February Edition

February Edition

Welcome to this monthly series of highlights that feature different initiatives from across Denmark. We are committed to fostering a music and culture sector that thrives artistically with less discrimination and increased representation.

By sharing these resources, we aim to collectively create a positive impact and drive lasting change within our industry through education, awareness, and proactive efforts.

*→ Recently added activities marked with an arrow

Knowledge and Training opportunities

SOUND Incubator | Deadline: 05.02.24

SOUND Incubator is an 18-week course for those who have a good idea for a project or concept that relates to the surrounding community.

The course will be tailored so that it meets you where you are with your project right now. Supported by a mix of workshops, mentoring, talks, advice from experienced entrepreneurs, social events, and a public event program.

Learn more: https://soundsound.dk/incubator


Direct Licensing: What it is and how to get it | Musicinfo by Juri Kobayashi

Direct music licensing is a process in which music rights holders (usually composers, publishers, or performing rights organisations) grant permission to a music user, business or organisation, to use their musical compositions in commercial or public situations. As a music user, you would need to research and find the rights owners to ask permission to use their music in your creation.

Read article: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/direct-licensing-what-how-get-musicinfo-q8q3f%3FtrackingId=E5wNIdCj4CLVNAcBdc%252FwfQ%253D%253D/?trackingId=E5wNIdCj4CLVNAcBdc%2FwfQ%3D%3D


Sound Session 4: Sound Engineer workshops | Aarhus, 28.02.24

Aarhus Lydforening in collaboration with Turkis, Radar, Lydbyen/Lydhavnen, Institut for X, Volume Village, Train, Kleva Studio, ROSA and Tuborgfondet is organising a project Sound Sessions that aims to create a bridge between workshops and the live concerts.

Sign up: https://www.facebook.com/events/s/sound-sessions-40/375759504832617/

Volunteer Opportunities and Artists open call

Volunteer at Basement CPH and R?huset | Volunteer meeting: 06.02.24

As a volunteer, you get free access to our events, discounts in our bars, access to volunteer parties and activities, and become a part of a diverse community of volunteers interested in music, art, and culture.

Learn more: https://www.instagram.com/p/C2MtpLZMfIR/


Volunteer at CPH:DOX | March 13th - 24th

CPH:DOX needs help before, during and after the festival and there’s a variety of tasks to sign up for. As a volunteer you will get tickets to film screenings, access to their online festival, and a small goodie bag

Sign up: https://cphdox.dk/volunteers/?utm_campaign=later-linkinbio-cphdox&utm_content=later-40521750&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkin.bio


Open call for production of works in the intersection between music and drama | Kulturv?rftet

The Culture Yard has been selected by the Danish Arts Foundation to be a network stage for the development of cross-aesthetic art. Therefore, we make our concert hall available for projects that unfold at the intersection of performance art and experimental music/sound for up to three weeks at a time in both 2024 and 2025.

Anyone working on projects in an artistic cross-field where sound is a crucial element can apply for a residency at The Culture Yard.

Apply here: https://kuto.dk/kutek/opencall/#english


Thurea Talks x Sabaah: Wellness Night | 24.02.24

Experience a conversation about vulnerability with brave minority ethnic LGBT+ youth moderated and facilitated by cool Thurea, who is a radio host in the Mental Cuties Club, creator of Thurea Talks and ambassador for the Depression Association. A unique opportunity to be in a cute and vulnerable space, with conversations about how the hell you feel and life's big questions.

50 dkk tickets: https://billetto.dk/e/thurea-talks-x-sabaah-mental-wellness-night-afterparty-billetter-916877

Learn more on our website: https://anotherlifecommunity.com/medlem/

News, Podcasts, and Reading recommendations



This is a walking demonstration. The program starts at the Frederiksberg City Hall Square and ends at the Copenhagen City Hall Square.

We are calling for a large demonstration in Copenhagen to loudly and clearly let our politicians know that we demand an immediate and lasting ceasefire, unlimited access to emergency aid, an end to the illegal siege of Gaza and the release of the over 7.000 Palestinian hostages in Israel in exchange for the release of the remaining Israeli hostages in Gaza.



A broad gathering of Palestine solidarity groups and activists behind the “Alle P? Gaden For Et Frit Pal?stina” initiative.

Source: United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (https://www.ochaopt.org/crisis)

Read more: https://www.facebook.com/events/363456306502605/?acontext=%7B%22source%22%3A%2229%22%2C%22ref_notif_type%22%3A%22plan_user_invited%22%2C%22action_history%22%3A%22null%22%7D&notif_id=1706541818447894&notif_t=plan_user_invited&ref=notif


Let's create a better framework for the music industry together | Kulturmonitor

There is a distinct unhappiness in the music industry, where those who are on stage and who work behind the scenes are not always equally good to each other. This should be changed, according to Kat Jarby , who is an artist manager and front person at Danske Artist Managers (DAM) , and who gives three good suggestions for initiatives that can help.

