February's Monthly Wrap-Up!

February's Monthly Wrap-Up!

Welcome to OD Talent Solutions’ Monthly Wrap-Up!

Welcome to February’s newsletter, if you like hearing what we have to say – remember to let us know.

Why are recruitment specialists writing a newsletter? We are very proud of our team and we believe that the knowledge that we have to share, deserves to be heard. Our team have a wealth of experience and opinions on the everyday news and it’s important to us that we deliver a newsletter that is clear, concise and easy to understand. It’s also important to us the we raise awareness of key issues and start conversations that everyone should be involved in.

We aren’t just experts in recruitment, we’re big fans of delivering the importance of employer brand. Thanks to that, we’ll be giving companies the recognition they deserve when they get their employer branding just right, regardless of if they are a client of ours or not! We’ll also be spotlighting individuals who deserve to be heard – throughout the month our team keeps their eyes peeled for a LinkedIn status that has hit the nail on the head, and then we share it with you in our status of the month.

Remember to subscribe if you don’t want to miss our future newsletters and be sure to tell us your thoughts – we’d love it if you could share the newsletter too! If you have ideas or suggestions for how we could improve please email us at [email protected] or drop one of the team a DM.

We hope you enjoy!

OD Talent Solutions News

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Somerset Firms feature in TV News report to highlight opportunities in burgeoning West Country Green Tech and R&D sectors, despite redundancy warning headlines

Somerset firms The Outsourced Recruitment Company and Electrified Motors Engineering featured in a recent ITV West Country News report, sparked by continued worries over job insecurity in a volatile employment market.

ITV News reporter Ben McGrail visited the offices of OD Talent Solutions in Taunton to interview team member Sarah T. , and founder Laura O'Driscoll about recent experiences, and to gather job seeking advice for the broadcaster’s extensive West Country audience. Sarah knows only too well the difficulties of the current economic landscape, having lost her previous job at very short notice but is delighted to be using her skills in a newly created role at OD Talent Solutions, following the recruitment company’s sustained growth. Sarah told viewers “It came completely out of the blue – I was told on a video call in the morning that the job was gone, and not to worry about carrying on working. To this day I’ve not heard a thing from the employer”

Despite evidence on the ground that local employers are increasing the number of redundancies, Sarah’s new employer Laura told reporter Ben that there are still many reasons for confidence, and offered those facing the loss of a job the following advice: “Don’t panic, be really smart about where you apply – make sure it’s somewhere that aligns with your values and what you want to do. Try and look at industries where there is lots of potential for future growth. We have some brilliant Green Tech and R&D Engineering businesses here in the South West, where we are going to continue to see growth”

Ben McGrail went on to visit Electrified Motors , a perfect example of the type of company Laura described. The Bridgwater based firm develops cutting edge robotic technology and processes for the electric motor industry across the globe, and the unique manufacturing solutions the company has developed can be used to support a wide range of applications in the automotive, heavy industry and aerospace sectors worldwide. MD Jim Winchester detailed their growth trajectory: “We are growing our business significantly, and so continuing to develop our team and recruit new talent is a massive focus for us. We want to find as many people as we can from the local area to support our growing manufacturing, engineering and operations functions. We’re finding that we’re turning away more new projects than we can take on, purely because of the rate we can recruit at”

The TV news report concluded that there is growth out there, and with growth comes jobs. Laura, who is delighted to be exclusively handling the recruitment project for Electrified Automation, added to this sentiment: “There is some amazing talent across Somerset, and we are fortunate to have innovative businesses locally - at the cutting edge of technology with extremely high standards and pride in their work. Some may not be aware that Bridgwater has such a progressive company here on our doorstep, and we are thrilled to have the opportunity to help Electrified Automation heighten their presence in the local labour market.”

To learn more about Electrified Automation and the roles available, click here.

The ITV West Country News feature can be watched here:

What should I keep an eye on? ?

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April is fast approaching, and naturally brings with it increases to minimum wage and other financial considerations that everyone should be aware of. As of 1 April, National Living Wage for workers aged 23+ will see its largest ever increase of 9.7%, equating to 92p.

The rate for statutory maternity, paternity, adoption, shared parental and parental bereavement pay will also increase to £172.48 per week. The rate for statutory sick pay will increase to £109.40 per week.

To clarify, the annual increase to the minimum wage and national living wage are as follows for 2023:

23+ – £10.42 (9.7% increase, 92p)

21-22 – £10.18 (10.9% increase, £1)

18-20 – £7.49 (9.7% increase, 66p)

16-17 – £5.28 (9.8% increase, 47p)

Apprentices – £5.28 (9.8% increase, 47p)

The accommodation offset will be £9.10 per day (4.6% increase, 40p).

