a United States military service branch.
An observable competence to perform a learned psychomotor act.
Specialized Experience
Experience that has equipped the applicant with the particular knowledge, skills, and abilities/competencies to perform successfully the duties of the position and is typically in or related to the work of the position to be filled.
Status Candidates
Status candidates, or those with competitive status, refer to those individuals who are current or former federal civilian employees who hold or held non-temporary appointments in the competitive service, not the excepted service.
The Standard Form 15 is a U.S. Office of Personnel Management form used by veterans & relatives of veterans to apply for 10-point veteran preference.
Standard Form 50 Notification of Personnel Action
Completed by the personnel or administrative office to which appointing authority has been delegated, and is used to notify the employee and the payroll office, and to record the action in the employee's Official Personnel Folder.
Standard Form 52 Request for Personnel Action
Used by operating officials or supervisors to request personnel actions and to secure internal agency clearance of requests for personnel action. Employees use the Standard Form 52 to request leave without pay or a name change and to notify the agency of their intent to resign or retire.
The step of the pay plan under which an employee is paid. For example, step 2 of GS 7; step 1 of WG 5.
Student Volunteer Service
Service performed under Title 5 U.S.C. § 3111, with the permission of the institution at which the student is enrolled, as part of an agency program established for providing educational experience for the student.
Subject File
A file, separate from the OPF or EPF, in which material is filed and retrieved by subject or topic, rather than by employee.
Subject Matter Expert (SME)
A person with bona fide expert knowledge about a particular job.
Supervisory Differential
The annual total dollar amount paid, over and above basic pay, to a General Schedule supervisor who otherwise would be paid less than one or more of the civilian employees supervised.
Placement of an employee in a temporary nonpay and nonduty status (or absence from duty) for disciplinary reasons or other reasons pending an inquiry.
An activity an employee performs on a regular basis in order to carry out the functions of the job.
The period of time an employee may reasonably expect to serve under his or her current appointment. Tenure is governed by the type of appointment under which an employee is currently serving, without regard to whether the employee has competitive status or whether the employee's appointment is to a competitive service position or an excepted service position.
Tenure Groups
Categories of employees ranked in priority order for retention during reduction in force.
A separation action initiated by either the employee or the agency when the employee (or a group of employees) moves from one agency to another agency.
Termination-Exp of Appt
A separation action initiated by the agency to end employment on the not-to-exceed date of a temporary appointment or when the employee has worked the number of days or hours to which the appointment was limited.
Tour of Duty
The hours of a day (daily tour of duty) and the days of an administrative workweek (weekly tour of duty) that are scheduled in advance and during which an employee is required to perform work on a regularly recurring basis.
A change of an employee, without a break in service of one full workday, from a position in one agency to a position in another agency that can be filled under the same appointing authority.
The Guide to Data Standards
This document contains complete lists of natures of action (both the full and the abbreviated versions), legal authorities, and remarks, along with their associated codes for data standards.
The Guide to Personnel Recordkeeping
A guide written in plain language that provides guidance to assist agencies with day-to-day personnel recordkeeping requirements.
The Guide to Processing Personnel Actions
An OPM-issued document that contains information, instructions, and job aids related to processing and recording employee personnel actions.
Trade, Craft and Labor Occupations
Occupations that require experience and knowledge in a particular trade, craft or labor as a primary duty regardless of organizational location or nature of activity.
Unemployment Compensation
An unemployment insurance for federal employees.
Uniformed Service
The uniformed services consist of the:
- Army
- Navy
- Air Force
- Marine Corps
- Commissioned Officer Corps of the United States Public Health Service (USPHS)
- Commissioned Officer Corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
United States Code (U.S.C.)
The United States Code is a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States. It is prepared by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the United States House of Representatives.
Veterans' Preference
A statutory right that entitles qualifying veterans to certain advantages in consideration for federal employment in the competitive and excepted services of the executive branch. Preference does not apply to merit promotion actions; certain Schedule A positions; positions in Schedule C, Schedule E, and the Senior Executive Service; or executive branch positions for which Senate confirmation is required.
Veterans’ Preference Act of 1944
A federal hiring law that requires certain veterans to receive special consideration in the hiring process. It applies to nearly all competitive and many excepted service positions. Veterans’ preference is not a hiring authority; rather it is an entitlement that certain individuals (and relatives of individuals) earn based on their military service.
Void Action
A personnel action that should never have occurred because of an absolute statutory bar to it.
Withdrawal or Withdrawn from Consideration
When an applicant requests to no longer be considered for a position, i.e., when an applicant asks to have their application rescinded.
Within-Grade Increase (WGI)
An increase in employee's rate of basic pay by advancement from one step of his or her grade to the next after meeting requirements for length of service and performance.
Work Schedule
The time basis on which an employee is paid. A work schedule may be full-time, part-time, or intermittent.
30 Percent or More Disabled Veteran Appointing Authority
The 30% or More Disabled Veteran Appointing Authority allows any veteran with a 30% or more service-connected disability to be non-competitively appointed to a vacancy.
Any personnel action that brings an individual onto the rolls (staff) of an agency.
A tool or combination of tools used to evaluate candidates and rate their competencies/KSAs.
Career Transition Assistance Plan (CTAP)
A career transition program that gives priority placement to surplus and displaced employees before they separate from the agency under delegated examining (DE) and merit promotion (MP) hiring processes.
Category Rating
A category-based rating method that is used to assess job applicants for positions filled competitively under delegated examining procedures.
Compensation Flexibilities
Direct compensation benefits that can be added to an employment offer above the basic salary and the normal benefits package.
