Fed up with unsolicited emails?
GDPR has come and gone. Aren't we meant to be protected from unsolicited emails now? Obviously not as I still get between 3 and 8 emails a day from people I have never met or given my consent to a marketing email. So I'm striking back.
Now I have no idea how legal this is but I'm a little at the end of my tether with the toothless tiger called GDPR. Let's be honest how much did your organisation spend on making sure your data was GDPR compliant back in 2018? A few thousand I expect to have so called "experts" tell us what and what not to do.
So here's the plan. I am hereby giving notice that anyone who sends me an unsolicited email automatically opts in to every marketing database I hold for any product or company I have. In fact this also waives your right to let me sell or transfer free of charge your contact details to anyone I see fit who may also add your information to their marketing database.
You have been warned. And I'm sure I can send you more interesting information that the detritus and irrelevancy that you call "interesting" or "specialist" information about meetings I have never agreed to or saving money on my telephone charges or payroll services (I'm an accountant for goodness sake) or even something called a "Huddle Room". These are just examples from today.
So be warned. Expect your inbox to be filled with reciprocated with more interesting banality.