February Newsletter: The tenor of hiring in early 2023

February Newsletter: The tenor of hiring in early 2023

The tenor of hiring for 2023 has been tentatively set, and for those I’m working with in my role as a Fractional Recruiter, we’re off to the races.

So what are we all feeling about it?

I love WorkLife’s short list of what’s “in” and what’s “out” for work in general in 2023. Included on the “out” list are rage quitting, overhiring, DEI lip service, proximity bias and missing coworkers.

So what’s in? Top 5:

  1. Staggered return to office
  2. Quiet quitting (still??)
  3. Health equity benefits
  4. Mass layoffs
  5. Worrying about the economy (woo hoo!)

Well, we might not be off to the jolliest start in 2023, but we still have more than 10 months to look forward to!

?Is class a part of your diversity efforts??

It’s Black History Month, and a lot of companies are vocal about their diversity and inclusion strategies this time of year.

Yet, for all that companies feel comfortable talking about their efforts to diversify their workforce in terms of race, gender and sexual orientation, you don’t always hear them vocalizing efforts when it comes to another divider: class.

Recently, Ruthe Farmer, the co-founder and CEO of the Last Mile Education Fund, told Inc.: "Socioeconomic status is largely left out of the conversation about DEI. It's kind of taboo to ask about."?

Yet, people from low-income backgrounds constitute a huge pool of untapped talent, according to Farmer. And when it comes to college education, more people within this bracket have it than ever before — not that college education should necessarily be a hiring marker (that’s a whole nother convo).

So how can companies increase their talent pool to look for candidates across class brackets? Don’t just lean on your old talent pools — graduates from a certain college or referrals from your employers. These are great places to look for talent, but you have to widen your scope to broaden your diversity efforts.

Good news for non-tech companies who need tech employees

One of the more optimistic things I can report from the trenches of hiring is that tech workers are starting to venture out beyond the bubble of tech when they look for new jobs.

This is great for firms outside tech that need technology talent — which is most companies, today.?

As the New York Times recently quipped, “Alphabet, Amazon and Meta aren’t hiring? Well, JPMorgan Chase, Walmart and UnitedHealth are in need of tech talent.”

If you’re hoping to hire tech-savvy talent in the near future, give me a call at Quantum Hires. I can point you to the right candidates.?

Book recommendations for Black History Month

Was “read more” on your resolution list for this year? In honor of Black History Month, a few book recommendations I’d like to put out there, for hiring managers and leaders who are continuously working on their #DEI approach.

Inclusion on Purpose: An Intersectional Approach to Creating a Culture of Belonging at Work by Ruchika Tulshyan

Don’t Label Me: An Incredible Conversation for Divided Times by Irshad Manji

Diversity in the Workplace: Eye-Opening Interviews to Jumpstart Conversations about Identity, Privilege, and Bias by B?rí A. Williams

The Loudest Duck: Moving Beyond Diversity while Embracing Differences to Achieve Success at Work by Laura A. Liswood

Belonging At Work: Everyday Actions You Can Take to Cultivate an Inclusive Organization by Rhodes Perry

These are just 5 contemporary books to start with, but the canon is huge.?

As a recruiter working with both hiring managers and leaders at Quantum Hires, I know that diversity and inclusion efforts are on the minds of almost every leader. Being informed and ready to have conversations about diversity is simply a starting point. Calling a recruiter is the next step.

James Johnson

Quantum Hires



