February: news and updates
?????? ???????? ???? ?????? ???????? ?????????? ?????? ???????????? ???????????????????????? ???? ??????????'?? ????????????? ♀???♀? In this era of rapid medical changes and innovations, it's more important than ever to advocate for comprehensive and inclusive healthcare policies and practices that prioritize the diverse needs of #women.?
?? Join us in a series curated by Anastasiya Markvarde, Sr. Innovation Manager & Business Development at Healthware Group, where she delves into groundbreaking research, innovations, and initiatives empowering women to take control of their #health.
?????????? ?????? ?????? ???????????????? ???????? ??????????????????:?https://lnkd.in/d9vn_XB6
Healthcare in 2024 and Beyond – Embracing Technology and Innovation
This year will bring forward some major advancements and transformative trends that shape the future of healthcare innovation.
???????? From the integration of artificial intelligence (#AI) and machine learning to the expansion of #telehealth, #wearable health technologies, and Digital Therapeutics (#DTx), each trend represents a significant step toward a more efficient, personalized, and accessible healthcare system.
???? Devices such as ?????????????? ?????????????? (#VR) and ?????????????????? ?????????????? (#AR) also play a vital role?in medical education and new treatment pathways, offering immersive solutions to improve patient care and clinical outcomes. Additionally, nanotechnology holds the potential to revolutionize drug delivery, diagnostics, and treatment methodologies, particularly in cancer treatment.
?? Are we truly experiencing a technological renaissance in the #healthcare sector? Find out more in this article by Lino Mari, Head of Technology at Healthware Group: https://lnkd.in/dZ3HX7ta
Cedars-Sinai unveils a revolutionary mental health support app powered by Apple Vision Pro
Cedars-Sinai introduces ???????? (eXtended-Reality Artificially Intelligent Ally), a groundbreaking mental health app powered by Apple Vision Pro technology!
???Xaia combines #AI and spatial computing to provide immersive experiences in serene environments, engaging users in therapeutic activities such as deep breathing exercises and #meditation. The app, validated through a study published in Nature Digital Medicine, is set to redefine mental health support.
?? More in this article by Sara Scarpinati, Marketing & Communications Manager at Healthware Group: https://lnkd.in/d8dETKGV
AI Synergy - How AI Collaborations are Shaping the Future
From optimizing patient care to accelerating drug discovery, the "????-????-????" approach is set to transform our understanding and application of #artificialintelligence within the #healthcare industry.
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??Discover more in this article by Lino Mari, Head of Technology at Healthware Group:?https://lnkd.in/dTm-emXc
Digital health is rapidly evolving, revolutionizing our habits and enhancing our well-being on a daily basis. The power of ???????????????????????????and ???????????????????????cannot be underestimated, leading the way for a more inclusive and just healthcare landscape.
???From cutting-edge technologies to innovative solutions, we delve into how these advancements are reshaping the future of healthcare delivery and improving patient outcomes, one day at a time.?
?? Learn about the latest #healthcare and #digitalhealth news, brought to you by Business Wire:?
?? Boston Imaging - A Subsidiary of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., the US headquarters for its digital radiography and ultrasound division, has partnered with Lunit Global, a leader in #AI-powered solutions for cancer diagnostics, to enhance chest screenings with faster and more accurate results. https://lnkd.in/dFWckWTU?
???? The University of Rochester Medical Center has launched a groundbreaking initiative to improve healthcare access and wellness outcomes in rural communities in Upstate New York. By partnering with local banks and combining healthcare and financial services, this initiative represents a significant step forward in addressing health disparities in rural areas.?https://lnkd.in/d3nHkWCa?
?? Everly Health has partnered with the National Kidney Foundation to raise awareness about chronic kidney disease and expand access to screenings across the United States. The main focus of the initiative is to empower individuals with knowledge about their kidney health. https://lnkd.in/dyjJdHRH?
?? Medable, Inc, in collaboration with Duke Univeristy's BASE Lab, has conducted a study on the effectiveness of enhanced electronic informed consent (#eIC) in clinical trials. The results showed that participants found the enhanced eIC to be more informative and engaging compared to traditional forms, particularly appreciating the interactive features and multimedia elements included in the eIC. https://lnkd.in/dT7MPcxM?
