February Content Ideas for your Blog and LinkedIn

February Content Ideas for your Blog and LinkedIn

If you’re staring at your calendar wondering what on earth to write about in February, grab a cuppa and settle in. I’ve got some content ideas for blog posts, social media, and LinkedIn that’ll keep you posting right through to March.

And no, it’s not just going to be Valentine’s themed content (though we’ll definitely cover that) – there’s only so many heart emojis a LinkedIn feed can take, right???

A warning though – I don’t think about content in the same way a lot of people do – this isn’t another ‘Days of…’ list with literal and obvious ideas alongside. I tend to try and think a little more laterally – if you haven’t watched this video on how I see ‘Days Of… content, its worth a watch. (Put it on double speed, it will only take about 3 and a half minutes, or just read the post.)

The Secret to Brilliant February Content Ideas? Planning Ahead

We’ve all been there – it’s 9am and you’re desperately trying to think of something to post. No judgement here! But February’s got some proper gems if you plan for them. The trick is getting your content ready early so you can tweak it for different platforms. A well-planned piece can give you:

  • A meaty blog post
  • Several LinkedIn posts
  • A week’s worth of social posts
  • Content for your newsletter

Let’s break down a few February highlights and look at how you can create content that actually engages your audience instead of just shouting into the void with a snazzy hashtag.

I’ve included my rationale for the ideas, but feel free to skip those bits if you just want the ideas.

The Obvious February Content Opportunity

Let’s get it out of the way first – Valentine’s Day is February 14th and you’re going to be fighting for attention with a million and one other businesses writing V-Day content. So think a little bit wider than ‘love’. ‘hearts’, and ‘chocolate’.

Blog idea: ‘Breaking Up With Bad Business Habits – Your 2025 Clean-Up Guide’ LinkedIn approach: Share stories about long-term client relationships and what makes them work Social content: ‘Show your business some love’ tips – one practical improvement per post Newsletter angle: Special focus on customer appreciation strategies

The Not-So-Obvious February Content Opportunities

Because February isn’t just about Valentine’s Day and my birthday (Feb 22nd, if you’re asking).

The New Bridget Jones Film Release

Apparently it’s the 4th and last film, and you don’t need to know much about Bridget Jones to know the original columns and books were written in a diary style.

Initially, I thought the Bridget Jones angle could be fun – who doesn’t love a bit of relatable content about the ups and downs of business life? But then I realised I was falling into the classic content marketing trap of forcing a connection just because something’s trending. Using Bridget Jones references might resonate with some of your audience, but it could also make your business content feel less credible and exclude a big chunk of your readers who either don’t know or don’t care about the film.

Want to write about business experiences? Brilliant – but don’t feel you have to wrap it in a film reference just because it’s coming out that month. Your business expertise is interesting enough on its own.

Blog idea: ‘Diary of a Business Owner’ LinkedIn approach: Share relatable business moments in the style of Bridget Jones Social content: ‘Dear Diary’ style business tips and learnings Newsletter angle: Behind-the-scenes looks at real business life

National Pizza Day (February 2nd)

I started with the obvious connections – slicing, portions, delivery – but wanted to avoid the overused “recipe for success” angle that everyone reaches for with food-related content. Instead, I thought about how a pizza works best when different people handle different parts (one makes the base, another the sauce, another handles toppings and serving). That led naturally to content about delegation and teamwork – topics that business owners often struggle with.

Plus, by using the pizza theme subtly rather than hitting people over the head with it, the content remains useful and professional while still being timely.

Blog idea: ‘Slicing Up Your Workload – When to Delegate and When to DIY’ LinkedIn approach: Share how you learned to hand over control of parts of your business Social content: Tips about outsourcing and building effective teams – serve in bite-sized pieces Newsletter angle: Interview different business owners about their delegation journeys

World Cancer Day (February 4th)

When I planned this, I paused. World Cancer Day is a sensitive topic that needs careful handling – it’s not about jumping on a hashtag for visibility. However, it’s also an opportunity to create genuinely helpful content about how businesses can better support their teams through serious health challenges.

I chose angles that move away from the obvious “awareness” posts and instead focus on practical help for employers. Every business owner will likely face supporting staff through health challenges at some point, but many feel unprepared for it. The content ideas aim to provide real, actionable guidance rather than just sympathetic platitudes.

I deliberately kept all pieces focused on the support aspect rather than the illness itself – it’s about empowering business owners to handle sensitive situations better, not about exploiting a serious topic for engagement.

Blog idea: ‘Supporting Staff Through Health Challenges – A Guide for Small Businesses’ LinkedIn approach: Share your company’s approach to health and wellbeing support Social content: Tips for creating supportive workplace policies Newsletter angle: Interview with HR experts about building supportive workplaces

World Nutella Day (February 5th)

When I was planning this, I thought about how Nutella is literally just a chocolate spread, but it’s become massively successful by doing that one thing brilliantly. No messing about with different flavours or trying to be all things to all people – just chocolate and hazelnuts, done properly.

That got me thinking about how many business owners struggle with focus – they try to offer everything under the sun instead of becoming brilliant at their core service. Though I’ll admit the “spread yourself too thin” line is a bit on the nose…

Blog idea: ‘How I Found My Business Sweet Spot’ LinkedIn approach: Share how you found your business speciality and stuck to it Social content: Tips about resisting the urge to spread yourself too thin Newsletter angle: Guide to identifying and dominating your business niche

Time to Talk Day (February 6th)

I started by considering how UK business owners are often rubbish at having difficult conversations – we tend to do that very British thing of skirting around issues until they become proper problems. Time to Talk Day is actually a mental health awareness day, but rather than creating mental health content (which needs expert input to be done properly), I focused on the broader theme of opening up conversations in business.

