February Unoffice Hours
Unoffice?Hours?are intentional moments set aside in these uncertain times, to have a conversation.
No agenda required, no need to mail first.
We can reflect, inspire, explore, refresh perspectives on whatever project, plans, insights, challenges, aspirations, questions feel relevant in this moment. I've worked with you in the past, and want to stay connected with you, and see where the conversation goes. I look forward to engaging with you on new and evolving topics as well helping on work we’ve done together.
Some conversations I've been having have centered around how to support innovation inside large legacy organizations, how cities are coping with COVID and innovation, and how to redesign loyalty. Really fun stuff.
We are only one zoom away for coffee/tea/pizza. Please use the below link to find a time for us to chat:?
While you are here, you can also check out some?past work:
Sparking a Conversation Around Policing in NYC
Helping the New York Civil Liberties Union activate a city-wide, nontraditional campaign centered on listening.
A new way for residents to give feedback to City Hall, going directly to the residents with a mobile listening pop-up at a community college jobs fair
Block Builder is an act of participatory futuring. Attendees are asked to build their block; either their current block, their dream block, or whatever block they want. We will give residents the tools – stamps, stickers, pens, etc – to create and share their visions. We will then record and archive their work, and ask them to share it on their social media, with their community, and with people they hold dear.
Come join me in some conversation, and talk soon