February 2024

February 2024

In The News

Another Industry Cyber Event

In an earie replication of January 2023, the capital markets industry has seen another significant cyber event. Almost a year to the day after the derivatives sector suffered at the hands of a ransomware gang, securities lending platform EquiLend was targeted by the same group.

Given the attack in 2023 caused over a week of industry disruption, EquiLend’s reaction indicates the industry is learning and adapting; They deployed their business continuity plan immediately, and highlighted their actions on their website, including hiring third-party experts to assist in isolating the attack and testing their backups.

Risk.Net have provided an informative analysis into this particular attack. In their article, they highlight not only the risks posed by cyber attacks but the ways in which firms can mitigate them. In this case, the key risk at the moment is the reduction in the ability to fulfil regulatory reporting requirements. The Financial Conduct Authority is taking a proportional line, saying “while we expect firms to have preparations in place to report their transactions as soon as possible, we are aware of the impact and will respond to any firms facing difficulties in a proportionate and risk-based manner.”

The FCA comment highlights the article’s other key finding that firms need to have backup solutions and wargame scenarios. At KRM22 we believe this applies to all aspects of the industry, and have created the Risk Cockpit to assist with understanding how these situations will playout. Product Manager, Niklas Wolfe , says that “the Risk Cockpit can store initiatives that need to be conducted in the event of a risk materializing. Risk Managers can run through the initiative tree in a simulation to stress test how the firm will react to certain events.”

Speak to our sales team to find out how the Risk Cockpit can help you.

FIA Calls for Scrutiny on Pre-Close Calls

In light of exceptional trading of Puma’s stock ahead of a blackout period, prop traders and associations have called for greater scrutiny on pre-close calls, according to Financial News London (FNL).

The practice, whereby a company will brief analysist ahead of the blackout period, has been seen as a “grey” area. As stated by Financial News London, those on the calls will often follow scripts which have been vetted by legal and compliance. FNL highlights that market regulation lawyers suggest that price and volume volatility in stocks of individual companies could be because “the inside-information assessment was potentially wrong.”

The FIA European Principal Traders Association has joined other industry bodies in calling for EU regulators to start to look at this practice in light of Market Abuse Regulations. Their concern is that market makers “trade on price signals rather than fundamentals.” Being able to spot these movements could have a profound effect on their decisions.

Our Market Surveillance Product Manager, Rishav Bose , has been looking into the practice. He stated that “we will continue to keep an eye on this practice and the reaction from regulators. We have already been proactively assessing how we can configure our alerts to track volatile trading in the run up to blackout periods and earnings reports. With the release of our new V3 Insider Trading alert announced at the end of last year we already have the capability to help firms capture these events.”

Contact us to find out how we can assist you with your MAR requirements.


Enhancing Risk Oversight in Derivatives Operations

In the ever-evolving landscape of capital markets, recent studies, such as the?ORX scenarios report, have underscored the mounting challenges faced by firms, particularly within the derivatives space. Among the top three risk scenarios identified are information security, conduct, and transaction processing and execution. In this dynamic environment, the intricate interplay between technology and human processes significantly contributes to the risks businesses encounter.

Read about how we view the effects of the interplay of technology and human risks, and how the Risk Cockpit helps address the problems facing the industry.

Captaining the Boat: Lessons as a Product Manager

In the fast-paced landscape of fintech and startup ecosystems, product managers serve as the captains of the ship, steering their products through turbulent waters to deliver innovative solutions. Rishav Bose , Market Surveillance Product Manager at KRM22, shares his insights and profound learnings, exploring the fundamental principles that define his approach to product management.

Read more


New Features

Risk Cockpit products.

Market Surveillance benefits from a new Abnormal Message alert, where messages can now tracked by participant.

The Risk Cockpit has been enhanced with a Systems Event Dashboard, where users can visualize and investigate trends in risk events. This is the latest in a series of standard dashboards available out of the box.

Read more about each our new features

Absolutely fascinating read ??! As Niklas Wolfe and Rishav Bose delve into the intricacies of operational risk and career journeys at KRM22, it reminds me of a quote by Heraclitus, "Change is the only constant in life." ?? It's incredible to see how KRM22 embodies this through continuous innovation and adaptation in your Risk Cockpit and Market Surveillance products. Keep leading the charge! ?? #Innovation #Adaptation