?? Genialis and Debiopharm have partnered to define and discover biomarkers in the DNA Damage Repair (#DDR) biology space to predict the clinical benefit of one or more drugs in Debiopharm’s pipeline. https://lnkd.in/de2PBumV
??Danone has strategically partnered with Resilience, a digital health company specializing in #oncology, to develop an integrated solution for oncology and #nutrition. https://lnkd.in/dKBDxSub
Akili Announces Positive Results from Shionogi’s Phase 3 Clinical Trial
Akili announced that its Japanese partner, Shionogi & Co., Ltd, has submitted Akili’s digital therapeutic SDT-001 for marketing approval with the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare in Japan.This marks a significant step forward for the Japanese version of Akili’s AKL-T01, known as #EndeavorRx? in the United States. ??More at https://lnkd.in/dWkx9_un
A study shows that telehealth medication abortion in the USA is effective and safe
A recent study conducted by ???????????????????? ???????? ???????????????? ???? ???????????????????? (????????)?sheds light on the effectiveness and safety of telehealth medication abortion in the US.
????? Published in Nature Medicine, the study followed individuals seeking telehealth medication abortion from April 2021 to January 2022, revealing a 97.7% success rate and a 99.8% safety rate.
??Read more in our article: https://lnkd.in/dSwcV4uJ
Study identifies biomarkers that could predict dementia 15 years before diagnosis
Researchers from the University of Warwick and Shanghai’s Fudan University have identified protein biomarkers in blood that could predict dementia up to 15 years before diagnosis. ??
??Read the full article: https://lnkd.in/dPZfhWTY
A National Study Utilizes Routine Health Data to Investigate Transfusion-Transmitted Diseases
A nationwide, agnostic retrospective cohort study published in The Lancet Digital Health has showcased the power of leveraging routine health-care data to search for unknown transfusion-transmitted diseases. ?? ??
?? Explore further insights in our article by Sara Scarpinati, Marketing Communications Manager at Healthware Group: https://lnkd.in/eN22Efmz
Yonsei University Health System's Connect-DTx initiative: transforming patient care and medical access
Yonsei University Health System (YUHS) is taking a groundbreaking initiative to integrate #DTXs into patients' daily lives, expanding access to medical care and empowering individuals to manage their #health.
?? Read the full article: https://lnkd.in/dVpdfYzd
Da psoriasi ad artrite psoriasica, il ruolo del digital nel riconoscere questa transizione
Da psoriasi ad artrite psoriasica: la prevenzione gioca un ruolo fondamentale, e la #digitalhealth può agevolare questo processo.?
???? L’1,3% -34,7% dei pazienti affetti da psoriasi può sviluppare ??’?????????????? ????????????????????, un’artropatia cronica, infiammatoria e potenzialmente molto debilitante. La rivoluzione digitale dell'#healthcare offre strumenti che possono facilitarne la diagnosi precoce.
?? Approfondisci l'argomento in questo articolo di?Antonietta Aversano, Scientific Analyst presso Healthware Group: https://lnkd.in/dAwRxeAN
L'?????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????? torna il 23 aprile con la sua seconda edizione, nella splendida location di ?????????? ????????, ?????????????????? ????????????????????! ??
?? ?????????????? ???????????? ?????????? è ?????????? ?????????????? ????????’???????????????????? ???????????????????? ????????????. ???????????????????? ??????’???????????? ?? ???????????????? ???? ?????? ????????!?https://lnkd.in/djRDcUKm
Intelligenza Artificiale: l’OMS pubblica le linee guida sull’etica e sulla governance dei LMM
La World Health Organization ha recentemente pubblicato delle linee guida sull’etica e la governance dell’Intelligenza Artificiale generativa, in particolare sui large multi-modal models (#LMM), una tecnologia in rapida crescita e destinata a rivoluzionare l’assistenza sanitaria. ? ??
Maggiori dettagli nell’articolo a cura di Dino Biselli: https://lnkd.in/dje4iHi8
Marketing e Innovazione digitale: quale è il ruolo dell'IA?
Il settore delle ?????????????? ?????????? ???????? si trova davanti a un'evoluzione senza precedenti, grazie all'integrazione sempre più diffusa delle tecnologie digitali nel #marketing. ??
