Featured Solution: Training Journals

Featured Solution: Training Journals

When I coached Karate at University of Edinburgh, when class finished and everyone was showered and changed, we’d congregate at the squash courts. Students would be keen to ask the instructors, “so how am I doing, what should I work on?” which became a familiar framework for feedback. “I’m seeing a lot of improvement in this. I’ve noticed that. So we’re going to work together on the next thing”. Recognition, reward and a path to progression. It’s a coaching philosophy that has carried through into one of our solution blueprints delivered with the ASENSEI software deveopment kit, which we call Training Journals. ?

Steven Webster, CEO

If you’re just beginning to use ASENSEI with your product, one of the experiences we ask our new customers to consider is the training journal, and here is why.

  • It’s a companion app experience, with the lightest amount of code you could imagine to add to your existing iOS or Android app. Add a single button to turn on the “Coach Camera” and just let the camera silently track their 3D form as they follow a workout on your platform.
  • If you’ve already got a large library of existing content, you don’t need to figure out how to blend it with ASENSEI. No real-time updates on screen, or real-time coaching feedback to be mixed with your music and coaching audio tracks. ASENSEI is keeping the feedback until after class. See you at the squash courts.
  • Using a coaching syllabus and teaching strategy designed by your coaching staff, ASENSEI will spot the good?(”I’m seeing a lot of improvement in this.”),?the opportunities for improvement?(”I’ve noticed that”)?and the pathway to progression?(”So we’re going to work on this together”)
  • The ASENSEI software development kit will generate JSON output that turns low-level 3D motion capture, joint angles, exercise detections and fault/nuance recognition into the coaching insights and content you need for dashboards or congratulatory emails!

Use the Training Journal to make your customer feel seen, reward their progress, show them a path to progression and help them discover content that’s already on your platform.

And when you’re ready, add in other ASENSEI experiences like Instructional Learning that can teach drills and skills, or introduce new movements so that customers feel like they’re getting better and better.

Progression is Retention.

Here’s a training journal that can be delivered as a companion experience to an indoor rowing machine.?With only a few lines of code, a companion app watches?a customer row on their favorite rowing machine, generating the JSON coaching insights for post-training feedback such as the email you see here. See how ASENSEI coaching strategies can keep customers engaged by showing them their progress along a learning path.

See a Walkthrough of a Training Journal for Connected Rowing

We're helping customers get started with form-tracking by delivering training journal experiences that create a moment of delight between the end of the last workout and the beginning of the next.

  • Are you thinking about how to add form-coaching to a rowing product?
  • Do you have another product that would engage customers with post-workout feedback, and direct them to discover new content in your library?

Reach out to Blake Whitcomb and learn how customers can add a training journal experience to their product with minimal coding, and within their first quarter of being an ASENSEI customer.

This article first appeared in Issue 7 of ASENSEI INSIDE, a monthly newsletter from ASENSEI.



