February 24, 2025

February 24, 2025

Hello friends,

Welcome to the latest issue of The NJSBA Docket, a bi-monthly bulletin with news from the legal community and Association highlights.

Be sure to check out the calendar for our lineup of educational offerings and networking opportunities. Here’s a primer of what we have in store for the coming weeks, as well as the latest court notices from the Judiciary.

News and Notices from the Courts

? The Judiciary released a list of matters with funds on deposit that are scheduled to escheat to the state in 2025.

? The state Supreme Court invites comments on whether New Jersey should adopt the NextGen bar exam as a replacement for the state’s existing bar examination format.

? New Jersey attorneys have until Feb. 28 to complete the annual attorney registration and payment. Attorneys who submit after the deadline will be assessed late fees.

Supreme and Appellate Decisions

?D.T. v. Archdiocese of Philadelphia (Atlantic County and Statewide)—The Court considered whether New Jersey courts may exercise personal jurisdiction over the Archdiocese of Philadelphia in a sexual abuse case involving a Pennsylvania priest.

?Randy Hopkins, Etc. vs. LVNV Funding LLC, Et. Al (Hudson County and Statewide)—The parties disputed whether the defendants, a debt collection agency, waived a contractual right to arbitrate by its litigation conduct.

?State of New Jersey vs. Cindy Keogh, Et. Al. (Somerset County and Statewide)—The appellate panel concluded that the defendant parents, whose son was found guilty of murdering a friend, cannot be held liable for aiding or abetting their son under the endangering statute.

?John Lahoud vs. Anthony & Sylvan Corp., Etc. (Bergen County and Statewide)—A novel issue on whether an alternative dispute resolution provision is enforceable if the party drafting the contract reserves the right to file certain claims in court while the other party does not have that same right.

?Christopher Gill vs. Director, Division of Taxation (Tax Court of New Jersey)—The Appellate Division determined whether the four-year limitation period governing the additional assessment of the Sales and Use Tax (SUT) applies to the issuance of a Notice of Finding of Responsible Person for SUTs that a corporation has acknowledged it owed.

?Township of Jackson, Etc. vs. Getzel Bee, LLC and State of New Jersey (Ocean County and Statewide)—A case involving the Township of Jackson’s exercise of eminent domain against two condemned lots.

NJSBA Hails Reversal of ACPE Opinion 745

Thanks to advocacy efforts by the NJSBA, the state Supreme Court has vacated ACPE Opinion 745, a holding that prohibited New Jersey certified attorneys from paying referral fees to out-of-state attorneys. NJSBA President William H. Mergner Jr. released a statement on how reversing Opinion 745 was a key issue for the NJSBA, as the opinion upended decades of interpretation on the rule and cast a wave of uncertainty over preexisting referral arrangements and how New Jersey attorneys should handle referrals. The Association sought swift relief in the courts to protect attorneys, their clients and the greater legal practice in New Jersey.

Best-Selling Author, Girls Who Code Founder to Headline 2025 Women’s Leadership Conference

The annual NJSBA Women’s Leadership Conference returns on March 3 with special keynote speaker Reshma Saujani, who has spent more than a decade building movements to fight for women and girls’ economic empowerment. Get motivated and inspired by leaders in the law, who will discuss navigating your career arc, fair compensation, how to make industry connections and other important topics.

Leverage Decisis, the NJSBA’s Legal Research Platform

Maximize the value of your NJSBA membership by accessing Decisis, a comprehensive legal research database from LexisNexis. A free Feb. 27 seminar will show how the tool can save time and money, even for attorneys at large firms.

In Case You Missed It— NJSBA PracticeHQ Webinar Tackles Procrastination

The NJSBA’s latest PracticeHQ webinar explored the psychological roots of procrastination, why we intentionally delay tasks and ways to overcome it. Check out the NJSBA’s Practice HQ suite, a member resource designed to help you build and maintain a successful, thriving legal practice.

Deadline Approaching— Make Plans to Join NJSBA Bowling Networking Tournament

The NJSBA’s annual “Battle of the Bars” bowling event returns to Bowlero North Brunswick on Feb. 27. Make plans to join for a night of bowling, fierce competition, networking, food and much more. The deadline to register is Feb. 24.

Whether you are a law student just starting out, a mid-career professional looking to reinvigorate your practice, or an experienced practitioner, the NJSBA has something for you. Join a powerful network of 16,000 legal professionals today. Learn more here.


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