?? In questo scenario evolutivo è possibile mantenere la conformità normativa e mitigare i rischi associati all'utilizzo di queste tecnologie? Ce ne parla in questo articolo Sara Scarpinati, Marketing & Communications Manager per Healthware Group: https://lnkd.in/dFXvXbuT
HealthMeeting: operativa la piattaforma di teleconsulto dell’AOU di Sassari
Lo scorso gennaio, presso l’???????????????? ???????????? ???? ??????????????, è stata presentata ??????????????????????????, la piattaforma dedicata ai cardiologi ospedalieri, ambulatoriali e privati del Sistema sanitario della Regione Sardegna. ??
?? HealthMeeting consente ai professionisti di richiedere prestazioni cardiologiche ambulatoriali di alta complessità direttamente alla struttura di Cardiologia Clinica e Interventistica dell'AOU Sassari.
??Leggi di più nell’articolo a cura di Dino Biselli: https://lnkd.in/g2gsWffG
BIOTRACK: nuovi sensori di radiazione per terapie oncologiche più efficaci
Nel mondo della #radiobiologia, l'accuratezza nella misurazione delle dosi di radiazione è un fattore cruciale per la creazione di di terapie oncologiche mirate.
??????? Il progetto BIOTRACK, coordinato da ENEA e finanziato dalla Regione Lazio, sta rivoluzionando questo campo con una nuova generazione di rivelatori di tracce nucleari fluorescenti (#FNTD), basati su fluoruro di litio e microgel biocompatibili.
??Leggi di più: https://lnkd.in/dCPsKFKn
Samsung Galaxy Ring: un anello per monitorare la salute con l'IA
Samsung Electronics #galaxyring : l'anello che può migliorare il nostro benessere quotidiano attraverso l'utilizzo dell'Intelligenza Artificiale! ????? Durante il Mobile World Congress di Barcellona, il vice presidente di Samsung Electronics, Hon Pak, ha rivelato dettagli molto interessanti sul prossimo prodotto dell'azienda: il ???????????? ????????.
Scopri di più: https://lnkd.in/duT72xJZ
FDA: dispositivi non approvati per la misurazione del glucosio mettono a rischio la salute
La Food and Drug Administration (FDA) mette in guardia i consumatori contro l'utilizzo di #smartwatch e #smartring che consentono di misurare i livelli di glucosio senza prelievo di sangue.
????? Secondo il comunicato stampa rilasciato proprio da #FDA, i dispositivi che promettono di misurare il livello di glucosio senza prelievo di sangue potrebbero essere dannosi per la salute, contrariamente ai dispositivi con monitoraggio continuo del glucosio (#CGM), più sicuri e precisi.?
? Quali sono le conseguenze per la salute? Scoprilo nell'articolo di Sara Scarpinati, Marketing & Communications Manager per Healthware Group: https://lnkd.in/dBUKTcjS
53enne in bilico tra la vita e la morte salvata grazie al teleconsulto.
? ????? L'invio istantaneo di 1.800 immagini della TAC effettuata tramite teleconsulto, in un intervento coordinato tra l'equipe di cardiochirurghi dell'Ospedale Policlinico San Martino e il Pronto Soccorso dell'Ospedale San Paolo di Savona, ha giocato un ruolo cruciale nel salvataggio della donna.
?? Maggiori informazioni nel nostro articolo: https://lnkd.in/dgGhShjK
In Puglia la diffusione della Cartella Clinica Elettronica salva la vita a un paziente in condizioni critiche.
????? Gli specialisti della Chirurgia Vascolare dell’ospedale barese “Di Venere” sono intervenuti in tempo reale su un caso critico segnalato dal Pronto Soccorso di Altamura grazie alla condivisione dei dati ed analisi eseguite sul paziente presso il Pronto Soccorso di Altamura.?
???? ???? L'impiego della ???????????????? ?????????????? ?????????????????????? e delle immagini della Tac eseguita ad Altamura, infatti, ha permesso una pianificazione rapida e precisa degli interventi sanitari da attuare.?
??Leggi di più nel nostro articolo: https://lnkd.in/dRQezctU
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Cedars-Sinai Apple Healthware Group Business Wire Boston Imaging - A Subsidiary of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Lunit Global Everly Health Medable, Inc Genialis Debiopharm Danone Resilience Akili Shionogi & Co., Ltd Bamberg Health Regione Lazio Regione Puglia Regione Autonoma della Sardegna
Anastasiya Markvarde Lino Fioravante Mari Sara Scarpinati Antonietta Aversano Dino Biselli Nausica Federico