February Anchor Bytes: Policy Platform, Member Perks, and...
So many exciting things happened in February!
Our reception in Philadelphia was a huge success, with many state broadband leaders joining us and sharing their approval progress and next steps on their BEAD and digital equity plans. We enjoyed reconnecting with them and learning from their experiences.
We also launched three brand-new benefits for SHLB members!
If you’re ready to?become a SHLB member and participate in these calls, please email Eric at [email protected].
In Washington D.C., SHLB's John Windhausen Jr. and Saskya Cabral attended a congressional briefing on Capitol Hill to learn about?amplifying?the voices of underrepresented communities. It was hosted?by Multicultural Media, Telecom and Internet Council (MMTC) ,?ALLvanza,?OCA - Asian Pacific American Advocates, and LGBT Tech .
Plus, a special shoutout to SHLB member Robert Branson , President and CEO of MMTC,?for his innovative approach of using paper fans as ACP awareness flyers in Black churches. What a creative way to spread the word!
AnchorNets 2024: Call for Proposals
We?need your help!
AnchorNets 2024 call for proposals is now open.?We want your ideas for the Anchors Rock! Showcase, breakout sessions, and plenary/ keynotes.
AnchorNets this year will take place:
??? October 2-4, 2024 ??Crystal Gateway Marriott, VA
Policy Updates
Fresh Releases: Annual Report & Policy Platform
We stand at the precipice of bridging the digital divide, yet challenges persist: funding depletion threatens 22M households, pole attachment delays hinder deployment, and the USF faces legal battles.
Still, we advance—schools and libraries lead the way in deploying innovative wireless tech, AnchorNets 2023 was a success, SHLB added three new staff, states have done a great job in including anchors in their broadband maps, and our members continue to rock in getting the nation connected!
SHLB had an incredible year in 2023, driving many of its policy priorities forward. We filed comments and letters and held meetings with the Federal Communications Commission , Congressional?staff, National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) , and state broadband officials.
But the work continues beyond there.
There are already multiple issues teed up that we intend to tackle in 2024.?We look forward to working with our members to continue advocating for high-speed, affordable broadband for anchor institutions and the communities they serve!?
Library Webinar
Last but not least,?we hosted a webinar with the American Library Association and?COSLA?on how libraries can get on the map for federal internet funding. View the recording here.
Member News
SHLB newsletters are made possible by our generous corporate sponsors: Ready.net ENA by Zayo T-Mobile