February 2025 newsletter

February 2025 newsletter

3IA C?te d'Azur welcomes Clara Chappaz at Inria Centre of Université C?te d'Azur

February 3, at Inria Centre of Université C?te d’Azur, the 3IA C?te d'Azur teams have had the honor of welcoming Clara Chappaz, Minister Delegate to the Minister of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, in charge of Artificial Intelligence and the Digital Economy.?

Following speeches by Jeanick Brisswalter, President of Université C?te d'Azur, and Bruno Sportisse, Chairman and CEO of Inria, Madame la Ministre enjoyed a presentation of the 3IA C?te d'Azur by Charles Bouveyron, Director of the Institute and 3IA Chairholder, and Nicholas Ayache, Scientific Director of the Institute and 3IA Chairholder.

She was then able to learn about the Institute's work from a variety of angles, thanks to contributions - moderated by Diana Sebbar, Executive Director of the Institute, and Alain Prette, Partnership unit Coordinator - from:

  • Serena Villata, Deputy Scientific Director of the Institute: Ethics applied to AI
  • Marina Teller, 3IA Chairholder: Law and economics of artificial intelligence
  • 3IA Techpool (Benjamin Navet, Stéphane Petiot and Caroline Stehlé): Demos of PEACE, Indago, Disputool and Learn 3D projects
  • Terra Numerica (Dorian Mazauric and Magali Martin-Mazauric): Disseminating scientific culture
  • EFELIA C?te d’Azur (Lucile Sassatelli): Development of AI training at all levels with an interdisciplinary approach
  • Start-ups in the 3IA C?te d'Azur ecosystem:

?AI Verse: Empowering engineers in their pursuit to train top-quality deep learning models – Project led by Pierre Alliez, 3IA Chairholder

?Pulse Audition: The first AI-powered intelligent hearing glasses – Project led by Pierre-Alexandre Mattei, 3IA Chairholder

?SequoIA Analytics: Converting optical fibers into smart sensors using Deep Learning – Project led by Cédric Richard, 3IA Chairholder

?inHEART: Digital twin of the heart – Project led by Maxime Sermesant, 3IA Chairholder

?MYCOPHYTO: Targeted mycorrhization (artificial intelligence and agronomy) – Project led by Paola Goatin, 3IA Chairholder

This visit reinforced the Institute's leading role as one of France's centers of academic excellence in AI.

The entire 3IA C?te d'Azur team would like to extend its warmest thanks for their presence: Charles Ange GINéSY (Département des Alpes Maritimes), Jean Leonetti (Ville d'Antibes Juan-les-Pins - Communauté Agglomération Sophia Antipolis), Bruno Sportisse (Inria), Maureen Clerc (Inria), Jean-Claude Geney (Ville de Grasse), Randy KOTTI (Préfecture de Région), Francoise Simon-Plas (Inserm), Olivier Serre (CNRS), Elise Tosi (SKEMA Business School), Daniel Gesbert (EURECOM), Pascal Gros (EURECOM), Eric Blanco (école de l'air et de l'espace), Dominique Eyheramendy (Centrale Méditerranée).

3IA C?te d'Azur at the launch of the IA-cluster at Inria Centre of Saclay

Diana Sebbar, Executive Director of IdEx and major AI projects at Université C?te d'Azur, and Serena Villata, Deputy Scientific Director of 3IA C?te d'Azur, were at the Inria Centre of Saclay on January 24 for the launch of the 9 IA-clusters.

On this occasion, Diana Sebbar was able to briefly present the 3IA C?te d'Azur institute to Elisabeth Borne, Minister of State, Minister for National Education, Higher Education and Research, Philippe Baptiste, Minister Delegate to the Minister of State, responsible for Higher Education and Research, and Clara Chappaz, Minister Delegate for Artificial Intelligence and the Digital Economy.

Opening the event, Elisabeth Borne reminded the audience that "National Education, Higher Education and Research play a crucial role in making France a world leader in artificial intelligence".

The 3IA C?te d'Azur 2030 project, labeled IA-cluster, is therefore an integral part of the national strategy for scientific excellence initiated by President Emmanuel Macron, with the aim of making France a world leader in AI.

Photo credits: Jérémy Barande (école polytechnique), Julie Dugast (Inria), SIG

3IA C?te d'Azur involved in IA Action Summit

From February 6 to 15, the 3IA C?te d'Azur teams and their partners are offering a wide range of events for all audiences, from experts to amateurs.

  • February 7: Nicholas Ayache?was one of prestigious speakers of the AI and Health Symposium, which will take place at Institut Polytechnique de Paris.
  • February 8: two events for the general public

?Terra Numerica (Sophia Antipolis): Come and experience how artificial intelligence is shaping our daily lives with fun workshops, interactive demonstrations, highlighting the foundations, public/private research and real-world applications of inclusive and ethical AI that is transforming our lives.

Free and mandatory registration

?Maison de l'intelligence artificielle (Sophia Antipolis): Come and understand, discover and experience Artificial Intelligence through an immersion in the MIA Showroom!

Free and mandatory registration

  • February 11: Nicholas Ayache and Serena Villata will take part of the AI Action Summit Business Day at STATION F (Paris)
  • February 13 to 15: WAICF (Cannes)

Learn more

3IA C?te d'Azur at WAICF 2025

The 3IA C?te d'Azur and its partners Centrale Méditerranée, CNRS C?te d'Azur, école de l'air et de l'espace, EURECOM, Inria Université C?te d’Azur, Inserm et SKEMA Business School will be delighted to welcome you to its stand K10.

The Institute's team is delighted to announce that it will be joining forces with ANITI Toulouse, MIAI Cluster IA, PR[AI]RIE-PSAI for this major event.?

On the program:

  • Meetings with researchers from the 3IAs awarded the IA-cluster label
  • Meetings with representatives of 3IA C?te d'Azur consortium establishments
  • Demos by the 3IA Techpool engineers
  • Discovering the start-up ecosystem
  • Discovering EFELIA's training programs

Learn more

New 3IA C?te d'Azur Chairs positions for 2025

As part of its prestigious AI Cluster label, 3IA C?te d'Azur is continuing to expand with an additional budget secured until 2030. This development, announced by President Macron in May, reinforces the Institute's leading role as one of France's centers of academic excellence in AI.?

The Institute is now seeking exceptional candidates among Université C?te d'Azur researchers for its new AI chairs positions and will offer two types of appointments:

  • Senior Chairs: for 4 years, targeting full professors, senior researchers (and similar).
  • Junior Chairs: for 4 years, targeting assistant/associate professors, junior researchers (and similar).

Given the institute's commitment to excellence and limited availability of positions, the selection process will be rigorous. Successful candidates must demonstrate exceptional achievements and contributions to AI research.?

These appointments are supported by the AI Cluster labeling, which reflects France's ongoing investment in artificial intelligence research and development. The expanded funding will help cement 3IA C?te d'Azur's status among France's premier AI research institutions.?

Learn more

Fabien Gandon in "L'oeil du raddar"

Did you have the opportunity to watch "L'oeil du raddar", broadcast on January 21 on TVMonaco? Fabien Gandon was one of the experts invited to take part in this original program.?

The aim: to answer the questions “Who are artificial intelligences, how do they work and how far can they go?”?

Discover or rediscover this fascinating show!


Take note of the next major event: March 17-18, French conference on Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Imaging (IABM 2025), Nice - Palais de la Méditerranée


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