Feb 14 – Devotion on Ephesians
Robert Dean Steel
Minister at Cornerstone Community Church and Radio Personality at AM 930 the Light in Edmonton. Author & Musician
Feb 14 – Devotion on Ephesians
22 And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.
???In Vs 22, Paul continues with his thought with how that as individuals we are being built together. There is a process that the Holy Spirit is doing daily. Moment by moment God is working in and through us for His good pleasure. Everyone is being built. God is working in our lives. We may be at different stages of development and because we are all different how that works out with being different as well. The avenues in which this growth happens are through prayer, the word, going to church and sharing our faith. The end game or work on this is that we will become a dwelling place where God lives by His Holy Spirit. Paul used the temple analogy because every day on a prominent hill in Ephesus the temple of Diana stood as a reminder. It was a monument to the evil of the day whereas we are a reminder and monument of godliness in a world inhabited by evil and broken people. It was a temple on a hill we are light on the hill shining for Jesus Christ. It was a temple to a pagan deity where we are temples showing the living God.