February Newsletter
TC Sports Day

February Newsletter

Welcome to our February newsletter!?

We hope you have been doing great and consistently adhering to your goals in spite of any challenges. It has been a smooth month so far, launching and keeping up with our programs, events and other recreational activities. Here are some major highlights that marked the February calendar at TC:

?We celebrated The TC Sports Day on the 18th of February at Parcour Vita, Yaounde under the theme “A healthy mind in a healthy body”. We are grateful to our partners from IRebuild Africa and guests from Our Lady of Good Success for joining us in making the day interesting and vibrant.?The following day which was Sunday was a day for our spiritual retreat. We spent time on the praying grounds at Mvolye reflecting about our purpose and how our gifts can better serve humanity through TC. We were able to share our reflections touching on some key points that provided an individual and collective context as to why we are in TC in the first place.


As we continue to expand the Teach Connect Learning programme in community homes and schools in Yaoundé, we are calling on passionate individuals who might feel inclined to support the? programme with their time, knowledge, and resources.? Please, contact us if you?would like to know more about the programme by sending us an email through [email protected].

The TC Doctorate Research Community Fellowship Programme

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Doctorate Research Program

On the 27th of February 2023, the TC Doctorate community had their first session for the year with incumbent and aspiring Doctorate Researchers from universities across the national territory of Cameroon. The session explored the building blocks of a successful doctorate and ended with a Q and A session. Understanding these building blocks helps you break down your journey as a researcher and facilitates how you can identify those areas where you could use our assistance in successfully completing your study program. If this piques your interest, then this is the community for you. Our next session comes up on March 31st at 6:30 pm. Click on the link to register and join our research community:


Upcoming event?

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Women's day celebration

With the commemoration of the International Day of the Woman fast approaching, we are pleased to partner with Impact HER Africa for this great celebration. Here are some details to take note of:

Name: ImpactHer International Women’s Day

Focus: How to increase your business sales using digital tools

Date: March 11, 2023

Time: 09:00 am

Venue: Teach Connect head office Monte Jouvence

Registration link: https://bit.ly/3IwDICp

Rethink Education Conference (REC 2023)

2023 Call for abstract (presentations and workshops) are on and the deadline for submitting abstracts is March 2023, while the full manuscript submission is expected by the end of May2023. If you are an EdTech start-up or company that wishes to use this opportunity to showcase your products or services to the different education stakeholders, here is your chance. Click on this link to get registered:


Education to Employability Series?

In our commitment to supporting the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences that are relevant for the 21st century job market, we are partnering with https://irebuildafrica.wordpress.com/who-we-are/ to put together a series of career preparation and training to orient and advise university graduates. Please, if you would like to participate in any of these events or be considered for a discounted fee, we will be in touch as to how you can successfully register for the program by filling a Skills and Employment Survey.

Job Vacancy

We are currently in search of an audiovisual studio manager to handle the TC Studios. Do you believe you are creative, great at managing projects, good with a camera lens and sound editing? Well here's your chance. Head on to our LinkedIn page using this link to learn more about your role and responsibilities:


?Learning Tips for the Month

Too often, people associate the word research to academia. While people who are passionate about educational pursuits are drenched in research, we often are involved in research one way or another.?Even stalking is an unhealthy research practice we are tempted to engage in. We think these tips can greatly help you as you go about obtaining information for a useful project:

1.) Refining your research question

Your research question is meant to guide you throughout your research exercise. What information is relevant to your investigation? These questions prompt you to avoid chasing information that does not bring much value in achieving your research objectives.

2.) Using knowledge from credible sources

The internet has facilitated access to a wide pool information. There are some websites that may consciously or unconsciously publish unverified information especially if their primary goal is not to educate but increase traffic. It is advisable to get information from reputable publications and double-check this information across multiple sources. Libraries would be ideal for obtaining credible information reason the TC library has opened its doors to you.

3.) Get in touch with expert coach or mentor

A mentor in your field of interest can equally be instrumental in your quest for knowledge. Their experience and guidance can set you on the right path for succeeding in your research endeavours. Being a part of learning programs and workshops provides a great platform to connect with more experienced individuals in your field from whom you can pick up some interesting insights that facilitate your research process.

4.) Regularly reflect

Reflections help you constantly check-in with yourself. You need to ensure you are on the right track throughout your research. These reflections should be based on the research questions and objectives you originally set for yourself. Not only do they keep you in-check but reflections can serve as motivation to remind you about why that research is important to you. A journal is a vital documentation reference for your research reflections.

We hope you found these tips useful!

Connect with us

Don’t forget to connect and socialise with us on our social media pages for more information Facebook: LinkedIn: and websites at www.teachconnect.org. you can contact us by email: [email protected], or Whatsapp or call us at 683-245-600

Thanks for reading!

TC Team?

Yaounde, Cameroon


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