The maximum week’s pay for a statutory redundancy payment and the maximum compensatory award for ordinary unfair dismissal will also be increasing from 6 April 2023, although these figures have not yet been confirmed.

Student and postgraduate loan thresholds from April 2023

Changes as determined by The Department for Education will also come into effect for Student Loan repayment thresholds from 6 April.

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Plan 1, pre-2012: Rising to £22,015

Plan 2, post-2012: Frozen at £27,295

Plan 4, Scotland: Rising to £27,660

Postgraduate loan: Frozen at £21,000


Plans 1, 2 and 4 remain at 9% for any earnings above the respective thresholds.

Postgraduate loans remain at 6% for any earnings above the respective threshold.

Recent Blogs

5 ways to boost your Employer Brand using social media, by Kim Draper

If you use it correctly, social media can be a very powerful tool in communicating and boosting your employer brand.

89% of job seekers evaluate a company before applying for a job with them. Want to know how they’ll do this – your social media channels!

Here’s five things you can do to help boost your employer brand using social media…


What is an apprenticeship? By Sarah T.

An apprenticeship is a training program which combines on-the-job training with a qualification to ensure that the apprentice develops the skills, knowledge and behaviours required to effectively perform their role.

An apprenticeship combines work and study, by combining on-the-job training with classroom learning. Apprentices study for a formal qualification, usually for one day a week at college, alongside working in a related job and by the end of the apprenticeship, they will have developed the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their current role or move on to the next apprenticeship level.

How to write a good CV, by Hayley Daniells

It’s time for a new job and I think I’ve found a role that’s right for me, now all I need to do is send my CV and keep my fingers crossed. BUT WAIT –

When was the last time I checked my CV?

Do I even have one?

If this sounds familiar, then we’re here to help! Here are our top tips for how to write a good CV, and if we can help you tick off the whole list then you’ll have the perfect CV!

Some employers take just seconds to glance at a CV before deciding if it’s worth reading, writing a CV can be the biggest challenge of your job search and it’s time we set you up for success.


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Have you seen the news?

This month has seen a number of interesting “people-related” schemes or changes coming to the fold.

We have finally reached the end point of the 4-day working week trial and it's produced some insightful results that you can see everywhere you look at the moment. So we'll spare you the repetition of these findings and instead just focus on the incoming changes to Flexible Working Requests that are being widely discussed and analysed.

So how does this impact business owners and management teams?

Inevitably there is an incoming pressure on employers to be providing a more flexible and balanced work environment. Candidates and Employees are demanding change from employers, and it is important that everyone can find a good balance. Businesses shouldn’t be run at the expense of employee wellbeing; employee wellbeing doesn’t need to come at a detriment to the business either.

Some will say that introducing these changes will bring a balance to what has traditionally been a one-sided relationship – employers holding all of the cards and employees having to go with the flow to retain employment. Others may be concerned that businesses are being pushed to their limits in an attempt to secure and retain staff, whilst recruiting remains tough, they may feel their backs are against the wall a little.

Change is never easy, even if it’s necessary.

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Here's what our MD, Laura O'Driscoll , has to say:

“I'm focusing on a response that doesn't seem to be getting the consideration I feel it requires, how do you navigate these changes and what if you're unable to accommodate some of them, what does that mean for you?

As a business owner, it's time to take stock and really assess what defines your company culture, what employee well-being and benefits packages look like, and what could they realistically look like in the future?

Flexible working changes are coming, whether you like it or not, so you need to make sure you are clued up on what is changing and prepare your policies and processes to accommodate it. I'd recommend checking out this brilliant article that clearly lays out what is changing and what is remaining:

If you're sitting at your desk right now, reading this and thinking; “well 4-day weeks are a great concept, but my business just can’t accommodate it at the moment” – then don’t worry, you are not alone. As a small business owner who provides a service, I certainly have the same thoughts.

I choose, instead, to focus on the things we CAN and ARE doing with a view that maybe one day we would love to be big enough to move to that 4-day model, should it be right for the business, our people and our clients.

When we look at Employer Brand and Employer Value Proposition (EVP) we can’t all do everything. What is important is that you provide benefits and build a culture that works for your business and your teams. This comes through really analysing your current employee base and desired candidate base to understand what they are motivated by, and what they want and need.

The harsh truth is; the people that desperately want things you cannot provide... are not the right people for your business. Figure out what makes your business culture special and shout about that – the right people will come. Those are the people who will stand the test of time if they join, your values match theirs and you fulfil their needs.”

Company Congratulations

Congratulations Lloyd & Whyte for catching our eye…

This month, Lloyd & Whyte have given their followers a great insight into their commitment to training and investing in their staff.?

