February IsraeliJazz NewsLetter
Raphael Perez
Photographer @ Raphael Perez | Portraits, Concert Photography IsraeliJazz project director
I hope you are doing well. I am glad to share how well IsraeliJazz project is progressing.
First, I am very proud and glad to confirm the invitation to exhibit in Paris during the festival of Israeli culture between April 25 and May 9 organized by FSJU. Here is the preview poster for the exhibition.
If by chance, you are in Paris and wish to come to the opening party on Apr 24 at 6:30 pm please send me a message.
Located in Israel, Mrs Katerina Krylova, will curate this exhibition and is preparing a new series of photographs. She already was the curator of the exhibition in Tel Aviv, Oct 2022.
The book side of the project is also progressing well, and you can now consult the table of content as well as the list of musicians who will have their biography and photos included.
Our publisher will organize a launch event in Paris by end of May. Photographs will be presented, it will be a book signature and we will listen to live Israeli jazzmen. I will send you more details about this event in the next newsletter.
We also work a lot about the international launch of the project with similar events in New York Tel Aviv, London and Duba?. If you think you can help, please write to me
Also, I will present the project during the Limoud conference in Paris on March 5th. If you are there please come and say hello.
In order to move forward with all those opportunities, we are striving to add quality people in the volunteer team. Check how you can help.
Those projects require also financial support. I deeply thank the ones who already donate for IsraeliJazz ;?if you want to support, you are welcome and a receipt will be automatically sent to you.
Don't miss to follow our Instagram account and our Facebook page, a lot of content will be added soon. You know of course, our website which is updated on a regular basis.
Many thanks for your interest and also for your ideas. Please do not stop to write to me with your remarks and questions, it is a pleasure for me to read and answer your mails.
Best regards and stay safe
Raphael Perez