Fed up with Procrastination, Self-Sabotage, Anxiety, Stress? - How to go from Stuck to Unstoppable...

Fed up with Procrastination, Self-Sabotage, Anxiety, Stress? - How to go from Stuck to Unstoppable...

The main job of our subconscious mind is to protect us…and it’s really clever at doing this.

Our biggest adult problems stem from solutions that we came up with in early childhood to move us away from pain, embarrassment, rejection or shame…like..

You’re six years old, and you’re participating in a school play. You’re so excited about it...but on the night of the performance…you say your lines at the wrong time...and everyone laughs at you.

Your clever mind comes up with a solution…it forms a belief that speaking out, or performing like this just leads to embarrassment and feeling bad…and you decide that the only way to ‘protect’ yourself is to decide that it’s ‘not safe’ to speak in public.

Now, as an adult, you’re in a job that requires you to give presentations if you’re going to progress, but you still have that belief…and your subconscious mind stops you from putting yourself forward…every single time…the emotion from that experience is still very strong.


You’re 8 years old, you notice that when you do well at school, and in other activities like sports and music etc, your father praises you, and when you don’t, he either reprimands you, but mostly he just says nothing at all. His silence lets you know how disappointed he is in you.

Your subconscious mind forms a belief that you’re only worthy of love and approval when you’re doing well…not when you perform poorly…so you have to make sure that you’re always ‘pleasing him’ and excelling in whatever you do.

In adult life, you have a great job but you hate it. You have a burning desire to set up your own business…be your own boss…but you feel that there’s so much uncertainty, and so many things that you can’t control in that situation, that you can’t possibly take the chance…there’s no way that you could deal with the fall-out if it failed. And your sub-conscious mind keeps you exactly where you are because on some level, it’s still fearing the ‘reprimands’ or ‘silence’ from your ‘father’.


You’re 7 years old, you hear your parents talking about trying to make ends meet, and the need to work longer hours to earn more money. As you grow older, you often overhear conversations about how difficult it is for them to make money, and keep money…and how ‘money follows money’…other people seem to make money easily but your family is different….and...you form a belief that you have to 'work really hard for money'.

Thirty years later, you have your own business, it’s quite successful, but you’re working crazy hours, and you’re stressed to the max. Even when you’re presented with solutions and ideas on how to do things easier with less involvement from yourself, you seem to always insist on doing things the ‘hard’ way.

You cannot allow yourself to make money with ‘ease’. Your mind believes that there isn’t an easier way, and if there is, it’s definitely not available to you.

Do any of these examples make sense?

Is it logical that seemingly innocuous events and experiences, which we reacted to as children, could still be having a massive impact on the way we behave in our adult lives?

NO...it’s not logical, but emotion will ALWAYS override logic, whether we’ll even admit it to ourselves or not.

We form the majority of our views, values, and opinions on life on the experiences we have before the age of 8. And even though the meaning we gave to those experiences, and the solutions we came up with on how to deal with them were ‘age appropriate’, then...they’re not now.

But we cannot fix what we don’t understand…and we cannot heal what we don’t understand.

In a two hour session with me, I help you gain a full understanding of what those deep subconscious beliefs that were created and embedded as a child are, why they’re still affecting you today, and why they’ve been keeping you stuck.

You will achieve more of a breakthrough in that two hours, than through months of traditional therapy or coaching alone.

I now use RTT – Rapid Transformational Therapy.

RTT is a powerful, ground-breaking approach, and I love it because it enables me to get fast and permanent results for my clients.

RTT helps with issues like procrastination, self-sabotage, fear of failure, fear of success, crippling anxiety, money blocks, guilt, stress, self-doubt, low confidence, low self esteem etc.

See the full list on my website: www.aileengallagher.com

If you suffer from any of these issues, and you’re ready to finally resolve it, book in for a free 15 minute Discovery Call…


Ryan Mathie

Raising Consciousness since 2009

2 年

Great share, Aileen!