The content angles I suggested focus on practical, everyday business conversations that owners often avoid – things like having to chase late payments, dealing with underperforming staff, or admitting when you’re out of your depth. The Q&A newsletter piece aims to show it’s not just you struggling with these conversations – other business owners find them tough too.

Blog idea: ‘The Real Conversations Business Owners Should Be Having But Aren’t’ LinkedIn approach: Share a genuine business challenge you’ve faced and how talking about it helped Social content: Quick tips on improving business communication, one per platform Newsletter angle: Feature a Q&A with team members about important business conversations

Charles Dickens Day (February 7th)

Every business guru and their dog bangs on about setting massive goals and dreaming big, but the reality of running a business is usually quite different. When I saw Charles Dickens Day, rather than going for the obvious “Tale of Two Businesses” angle (which would have been lazy), I thought about “Great Expectations” and how every business owner starts with these amazing dreams that often need a bit of adjusting.

The content ideas aim to tackle that gap between what we think running a business will be like and what it’s actually like – but without being negative about it. Instead of moaning about how hard it all is (which nobody needs to read), the focus is on helping business owners set targets that are both ambitious AND achievable.

Though looking at it now, I’m wondering if linking it to Dickens at all is a bit too clever for its own good – the content would work just as well without the literary connection.

Blog idea: ‘Great Expectations vs Business Reality’: Setting Goals That Actually Work”‘ LinkedIn approach: Share stories about expectations vs reality in your industry – what we all thought business would be like vs what it actually is Social content: Series of expectation vs reality posts about running a business (with humour, not complaint) Newsletter angle: How to set realistic business targets without losing ambition

Safer Internet Day (February 11th)

I went down this route because there’s already going to be loads of dull, corporate posts about cybersecurity that’ll scare the life out of everyone but won’t actually help. Instead of adding to the fear factor, I thought about how business owners learn best – from real examples and mistakes they can relate to.

The ‘horror stories’ blog idea isn’t about pointing and laughing at massive cock-ups, but rather sharing genuine mistakes (like forgetting to renew a domain name on time or accidentally deleting an entire presentation) and what we learned from them. Everyone’s made these mistakes – it’s how we fix them that matters.

For the social tips, I specifically suggested one per day because I’ve seen too many businesses dump 20 security tips in one post that nobody will remember. Better to give people one thing they can actually do each day.

Blog idea: ‘Website Horror Stories – What We’ve Learned From Our Biggest Online Mistakes’ LinkedIn approach: Share practical tips for keeping business data secure without scaremongering Social content: One security tip per day leading up to the event Newsletter angle: Security checklists your readers can actually use

London Fashion Week (February 12th)

I chose this angle because every business owner gets bombarded with the “next big thing” they absolutely MUST jump on – whether it’s TikTok, AI, or whatever else is trending that week. Like fashion, business has its fads that everyone gets excited about for five minutes before moving onto the next shiny thing.

Instead of doing the obvious “what’s trending in business” post, I wanted to help business owners figure out which trends actually matter for their business and which ones they can ignore. It’s about building something lasting rather than constantly chasing the latest fad.

Blog idea: ‘Trends Come and Go But We’re Here To Stay’ LinkedIn approach: Share how you identify lasting business opportunities vs fads Social content: Tips for spotting genuine industry trends Newsletter angle: Industry trend analysis and how to adapt without chasing every new thing

Darwin Day (February 13th)

The core of Darwin’s work was about adaptation and survival – how species change to thrive in their environment. When I saw Darwin Day on the calendar, I immediately thought about how this mirrors what happens in business – companies either adapt to changing markets or they don’t survive.

I figured any business owner who’s been trading for more than a few years will have a story about how they’ve had to evolve – whether that’s embracing new technology, changing their service offerings, or completely pivoting their business model. Look at how many businesses had to rapidly adapt during Covid, for instance.

So while there might be more clever or academic angles we could take with Darwin Day (like his actual research methods or theories), I went with the simple ‘evolution’ theme because it’s something every business owner has experienced, whether they planned to or not.

Blog idea: ‘Business Evolution – How It Started vs How It’s Going’ LinkedIn approach: Share how your business has evolved with market changes Social content: Quick tips about business adaptation and flexibility Newsletter angle: Feature businesses that successfully pivoted (maybe even yours?)

BAFTAs (February 16th)

The BAFTAs are all about celebrating excellence in different categories, which made me think about how businesses could use this date to showcase different types of success stories. While most businesses can’t claim an actual BAFTA, they’ve usually got team members or clients who deserve recognition.

I thought it was a good opportunity to move away from just the business owner’s achievements and shine a spotlight on others – your graphic designer who nailed a challenging project, your customer service team who turned around an unhappy client, that sort of thing.

Plus, terms like ‘star performances’ and ‘starring moments’ give you a natural way to link your content to the BAFTAs without it feeling too forced. The behind-the-scenes angle came from thinking about those BAFTA segments where they show how films were made – every business has its own ‘behind the scenes’ stories that clients might find interesting.

So while it might seem like a stretch to link the BAFTAs to business content, it’s actually a decent hook for sharing recognition and success stories that might otherwise not get told.

Blog idea: ‘Star Performances – Celebrating Our Team’s Achievements’ LinkedIn approach: Showcase team or client success stories Social content: Behind-the-scenes looks at your business’s starring moments Newsletter angle: Feature your own business awards and nominations

Half Term Week (February 17th[ish])

Read more in my blog here


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