Firstly, they proudly shared that they had been awarded SS&L ’s ‘Apprentice Employer of the Month’, highlighting their aim to develop and retain local talent.

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Lloyd & Whyte saw another opportunity to share some engaging content and fully embraced National Apprenticeship Week. Lloyd & Whyte have done a great job of highlighting the support and development opportunities their team receive by sharing case studies from those who are studying or have already achieved their qualifications.

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Kim Draper ’s Top tip!

Shout about those achievements!

You’ve received an award – amazing, but what else do you say? Unfortunately, just sharing an image of the certificate and telling people you’re delighted to have won X award isn’t enough.

The sharing of an award or certificate is the perfect time to convey the messages you want people to see, especially if you can find a way to link with your values and/or mission statement. Don’t forget – make sure tell your potential job seekers why you’ve received it, don’t be modest, shout about how great you are.

Status of the Month

Our status of the month for September goes to Karen W. Smith, MBA :

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“Black women’s hair is 2.5x more likely to be perceived as unprofessional. Because of this, 2/3 of Black women change their hair for a job interview. The pressure is even higher for young professionals, as nearly half (44%) of Black women under 34 feel pressured to have a headshot with straight hair.

Bias and discrimination against natural hairstyles in the workplace remains a systemic problem, with a disproportionate impact on Black women. No one should be denied access to employment opportunities or professional advancement because of their hair. That’s why Dove co-founded the CROWN Coalition to help make race-based hair discrimination illegal through the CROWN Act. We’ve made great progress, but there’s still work to be done.

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I’m excited to announce that Dove is partnering with LinkedIn–the world’s largest professional network–in support of the CROWN Act, to create more inclusive and equitable spaces for Black hair at work. Dove will continue to drive awareness for the CROWN Act, encourage petition signatures, and advocate for legislation to end hair discrimination nationwide, and together with LinkedIn, take a series of actions to help end race-based hair discrimination in the workplace:

Provide free access to 10 LinkedIn Learning courses focused on creating a more equitable work environment, with a goal to educate 1 million hiring managers and professionals by the end of 2023.

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Illuminate the real and measurable adverse impact hair discrimination continues to have on Black women in the workplace through the CROWN 2023 Workplace Research Study

Amplify the real stories and voices of Black women to help redefine what society deems “professional” for the workplace

Together, we are reinforcing and celebrating that #BlackHairIsProfessional.

Join us in taking action. Head to Dove.com/LinkedIn to sign the CROWN Act petition, access the free courses, and learn more.

Let’s Change Beauty.

#BlackHairIsProfessional #TheCROWNAct #PassTheCROWN #RealBeauty #LetsChangeBeauty #UniquelyUnilever

Learn More: https://lnkd.in/g6f94uvn

It's Worth Knowing

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We recently attended the Southern Manufacturing and Electronics exhibition in Farnborough which showcases the latest technology and innovations across the UK’s engineering and manufacturing sectors.

This event also gives us a perfect opportunity to engage with business leaders to further understand their current challenges. The great news is that despite the economic backdrop sub-sectors like space, biotechnology, automation, robotics and green tech are thriving but there’s also a desperate need for new talent.

Time and time again, the conversation returned to the shortage of skilled workers and how this is hampering future growth. Businesses are having to turn away new projects in some instances which is hugely frustrating.

And with an acceleration in the shift to digitisation and automation, combined with an ageing workforce, it’s estimated that we will need an additional 200,000 skilled workers so this acute shortage isn’t going to diminish any time soon.

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As specialists in engineering and manufacturing, we understand your issues. The truth is that we don’t have a magic bullet but there are a number of areas that you should seriously be thinking about.

If your recruitment isn’t working then maybe it’s time to adopt a more strategic approach to uncovering the type of high calibre candidates that are the right fit and will make a real difference. For instance, have you considered employer branding as a way to widen the talent pool available by shifting the conversation? Focusing on what sets your company apart, rather than leading with salary say, works when it’s done well.

As a starting point why not take a look at our Buyer’s Guide that aims to get you thinking about recruitment differently by laying out our a range of options beyond the traditional agency model.

Author: Andrew Gibb , Head of Business Development

See You There

1st March – Bridgwater Breakfast Hub, tickets are available here. We're shining a spotlight on West Country Drainage Services Ltd !

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14th March – Taunton Breakfast Hub, tickets are available here. Join guest speaker Ashley Webber from Balanced Energy | B Corp .

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Becky Wright

Gin Distiller | Company Owner | Pop Up Pub The Dryad Inn | Creative Director New Leaf Life Design | Mental Health Awareness Trainer |

2 年

Like many of us I get a selection of newsletters each month, I have to say your one I always stop, get a cuppa and read. So much work has gone into it and it’s always informative. Massive ???????? to you all for making it so worthwhile.


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