February Jobs Report – Employment Returning To Pre-Pandemic Levels
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Job Market Making Significant Strides
Continued acceleration in the job market for February showed the biggest gains since July, 2021, as the employment picture inches closer to its pre-pandemic self.
Nonfarm payrolls for the month grew by 678,000 and the unemployment rate was 3.8%.
That compared with predicted estimates of 440,000 for payrolls and 3.9% for the jobless rate.
Could Inflation Be Stabilizing?
In a sign that inflation may be stabilizing, wages barely rose for the month - up just 1 cent an hour, or 0.03%, compared with estimates for a 0.5% gain. The year-over-year increase was 5.13%, well below the 5.8% Dow Jones estimate.
For the overall labor market, the report brought the level of employed Americans closer to February, 2020 levels, just before the start of Covid. ?Overall, the market is still short by 1.14 million. Labor shortages remain a major obstacle to fill the 10.9 million jobs that were open at the end of 2021 - a historically high gap that had left about 1.7 vacancies per available worker.
Geopolitical Tensions And Inflation Drag Countered By Lift In Pandemic Restrictions
Geopolitical issues and inflation pose ongoing threats to the U.S. economic recovery, but pandemic restrictions are being lifted and we continue to see strong job growth.
When examined by sectors, professional and Business Services is up (95,000), Health Care (64,000), Construction (60,000), Transportation and Warehousing (48,000) and Retail (37,000). Manufacturing contributed 36,000 and Financial activities rose 35,000.
Previous months saw upward revisions. December moved up to 588,000 - an increase of 78,000 from the previous estimate, while January’s rose to 481,000. Together, the revisions added 92,000 more than previously recorded and brought the three-month average to 582,000.
Labor Force Participation Rate Showing Progress
The labor force participation rate, a closely watched metric indicating worker engagement, rose to 62.3%, still 1.1 percentage points from the February 2020 pre-pandemic level.
The trend for jobs is clearly upward after a wintertime surge of Covid omicron cases, while exacting a large human toll, left little imprint on employment.
We continue to see numbers like this moving forward, we can be optimistic about this year. Employment is growing at a strong rate and joblessness is getting closer and closer to pre-pandemic levels.
Amid it all, our client companies continue to hire, filling broad gaps as the hunt for talent continues.