Read article: https://kulturmonitor.dk/debat/art9715075/Lad-os-sammen-skabe-nogle-bedre-rammer-for-musikbranchen


Poolen: Copenhagen's new music venue: | Pumpehuset

Poolen is the name of the new venue that is slowly taking shape in Stagebox's former premises on Refshale?en. Here, the "wild subcultures of the underground" are to be welcomed and big internationals to pass by.

Read article: https://kulturmonitor.dk/musik/art9726374/Manden-bag-Pumpehuset-skaber-nyt-stort-spillested-p%C3%A5-omstridt-adresse-i-K%C3%B8benhavn


In conversation with BUKHAR | Passive/Aggressive

On December 2, BUKHAR held the event “Bukhar in Conversation” at Kapelvejens Medborgerhus on the role of cultural practitioners in solidarity with global struggles.

Read article: https://passiveaggressive.dk/in-conversation-with-bukhar-on-the-role-of-cultural-practitioners-in-solidarity-with-global-struggles/


Participation in cultural centers in Denmark | Nordea-fonden, Aarhus University

There is at least one cultural center in every municipality in Denmark – in the vast majority of municipalities, many more. This means that cultural centers are probably the most widespread form of cultural institution in Denmark. So, it is surprising that there is a lack of knowledge about them. This report provides insight into a central yet underexposed area of cultural life in?Denmark.

Full report: https://ebooks.au.dk/aul/catalog/view/505/352/2074

Job Vacancies

DEI focus for SMK – Statens Museum for Kunst Fridays' | Deadline 11.02.24

SMK is looking for a new employee who can run SMK Fridays' diversity efforts. Are you curious about how art and art experiences can have meaning and create value for more people? Are you eager to create visibility around Denmark's national gallery for new users? Do you have experience cultivating and creating relationships with new target groups? Then maybe it's you we're looking for.

Apply: https://jobscenen.dmf.dk/job-posting/medarbejder-der-kan-drive-smk-fridays-diversitetsindsats


Graphic Designer at Mino Danmark

Mino Danmark is seeking a highly creative and skilled graphic designer. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in creating cohesive visual identities for projects, with expertise in crafting logos, watermarks, color palettes, fonts, and social media (SoMe) grid designs. This role will primarily focus on establishing a captivating visual identity for a project, including elements for SoMe platforms and a podcast with consistent tonality.

Contact: [email protected]

Music and Exhibitions

Kunsthal Charlottenburg: THE SPRING EXHIBITION 2024 | 01.02.24

899 artists and artist groups have applied for admission to this year's Spring Exhibition and with the many applicants, the jury has reviewed 3,373 works in total. The field has now been cut down to 51 artists and artist groups that can be experienced at the Spring Exhibition 2024:



IMMERSION Presents: The Untouchables + TAXA | 10.02.24

N.E.GIRL presents the new electronic series IMMERSION at ALICE , a concept that delves into experimental electronic music and highlights left-field, dub-inspired, and sub-bass styles. This live edition features experimental drum'n'bass with Belgian bass heavyweights The Untouchables and Danish artist TAXA aka Alfredo92 delivering a kaleidoscopic set of experimental drum'n'bass and techno. N.E.GIRL herself opens with a sub-bass set.

Tickets available: https://alicecph.com/event/immersion-presents-the-untouchables-be-taxa/


Copenhagen Pride: The Winter Pride 2024 | 19th - 24th Feb

Light in the winter darkness: You are invited to Copenhagen Winter Pride Come together - be together For the tenth time we are proud to be able to present Copenhagen Winter Pride in Huset-KBH.

See the full program: https://www.copenhagenpride.dk/winter-pride-2024-programmet-er-ude/

Where to find us in February

PUBLIC SERVICE: 'Questioning Creatives' talk about 'Money & Creativity' | 07.02.24

“Questioning Creatives” is a series of talks with creatives who question the status quo of our industry. In this edition, the subject will be money and creativity.

How can we challenge the financial systems of our creative industries?

Does money help or restrain creativity?

What is a feminist approach to money and creativity?

How can we lower the financial barriers to creativity?

Rosa Lois Balle Yahiya , head of the Secretariat and Founder of Another Life will share insights on the cash flows in the music industry and insights from starting a non-profit organisation and building up financial sustainability in it.

Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/questioning-creatives-money-creativity-tickets-788920762237?aff=oddtdtcreator

Tuborgfondet ?rsskrift Live den | 08.02.24 at VEGA

How do we break the glass ceiling in culture?

Rosa Lois Balle Yahiya and Sofie Dyhr from N?stved E-sport talk about how concrete work can be done to break down the structures that prevent minorities from taking part in cultural life.

More info: https://www.tuborgfondet.dk/aarsskrift-live-2023/


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