Competitive Service
All civilian positions in the federal government that are not specifically excepted from the civil service laws by or pursuant to statute, by the President, or by OPM under Rule VI, and that are not in the Senior Executive Service (SES) or a Senior Level position (SL).
Delegated Examining
A hiring authority used to fill competitive service jobs with applicants applying from outside the federal workforce, federal employees who do not have competitive service status, and federal employees with competitive service status.
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
Equal Employment Opportunity laws make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person's race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information. They also make it illegal to discriminate against a person because the person complained about discrimination, filed a charge of discrimination, or participated in an employment discrimination investigation or lawsuit.
Excepted Service
Unclassified service, unclassified civil service, or positions outside of the competitive service and the Senior Executive Service (SES). Excepted service positions have been excepted from the requirements of the competitive service by statute, Executive Order, or OPM regulation.
Functional Guides
Guides used to determine the grade of broad categories of Federal white collar work classified under General Schedule (GS) classification system.
General Experience
Experience usually required at grade levels where the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to perform the duties of a specific position are not a prerequisite, but where applicants must have demonstrated the ability to acquire the particular knowledge and skills.
General Schedule (GS)
The predominant pay scale within the United States civil service. The GS includes the majority of white-collar personnel (professional, technical, administrative, and clerical) positions.
General Services Administration (GSA)
Provides centralized procurement for the federal government, offering billions of dollars worth of products, services, and facilities that federal agencies need to serve the public.
Interagency Career Transition Assistance Plan (ICTAP)
A career transition program that provides interagency assistance to displaced employees before and after separation from the federal workforce under delegated examining (DE) and merit promotion (MP) procedures if recruiting outside the agency’s workforce.
Job Opportunity Announcement (JOA)
A federal job announcement for hiring opportunities that is required to be posted on USAJOBS.
Merit Promotion (MP)
Merit promotion (MP) procedures require that each agency adopt and administer a program designed to ensure a systematic means of selecting for promotions or lateral/inter-agency positions according to merit.
Merit System Accountability and Compliance (MSAC)
The MSAC office ensures federal agency human resources programs are effective and meet merit system principles and related civil service requirements.
The process of bringing employees into new organizations and roles to ensure that they have what they need to be successful in the shortest amount of time. This final step in the hiring process is a long-term process that begins before a new employee arrives.
Position Classification Standard
Position Classification Standards encourage uniformity and equity in the classification of positions by providing reference across organizations, locations, and agencies. They usually include a description of work performed, official titles, and criteria for determining grades.
Position Description (PD)
A statement of the major duties, responsibilities, and supervisory relationships of a position. In its simplest form, a PD indicates the work to be performed by the position.
Preference Eligible
Veterans who have been separated from the armed forces under honorable conditions and who served on active duty during a war or in a campaign or expedition, for which a campaign badge has been authorized, or during particular defined periods. It also includes disabled veterans and, under certain circumstances, the mothers, spouses or unmarried widows or widowers of certain veterans.
Priority Placement Program
Priority Placement Program (PPP) regulations establish the minimum requirements agencies must meet in providing their employees with transition services and selection priority for vacancies. Each agency has a specific program containing detailed information about the agency's transition policies.
Public Notice
Required under 5 U.S.C. §§ 3327 and 3330, public notice is the process of explaining to job seekers when, where, and how to apply for a federal job.
Quality Categories
Categories, defined through job analysis, written to reflect the requirements to perform the job successfully and to distinguish differences in the quality of candidates' job-related competencies/knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs).
Recruitment Consultation Meeting
A meeting with the hiring manager to help the Staffing Specialist gain an understanding of the role that is being filled and any specialized experience needed to go along with it.
Reemployment Priority List (RPL)
The mechanism agencies use to give reemployment consideration to their former competitive service employees separated by reduction in force (RIF) or fully recovered from a compensable injury after more than 1 year.
Schedule A
An appointment designed to appoint persons with severe physical disabilities, psychiatric disabilities, and intellectual disabilities and readers, interpreters, and personal assistants for employees with severe disabilities as reasonable accommodations to positions.
Selective Placement Factors
Factors used for positions where specific qualifications are absolutely required because a person cannot perform successfully in the position without such qualifications (e.g., bilingual proficiency).
Specialized Experience
Experience typically required for positions above the entry level where applicants must have demonstrated that they possess the knowledge, skills, and ability to perform successfully the duties of a position after a normal orientation period.
Status Candidates
Status candidates, or those with competitive status, refer to those individuals who are current or former federal civilian employees who hold or held non-temporary appointments in the competitive service, not the excepted service.
Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
Experts who know about the job being hired for who often identify duties and verify the critical tasks and competencies of the job.
The federal government’s official one-stop source for federal jobs and employment information and the mechanism by which OPM publishes information supplied by agencies about positions they intend to fill using one of the Pathways Programs.
Veterans Employment Opportunities Act of 1998 (VEOA)
A competitive service appointing authority that can only be used when filling permanent, competitive service positions. This appointing authority allows veterans to be considered for positions filled using merit promotion procedures even if the veteran would not otherwise have status.
Veterans’ Preference Act of 1944
A federal hiring law that requires certain veterans to receive special consideration in the hiring process. It applies to nearly all competitive and many excepted service positions. Veterans’ preference is not a hiring authority; rather it is an entitlement that certain individuals (and relatives of individuals) earn based on their military service.
Veterans Recruitment Appointment (VRA)
An excepted authority that allows agencies to appoint eligible veterans without competition.
White Collar Occupations
An occupation with primary duties requiring knowledge or experience of an administrative, clerical, scientific, artistic or technical nature. These occupations are not related to trade, craft, or manual labor work.