Featured Webcasts - Week of 7/22/24
Guide decisions through drug development: Localize critical PTMs at the sub-unit level
Wednesday, July 24 at 12pm EDT | 9am PDT | 5pm BST | 6pm CEST
Discover a powerful, high-speed workflow for developability assessment during clone selection, manufacturing scale-up and QC of protein therapeutics. Gain information for confident identification and localization of multiple critical PTMs utilizing the Intabio ZT system for in depth subunit analysis.
Chromatography Simplified: How CDS Software Drives Efficiency and Streamlined Workflows for GC and LC Labs
Wednesday, July 24 at 11am EDT | 8a PDT | 4pm BST | 5pm CEST
Explore PerkinElmer SimplicityChrom CDS Software, driving GC and LC synergies with its simplified UX. Join and discover new ways for workflows optimization and lab efficiency boost.
Register now: https://www.chromatographyonline.com/lcgc_e/gc-lc-labs
To view all of our upcoming live and on-demand events, please visit: https://www.chromatographyonline.com/webcasts